Borges says more in a single short story than Bolaño in entire novels. Prove me wrong

Borges says more in a single short story than Bolaño in entire novels. Prove me wrong.

Attached: 719px-Jorge_Luis_Borges_1951,_by_Grete_Stern.jpg (740x500, 72K)

Why's Borges so cute guys? It's like he's my own grandpa.

Borges was too enamored with his own idiosyncrasies

Bolaño wrote hundreds of useless pages.

>enamored with
Enamored of. Though this mistake has become so common I suppose you could say enamored with is acceptable. Americans have a habit of slightly altering phrases. "Could care less" is another.

Borges' name is stupid

what do you mean? and what does that have to do with anything?

Might as well just read wikipedia summaries of good books and youll get the same effect

not really

So basically you're saying that reading a description of a cake is the same as eating a cake? Reading a song's lyrics is the same as listening to it?

Who cares how much he's said? What matters is only how he one says it.

>renovating the Spanish language with concise, direct yet elegant prose
Yeah, he wins either way.

Bolaño cares about emotions, Borges about ideas

>Bolaño cares about emotions
does he, though?

spanish-speaking niggas, is borges' writing style/spanish considered hard or easy or what?

Language-wis it's easy and very formal. Imo Rayuela by Cortazar would be something harder.

I love both.

Easy, direct and concise. He's like shorty story Kafka but in Spanish.

The style is simple, it's the ideas that are sometimes hard.

Borges writes descriptions of books

If that's all you got from him I'm afraid you must be mentally retarded.