No author has ever written as many great novels as Thomas Bernhard. This man is the real fucking deal

No author has ever written as many great novels as Thomas Bernhard. This man is the real fucking deal.

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>*laughs in L Ron Hubbard*

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I agree it is impresaive how consistent he is

Thanks to being part of the Hitler Youth. Apologize to Adolf.

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Are his novellas worth reading?

Everything is worth reading by him he is great

Isn't "Der Untergeher" more like The Underachiever than "The Loser"?

He who goes under, rather.

>hate speech bad!!!!

I'm reading his memoir right now. Based as eff. He's amazingly consistent.

what are the essentials? the bookstores around have a very limited selection

Anyone knows the original names of the novellas: "Amras", "Playing Watten", and "Walking"? I found this collection of his short stories in Spanish but only one of the six titles match_ “La gorra” (The Hat), “¿Es una comedia? ¿Es una tragedia?” (Is this a comedy? Is this a tragedy?), “Midland en Stilfs” (Midland in Stilfs), “Ungenach”, “Watten” (this is the one that matches) y “En la linde de los árboles” (The Limit of the Trees, or something)

Writing many novels with themes Yea Forums happens to identify with is one thing. Writing many great novels is another thing.

>things can't overlap at all

Wow, what a truly autheurly photographygraph, this here is a man who can only be a bona fide and redoubtable autheur. We can only assume he gazes up into the faces of the Muses themselves.

cringe. I sense envy.

Yous sense fookin nuttin ye mad rat, I literally never heard of the hokey bloke

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Congrats. You outcringed yourself. I think you meant to post on Yea Forums, not on Yea Forums.

My sex appeal is apparent in my verbiage. Your obsession and intellectual reliance on “cringe” is transparently projection. Don’t be mad at me that your eidolon is a tryhard nobody. I’m just a young man with big balls and nowhere to put them. Your mans’ll do.

>Don’t be mad at me that your eidolon is a tryhard nobody.
Not anyone's fault you're ignorant about literature, mate. Why you're here is beyond me.

Yeah I must’ve missed the leviathan BERNHARD (??) while scratching my balls on the plebeian beach and sifting through the grains of irrelevant names that comprise the Western canon, like Homer or Shakespeare or Tolstoy. If only I had known BERNHARD I could call myself a worthy literateur like you.
Incidentally I can hear your whistly low test whine from here. Eat a fucking steak.

Yeah, he's considered as one of the best writers of the 20th century, so you were indeed scratching your ovaries in plebian beach all this time. Homer, Shakespeare and Tolstoy are entry level literature. If you think there's any merit in knowing them you must be a Redditor or an underage faggot or both.

Who is the second best after Bernhard? The guy who wrote many good novels but not as many.

>Homer, Shakespeare and Tolstoy are entry level literature.
lmfao thanks for opening your head and proving it’s empty, gg

it's true, though. they're great and all but there's no merit in knowing them. it's like calling yourself a music connoisseur just because you know the beatles or beethoven

If you had any reading comprehension or common sense you would know that I wasn’t endeavoring to list every name I’ve ever read to impress you. The point is that there are many more important works to read than this guy’s and itms hilarious that you think one’s ~literateurship~ depends on him. You’re as much a tryhard as he is, clearly. I’m sure you’ve mimicked this very photo many a time. I’m sure you looked positively beatific.

Then go read them and stop spewing your ignorant nonsense in Bernhard threads.

lol no problem weirdo, I don’t want in your Bernhard treehouse, I only dropped in to mock his photo, it was you who wanted to make a joust out of it like the frothing fan girl you are

yea, mocking a photo like a true connoisseur.

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The Loser
The Lime Works
Wittgensteins Nephew
Those are absolute must-reads.

what was his deal with Wittgenstein?

Good list, but I would add Old Masters.

another mentally ill leftist