WHY are we not staging a new Capitalist Revolution?

WHY are we not staging a new Capitalist Revolution?

Three cheers for the capitalists :3

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Capitalism is kind a broad, vague term and no one here really likes the current system so they're mostly going to be interested in something different.

There are various forms of peaceful transformations within Capitalism towards, for instance, a socialist state the likes of which described by Schumpeter.

Adler and Kelso are pragmatists, however. In light of imagined resistance to socialist agendas, they cut to the chase: a Capitalism where capital is more widely diffused allows for a higher standard of life and more fulfilled members of the society. The oligopolistic and conglomerate tendencies of big business to be owned by a few central hands in the form of ‘shares’ is entirely against the foundation that made capitalism work in the first place.

In that bad ci sea he agrees with Marx.

Basic area* towards the end there...

The ad covered my reply box.

I want a return to tribalism though.

same but only if I'm guaranteed a gf

Looks like the capitalists skimped on pixels when producing the pic they sold you.
What a shitty thing. You've been had, I wouldn't even pay half a (you) for that. Fucking typical.

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You're definately when we kill all the males in the next tribe and take their women captive. Then Stockholm syndrome sets in because women are programed to and boom gf.

>MGTOW and muh redpill

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You wouldn't be able to kill anyone.

Our dna inhabits a female 50% of the time, idiot. Obviously a biological imperative defense mechanism causes women to forgive for the sake of survival and reproduction.

I would I was the kid that tortured small animals and cut their heads off or looked at their guts. You don't have to believe me but I know. When it comes to shooting something you don't think about it you just move otherwise you miss. Something atavistic takes over.

glad we're on the same side, r-right?

It's not. The current system is not capitalism.

Capitalism is merely freedom from coercion - ie respecting property rights.

capitalism is self-perpetuating and self-actualizing

honestly it should be so obvious that socialism is a piss-poor alternative because it had to be purposively designed as a counter while capitalism essentially manifested itself out of innate human behavior

How's that Kool aid?

>can't read
unless you can point to the positive value judgement i gave to anything (that I would presumably be drinking kool-aid for) you need to stop projecting and delicately remove your head from your rectum

rape is self-perpetuaing and self-actualizing

honestly is should be so obvious that consent laws are a piss-poor alternative because they had to be purposively designed as a counter while rape essentially manifested itself out of innate human behavior

>property rights


>when you try t b8 but actually make a slightly cohesive point
I mean, consent laws haven't stopped the flood of anecdotally backed rapes that seem to spawn spontaneously from other rapes- what's your point?

for the record this comparison only functions well if we take into account the debatable reality in which people extrapolate rape to be some complex assertion of male power/privilege (which I am not saying it is or going down that road)

who the hell do you think yu're strawmanning- no where did I make that argument, are you really this sore of an idiot?

yeah ok capitalism exists without property rights

you're missing the forest for the trees
capitalism is a 'system' that can make qualitative leaps- meaning it can, on a dime, shift it's maneuverings to inculcate other, better methods of performing
property rights are just another talisman/relic of capitalisms functioning- the irony is even better exposed when one considers european navys "opening up free markets" with artillery
getting hung up on property rights is missing the self-actualizing and self-perpetuating (and ultimately deadly) quality that capitalism relies on; the bourgoise is just a host for hyperintelligent parasite
socialism or any other designed contruct is a robot made of firewood trying to fight the cloverfield monster, no matter how many contributions of logs guilty white folks throw at it