Have insanely smart friend

>have insanely smart friend
>knows a ton about philosophy and history
>really well spoken, deep voice, can go on about history without coming off as a sperg like a lot do

I really like talking to him but I know barely anything in comparison. I'm more educated than most normies but I just never have anything to add and conversations usually end up with me asking him questions.
How do I become more like him?

Attached: NLDHDT5.jpg (720x762, 65K)

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Read and discuss literature, faggot

Ask him about the Jews, he will run out of answers in five minutes. Browse /pol/ for the additional material (but ignore Holocaust denial).

just read about any events or people or culture or language, whatever you find interesting, then read about things related to those things your interested in, think of it as a web of information surrounding every event in history. it just takes time, like practicing anything else. and there's nothing wrong with asking your friend questions, it's great that you have someone to discuss these things with.

If he's that smart it's statistically probable that he is Jewish or has Jewish ancestry. Therefore if user followed your advice he might end up losing what seems to be a valuable friend.


He is 100% Greek

I'm currently developing an autistic learning guide for spergs to use mild insanity to their advantage. The basic gist is to utillize autistic obsession on reading material.
The books used for research are these, read these and use them to grow smarter;
>A Mind For Numbers by Oakley - Shitty book with good advice, written long winded but worth it. Basic advice can be gotten from searching Oakleys Ten Rules Of Good Studying. A point missed in the top ten is to review notes while tired, right after waking and before sleeping, and trying to dream about material. Also, the term "Chunking" is really poorly defined. Basically try to break down information into chunks, as large or as small as needed. An example would be if you're studying geography. First collect, simplify and re-write in your own words information about individual continents. Then about those continents countries. Work both up and down, simultaneously, the bigger picture subject and it's smaller components.
>How To Read A Book by Adler. Basically a guide to how to not only read but write a book report after. Here's my personal summery of it, still worth reading
>Write list of books relevant to subject of study.
>Read all material outside of main text. Preface, forward, index, table of contents, appendix, dustjactet, ect.
>Skim the books. Check random paragraphs and sentences. Check underlinings, highlights, italics, bold text, ect
>Speed read the book, don't try to comprehend, just go as fast as possible
>Read normally what chapters seem most important to the book and most important to subject of study first
>Research any words or terms that are unfamiliar.
>Begin reading books analytically, if they're still believed to be relevant to subject.
>Write your interpretation of the following ; What's it about as a whole. What are the major parts in what and relation. What questions does the author ask and what answers are given (In a math book, the questions might be "How do we calculate addition problems?"In a history book, it's "What happened here at this time?".
>Finish reading the book at this point, summering each page in notes as you go
>Write following; Key terms and words. The meaning of important sentences, Arguments from most relevant paragraphs. Determine what has been asked and answered or unanswered.
>Rewrite most important and relevant text in own words. Establish list of questions asked and find answers from all authors. Examine disagreements between authors.
>Review material created in process.
Those are the two main books. I'd also recc various religious texts and some more fringe shit but you might not be into that stuff. I'd also recc Adlers other works like A Guidebook To Learning and How To Speak And Listen. If you do like fringe shit and don't mind kooky-ness, Promethius Rising by Wilson.

>deep voice
Sounds to me like you want to suck his dick

That is to say, Turkish

I kinda do...

Ask him to recommend some of the books he's read. At least then you'll have something in common to discuss.

>really well spoken, deep voice, can go on about history without coming off as a sperg like a lot do
I don’t know about self improvement but I do know about autistic transexuals. You probably are an autistic transsexual whose boipucci aches for his straight cock. I recommend transitioning as soon as possible and becoming a sex slave to him.

See? I was right. Get on the spiro

Why wasn't that OP's first thought when consindering the matter?


Stop being gay

It's okay Jonathan, I don't think you're that retarded. Stop posting about me on this board though.

I already take hrt....

Read more and watch documentaries

Attached: D477PKzWwAAaip5.jpg (700x629, 43K)

I like the movie but it's barely relevant here. It's strongly about revisiting a person after a long time and reflecting on ones view of life - none of this is found in OPs story


He wants to become more like his erudite friend, not some wacky paranoiac.

T. Paranoid schizo

This is surprisingly good advice, user!