
Should I read it?

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I bought this like 2 years ago because one of you niggers recommended it

You won't regret it.

He updated the pdf a year ago and it was better.

Goonan detected

Its no diamond league


Why not?

stop LARPing Goonan. Nobody will ever read your irrelevant shit

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fuck off sean

Every page of this book is interesting, and different from the last.

"Life is completely meaningless and free will allows for people to act on the meaninglessness in different ways, all funneling categorically into the duality: Destruction or Building. The path of building builds the collective conscious and everything necessary to support it to enjoy life and discover Truth, while the path of destruction tears everything down. It is not Wrong for people to decide consciously or unconsciously to ruin what others have built because at the core of why people build, there is no absolute Reason to build in the first place. An absence of absolute Reason does not make destruction automatically Right or building automatically futile.

In the duality something that is wrong is actually something that is destructive. Something that is right is something that builds on top of our meaningless existence for a life worth living and strengthens people against destructiveness.

Fundamental individual destructive tendencies given our free will in a meaningless existence are a lack of self-control, cowardice, a lack of wonder, and a lack of sense of humor. Without courage, self-control, wonder and/or humor the individual and society disintegrates. A lack of those four things leads people to wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, and ignorance. These five major ways that destructiveness occurs greatly diminish the quality of someone's life and eventually lead to the cessation of life for the individual and humanity.

All of these reactions influence the collective conscious, which shapes the existence of the individual and humanity. The collective conscious is the always-changing conglomerate of the collective perceptions (feelings, actions, and understandings) of individuals in a group of people, or in the species as a whole. It cannot be specifically defined at any point in time, just as no individual's being can be defined at any time, but can be felt, recognized, and altered (consciously or unconsciously depending on the person's level of consciousness in any instance) by anything that any human manifests into existence internally within themself or externally through actions. We are all connected by the collective conscious.

Individuals create the collective conscious and are created by the collective conscious.
Individuals influence the collective conscious and are influenced by the collective conscious.

Society is an entity that binds and directs individuals according to the perceived collective conscious. It is intertwined with the individual and can create destructiveness in the individual. A collective effort is needed in order for humanity to self-actualize and be on the path of building. Society is the vehicle for building.

Individuals create society and are created by society.
Individuals influence society and are influenced by society.

A fundamental way society creates destructiveness in the individual is the creation of powerlessness along with, or due to encouraging the destructive behavior above. Society can destroy individuals by pushing wrath, depression, hedonism, madness, and ignorance onto them, and in turn the collective society is destroyed itself. Everything is connected. An individual may have been courageous and in control and possess humor and wonder if not for the outside force of society pushing the person to be destructive. But remember, an individual may and should always strive to be on the path of building despite all of the wrongness surrounding oneself if the individual chooses life.

The Five Destructors


Existing produces mental and physical suffering. Other people or society as a whole can exacerbate suffering produced by existing. The source of this mental and physical suffering is powerlessness. An individual that feels powerless may reject the conditions that produce the powerlessness and retaliate through wrath as an attempt to gain power. The attempt to gain power through wrath is either the attempt to supersede the powerlessness by trying to obtain all the power one can get (which indirectly creates destructiveness in the individual and society), or the direct destruction of anything that creates powerlessness.

Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction."

Before getting to the creation of a strong family, we first have to look deeper into the nature of sexuality.

Sexuality has to do with power, or the individual's exposure and reaction to external and internal power. The individual can either be sexually dominant or submissive. Humanity's biology is one of sexual dimorphism in which men are the dominant sex and women the submissive, but with free will anything is possible. Environmental factors play a role in a person's sexual development, but in the end it is up to the individual to cultivate the right nature.

Homosexual men are averse to masculinity, most likely having had bad experiences with overly masculine men or overly harsh women that subjected the man to fear and powerlessness. Men who are homosexual were likely to be exposed to extremely masculine men (father), counterparted with an extremely submissive mother in which the child would turn to for refuge. The child finds an outlet in femininity away from the domineering excessive masculinity. This develops and manifests later when the child is exposed to masculine boys in which the child feels inferior and turns those feelings into sexual submissive feelings towards the boys rather than trying to be masculine himself. Men who are homosexual may also have had a weak and feminine father in which the child learns and mimics, never understanding the importance of cultivating masculinity, counterparted with an overly dominant/artificial mother that overwhelms and/or confuses the child. The homosexual man becomes averse to the harshness of competing for women and the difficulty in cultivating masculinity. Homosexuals are repulsed by the thought of pursuing a woman sexually because these thoughts only bring feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness. The homosexual derives pleasure from being submissive to more dominant men, the path of least resistance in grappling with his inferiority and difficulty. The homosexual seeks to be dominated sexually by another man because the feelings of inferiority manifest into a submissive sexuality. With socio-sexual mating structures between straight men and women being rigid and harsh at times, homosexuals seek each other out and develop fluid dominant/submissive socio-sexual structures as a way to remove themselves from the harshness of women's selection and the difficult path in becoming a man, experiencing sexual pleasure in any way they can get among each other, whether it be through dominance or submission.

Homosexual men relinquish all self-control. This is why they are likely to be hedonistic and pursue casual sex. The "gayness" of the homosexual is a lack of understanding that a man must be courageous, have self-control, and that true happiness does not come from being overly gay and happy all the time to protect from the harshness of existence, but comes from accomplishment, self-actualization, overcoming, truly connecting with others and so on.

Homosexuals artificially pretend that everything is great and project this pathetic gaiety onto others. In the certain kind of flamboyant gay man these things can be seen the easiest. These projections and the man's feelings of inferiority, especially regarding masculinity, reflect the man's inability to grapple with the demands of existence and the cultivation of power.

Men who are "bears" are hyper-masculine and because of this expose themselves to masculinity's fragility and ability to be rejected in favor of deviancy. Hyper-masculinity fosters a snapping of the mind, because it is an extreme state of being that is taxing on the mind and is not objectively necessary. The hyper-masculine man will reach the state of extreme masculinity, realize that even in that state of being there is still always weakness, and turn on this weakness in exploring the subjective free will.

Homosexual men tend to be perfectionists, which explains a lot of their nature. A perfectionist man finds faults in his character easily and exacerbates these faults as objective and absolute truth. For example a homosexual man may have felt that he could not compete with other men for women because of a sense of inferiority. Being a perfectionist, or absolute-minded person, the man's inferiority manifests into a rejection of his masculine nature in which he feels he is not capable of pursuing. The man delves into what must be absolutely true- he is inferior to other men and must be submissive to them, and this desire to be submissive grows because it is the path of least resistance. The man rejects the pursuit of women altogether and relishes in his pathetic state of submissiveness by becoming friends with women rather than pursue them sexually- something deep down the man truly desires but suppresses. Also notice that gay men/boys turn to women/girls who have the most mental issues and are mostly dominant-narcissistic types of women who think they know it all yet underneath feel crippling doubts of self-worth. The reason for this attraction is because the women seek power in the worship they get from these gay men, the gay men seek to be subservient to women who are perceived to be powerful, and they both seek the mutual reassurance that their mental deficiencies are ok. They both want to be validated. The gay man wants validation of his place of sexual-social inferiority to women, that he is not-worthy of pursuing a women sexually and therefore seeks a woman who portrays that she superior to men and has power over men. The woman wants validation in her self-pride and general confusion and destructiveness in life by a person that is always loyal and subservient and trustworthy, and is still male, giving him more weight than her female peers.

Women who are lesbians can be two things:

Sean man, you very obviously haven't read enough to realize why this is bad. It is neither well written, or very original. I would urge you to read more and find some kind of hobby to occupy yourself besides spamming your insipid book on 4 chan.

Dykes are averse to masculine men because in their past they were exposed to powerful men, along with abusive and destructive men, and then they develop a feeling of jealously towards certain aspects of masculine power, develop hatred towards certain aspects of masculine power, develop blind hatred towards any man that showcases anything that at all resembles masculine power, and develop a strong aversion to being submissive to masculine men. These women live their lives full of wrath. They then try to become men because they feel that they should and CAN be just like men. They want the power of masculinity and they absolutely do not want to be subjected to any male masculine power. Masculine women most likely had a weak feminine father or no father, or were brought up to be “one of the guys†as a child/young adult (developed a masculine sense of competition with men).

The "soft" lesbian is averse to the masculine nature in men but does not want to become a man, and would rather be submissive to another woman than God forbid be submissive to a man and his penis, the symbol of his masculine nature (His tool of sexual power).

The transgender person is a person that takes the pursuance of their deviant submissiveness or dominance to its logical conclusion. A person may delve into bisexuality, then homosexuality, and there is nothing stopping them from pursuing trans-sexuality. In fact the mind will follow this destructive path because it is the path of least resistance. People support transgender people because they believe that because someone CAN become transgender, they SHOULD become transgender. It is destructive to be transgender and it is destructive to encourage transgender for the sake of the creation and preservation of the self and society, especially regarding the preservation of masculinity. People are not born transgender; they become it. The genetic makeup and/or parental predisposition and early parental influence does have a large effect on the individual's probability of becoming transgender, but the notion that a person is simply born that way is wrong. Included in the genetic makeup, a person could be born with certain characteristics that predispose the person to pursuing a deviant path. For example a man can be born with low testosterone and feminine features so he is more likely to pursue homosexuality or become transgender. A woman could be born very large and masculine so would be predisposed to being a dyke or transgender. It is important to always follow the biological nature of masculinity for man and femininity for women no matter what the inclinations of the genetic makeup are.

A reason why a person would pursue sexual deviancy may be because they desire the attention and feeling of being different or special. With the breakdown of social anchors and lack of social curbing, the deviant person recognizes the possibility of being deviant and pursues this deviancy without any repercussion,

gaining all of the sympathy from clueless supporters and attention from anyone else.

The acceptance of the cuckold is the end of masculinity and society. When society deems the cuckold acceptable, men turn to its nature because it is the path of least resistance. The cuckold develops and derives a pleasure in being emasculated. The cuckold desires for their woman in their relationship to sleep around with other men of a higher sexual prowess. Proponents of free will argue that it is good for men to pursue cuckoldry because they are getting what they want, pleasure, without harming anyone. A deeper analysis of the situation reveals that the pleasure the cuckold derives is superficial and that a deeper depression is destroying the individual, just the same as any hedonist. The cuckold takes pleasure in their own destruction. The destructiveness of the cuckold situation is so acute because it acutely destroys masculinity and the family unit. Say men of sexual value five relish in their inferiority to men of higher sexual value and pursue cuckoldry. You still have a society with men of sexual value five and higher pursuing masculinity and building society, but what is stopping the wave of cuckoldry to continue until men of sexual value nine desire to be cuckolded by men of even higher sexual prowess. It will continue until the last masculine man on Earth gives up or when civilization collapses, which is something much more likely to occur earlier.

With free will, there is nothing Wrong with being sexually and biologically deviant, but there is something wrong. The allowance of complete free will opens up a society to the destructiveness of the slippery slope and the adverse effects of more and more people becoming abnormal, discarding masculinity, and discarding the path of building.

Controlling our sexuality structures our mind and society and balances our Power and Animalistic Spectrum.

One of the most important components in creating a strong society and enjoyable life is creating strong families. A strong family is the key to creating a strong individual. A balance in the Power and Animalistic/Artificial Spectrums is needed to create a strong family. "

Is Goonan an incel?

"Animalistic nature is not limited to violence- it applies to sexuality. A society comprised of people that follow a completely animalistic sexual nature is destructive. The consequences of following this nature are far-reaching. A hedonistic nature and an animalistic sexual nature are intertwined, although are not the same thing.

Complete animalistic sexual behavior in men is characterized by the pursuance of having sex with many women with disregard for choosing a single mate to create a family with.

Complete animalistic sexual behavior in women is characterized by the pursuance of a man or many men for only their high sexual prowess with disregard for the creation of a strong family due to:
A. The woman's direct desire to put off raising a family in this pursuit, which also contributes to a long-term negative effect in the creation of a family in section C.
B. The unlikelihood that a man with high sexual prowess will settle down and raise a child with the particular woman given the fact that he has many other options and may be animalistic himself.
C. The elimination of the possibility of raising a strong family with a man who has less sexual prowess than any man the woman has had sex with before. The reason for this is that a woman will only remain submissive and desire to be with the man who is the top alpha male in her sexual past. The alpha male creates in the woman feelings and pleasure that is unmatched by others, and is the only man that can truly command respect from the woman in a relationship. A man who remains in a relationship with a woman in which he has no possibility in becoming the top alpha male in her sexual history is a beta and therefore weaker and inferior to the actual alpha male from the perspective of the woman and her feelings. If the woman disregards her sexual hierarchy and starts a family with a beta male, the partnership is doomed to be weak and they will fail to remain together and fail to create strong offspring. The woman settles with the beta because she is unable to hold down an alpha male, and because a beta male is easily controllable. He provides her with the opportunity to attempt to derive satisfaction from being in a position of dominance, with the possibility of being able to control the man in any way she desires, including using the man for his money. The woman is the dominant person in the relationship with the beta male because she holds the locus of power in the relationship- her sexual feelings and needs that are not being met. The woman's attempt to obtain satisfaction through controlling the beta is foolish, malicious, and destructive, and will not lead to true happiness for anyone. This dynamic in the beta male/dominant female relationship may sometimes be subtle, but if it exists it will produce the same destructive effects.

Before continuing, "sexual value" is the numeration of a person's standing in the socio-sexual power structure created by men and women based on

people's sexual desirability. This does not only involve physical looks, but a number of factors.

In a society that heavily leans on the animalistic side, the vast majority of the male population does not have a stake in society because they are not having sex, and they are not reproducing. The animalistic men have sex with many women that range on the sexual value scale from high to low value. Animalistic men of high sexual value have no problem having casual sex with women of lower sexual value to quench the sexual drive because the sex is seen as easy to obtain and convenient, and because purely sexually speaking in the eyes of the animalistic man, a body is a body to a certain extent. The animalistic women only choose to have sex with top men, even though the women may be of a lesser sexual value and risk being discarded, or they desire to move from top male to top male. The woman of lower sexual value perceives that she is of the same sexual value as the top man she has had sex with. As you can see the people that are having sex are only top men and all women. Men that are not top men, which may be the bottom 80 or 90 percent of men in the population, are not having sex or are barely having sex with women that are well below the women of equal sexual value that these men would normally be having sex with if society was not comprised of animalistic men and women. Men and women of equal sexual value would pair and everyone would be having sex and forming relationships no matter what their sexual value is. Animalistic women may eventually decide to settle down with lesser value men than they have experienced before, and these men will have some sex, but to say that those pathetic instances of manipulative pity sex count as healthy is delusional and wrong. It is important for a society that everyone, especially men, is having consistent healthy sex and this plays out later in the formation of a strong family.

The number of sexual partners in a woman's past matters. The higher the partner count, the more likely that one of her previous partners was of greater sexual value than her current partner if in a relationship. High partner counts are also correlated with an animalistic and hedonistic woman who seeks men that are of much greater sexual value than herself. A hedonistic woman will also lose the ability to pair bond for the long term with a man as she bounces from one man to another and becomes broken, causing her to be unable to form a strong relationship with a man and therefore continue to go from one man to the next, with men also influencing this by being disinterested in being in a long-term relationship with her due to disgust, fear and knowledge that it won’t last or be a strong fulfilling connection, and the threat of being inferior. A hedonistic women is likely to develop a high partner count, and a high partner count woman is likely to be hedonistic.


The effects on a man in being in a relationship with a woman who has had sex with someone in her past of greater sexual value are tremendous and ruinous. The woman has experienced someone of greater value and expects that same value or better in the future- it is in her nature to feel this way. If not fulfilled, the woman will not appreciate her man, develop a growing resentment and disrespect towards him, and be depressed. The man will feel inferior and be depressed and this is the important aspect. The relationship should be broken by either side as a mismatch, but if not, destruction follows. The higher the sex count in women, the higher the stakes are for these women to find a suitable man, and the less likely men of lower sexual value will find a women of the same sexual value that has not had sex with someone of higher sexual value. It is important for women to have respect for the truth and therefore have respect for themselves, other men, and the betterment of society. If women do not have a respect for the truth I have laid out above, then they are ignorant or wrathful. If men do not have a respect for the necessary curbing of being animalistic, then they are ignorant or wrathful.

The men of lower sexual value (which may be 80 to 90 or even 99 percent of the total male population depending on how animalistic or hedonistic the women in the population are) that are not having sex in the animalistic society revert to activities that attempt to fill the sexual void, but this in turn only weakens the man even further and may completely destroy the man. Without consistent sex, which is least destructive if in a consistent long-term relationship, it is easy for masculinity in men to decline and it is replaced with depression, weakness and the man may even start to develop femininity. Men who are not having sex do not have a stake in society, and if they did, their diminished masculinity, depression and weakness do not build society to its greatest potential. A man who is not having sex not only loses his care for building society, he does not care for life in general. The man is not only missing out on sex, he is missing out on one of the greatest and most important things that makes life worth living- the loving companionship of a person of the opposite sex. This is a life that is not worth living, leading to destruction.

The large percentage of men are constantly bombarded with sexual women, but are denied access to sex or choose to withdraw from pursuing sex with animalistic/hedonistic women that pursue casual sex. The denial or lack of sex creates wrath and depression. In order to be happy and in order to retain a healthy level of animalistic nature, men need a sexual outlet, but if there are no women that want to be in relationships the man's only choices are to experience a sexual outlet by becoming highly animalistic and pursuing casual sex, rape, or relinquishing power

and animalistic nature through masturbation. Even though masturbation is a sexual outlet, it is an unhealthy one that only weakens the man and makes him more frustrated and unsatisfied.

A lack of sex is one of the worst sufferings a man can experience. This is part of why women should dress modestly. Dressing immodestly attracts sexual attention. Immodest dress is defined as wearing clothes that showcase the body of the woman through either exposure or tightness. Women that dress immodestly in public are attracting sexual attention from other men and this is bad for many reasons. Whether she is in a relationship or single, this sexual attraction causes the men viewing her to desire to have sex with her. This desire is 99.9999999999% likely to not be gratified in every instance any man looks at the woman. This rising of desire and denial of fulfillment creates a great negative physiological and mental effect on the man. This negative effect could even develop into pure torment depending on how aware the man is of his powerlessness in his sexual urge and inability to quench the sexual urge. Regardless of the awareness, there is always the underlying negative physiological effect. If the man does not feel a desire to have sex with the sexually attractive woman showcasing her sexuality, he is no longer a man and this is bad. It is ridiculous to think that men can and must completely eradicate their sexual urge to appease women that want to show off their body and gain attention without there being any sort of negative consequences.

How a woman presents herself is a window into her entire being. The more immodestly dressed, the more hedonistic and animalistic, among other negative personality traits, in which men are repulsed by the thought of a long-term relationship. A woman who dresses more immodest should only expect to be pursued by animalistic and hedonistic men who desire casual sex, or men slightly less extreme but overall disinterested in pursuing her for a true long-term relationship. Single men who do not desire casual sex, but rather long-term relationships, feel a deep powerlessness as they view a constricted dating pool when they see women who dress immodestly. With the sexual liberation of women, women only choose to have sex with the very top percentage of men. This exacerbates the mental destruction of the rest of men because they hopelessly realize they will never have sex with women who are even on their same level and realize that these women are only choosing top tier men.

If a woman is in a relationship the man in the relationship is a cuck and/or a menace if he enjoys/allows the showcasing of his woman. He is a menace because he contributes to the situation before. If she is dressing immodestly and in a relationship, she is attracting attention from other men thus cucking the man in the relationship because the immodest dress is signaling

she is not receiving enough attention from her man and is seeking out attention from other men. She may consciously or unconsciously want a better man and may act on the attention she gains by dressing immodestly and leave her man for another."

The Chad Goonan vs the virgin Yea Forumser

When is the sequel coming out, Goonan?

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