Hundreds of thousands of books

>hundreds of thousands of books
>life is so short
What did God mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He meant for us to develop this strategy for reading

He meant for you to read Kierkegaard OP

Does he solve the book problem?

books are like flowers that bloom under the light of truth

Quantity is not Epistemology. Presence is not importance. Capacity is not necessity.

The truth is not a point rather.

There’s only 66 books

Not an answer yet.

most books are shit

Good thing only 99.99% of books are not worth reading. You can get through the actually valuable 0.01% in a lifetime and with plenty of time to spare

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uhmm sweaty you're immortal, ok?

Fortunately, it's still possible to read through Guenon et al and the heights of Vedantic, Tantric, Taoist, Sufi, Neoplatonic, Mahayana, Hermetic and Pythagorean metaphysics in one life

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Is the joke here that the woman looks exactly like Hegel?

Fortunately, /lit's/ top 100 is the only set of books you need to read in life, the rest is reddit trash

Same with films,games,places to visit, and other things.Fuck that

"Surely unhappy is he who knoweth all these, and knoweth not Thee: but happy whoso knoweth Thee, though he know not these. And whoso knoweth both Thee and them, is not the happier for them, but for Thee only, if, knowing Thee, he glorifies Thee as God, and is thankful, and becomes not vain in his imaginations."

Which year?

The one with Harry Potter on it.

I usually read 1 - 10 pages a day depending on the book, complete 3 - 6 books a year. Why should you care about reading it all?