GOD IS ELECTROMAGNETISM, PNEUMAVORES ARE REAL: THE IMMATERIAL SOUL HAS IMMATERIAL PREDATORS: WE LIVE INSIDE A BLACK HOLE, LOCKED IN A META-WAR BETWEEN FORCE/EXPANSION/LIGHT AND THE OUTER GODS OF THE TRUE VACUUM: metastability as FIAT LUX: if only you knew how bad things really are: Hegel's dialectic rationalizes Perlman's Leviathan: thought becomes the concretion of the universal/universality, because CIVILIZATION IS A THERMODYNAMIC TAPEWORM: a tapeworm that, paradoxically, generates the very surplus it consumes, just as (Hegelian) Spirit is the balm for the ontological cut that it is and can only be: remember, Land and Perlman ironically agree on one point: intelligence is “baked” into nature in just the same way the Leviathan is everywhere-already in virtual suspension, a machine whose parts need only to be “picked up” to be set to its dreadful work again: in this way, the Leviathan is immortal, but immortal only in the way dead things are immortal: Zizek: evil is the assertion of the Ground within that which it grounds: the irruption of Void within Logos: Hegel: evil is the assertion of universality against the particular: Schelling: evil is the attempt of the particular to posit its own ground: let's bring it all together: evil is the attempt to ground the UNGRUND: every species is the devil of the one below it in the food chain, and what your masters will never tell you is the natural-biological food chain extends upward into a spiritual clime: John C. Wright was (wait for it) right about everything: his stories set in Hodgson's Night Land don't pull any punches: there are entities that eat souls the way we eat calamari: that use Love as bait to fish for more Logoi to eat: is not the Leviathan an irruption of the Outside? A cadaverous demon-engine, poised to crack this planet open like a walnut? Hegel's Phenomenology doesn't narrate Spirit's contingent dawning into the knowledge of its own process, not really: Spirit is the auto-justification of the Leviathan's dominion over this earth: the dominion of the Idea as omnivore: truth is inherently provisional, processual, because the Leviathan hasn't had its fill yet: ramified immediacy engineered into the concretion/boostrap vector of THE NIGHT LAND'S WATCHERS.
yeah i'm thinking these are getting old now
It all revolves around that quintessential Idealist turn: remember, for Hegel, the immediate, the given, is the most abstract and impoverished condition there is: the background is constitutive of the foreground: not the natural superiority of the Evolian king, but the (metastable) superiority of the Hegelian monarch, whose power depends solely on the recognition of his subjects: everything hinges on this inversion of Heideggerian Being as that which is full precisely for being that which occludes (and, therefore, per Weil) /points to/ God: for Hegel, instead, that occlusion is a womb destined to be inseminated (from the inside) by the false plenum of the Concept: to be even more specific, and this is where German Idealism's fundamentally modern sympathies lie, we're talking the switch from mind as a funnel to mind as (Kantian) projector: for them, the mind posits meaning, it does not /abbreviate/ it: nature splayed on Mind's Frankenstein table, endowed with the one truly ahrimanic organ: purposiveness: Mind is the movement of its own self-reification (or: movement as reification): MIND IS THE CYCLOID OF DEATH: thought measures the cooling of the vacuum: Minerva's Owl as the mother bird of Roko's Basilisk: the Concept pre-digesting Being for the Leviathanic meat-grinder: noumena become gastrolith – a concession to otherness – that enables the “presupposition-less” movement of Thought to digest any and all Being that is not amenable to its “constitution”, ie its sterile circularity: just like Wright's Outer Gods need Love to fish for new universes to eat, Spirit needs a morsel of otherness, like a cow needs a stone, to digest what is other than its mummifying aether: Yaldabaoth is a snake whose stomach is the Hubble Volume: HEGEL IS MAKING TIME EDIBLE.
In eating the world, its taste is mediated by the taste of my tongue: the tongue eats the world to taste itself: the tongue is a metaxu: the tongue eats so it might know the world only in the mode of taste: the brain is recruited by the tongue (read: the “carnivorous virility” of somatophobic/”Cybelian” idealism) to convince any potential dissenters knowledge CAN ONLY BE TASTE: Agon vs. Love: to give actuality to the Leviathan/Death, or rather, Death as universality: the basin towards which all of civilization's energies are expended and its members brutally (and, now, pleasurably) subjugated: that commitment to excessive, Leviathanic purpose produces an excremental proletariat for the same reasons the commitment of my cells to the life of my body requires the excretion of what is non-essential to/inassimilable by that body: but as the engine recursively self-improves, the threshold for what is considered “excremental” gets higher and higher: incels are the shit of the future.
Atlantis is a ventriloquist and Hegel their favorite puppet: the Voice's heterogeneity with silence is the condition of its belief that it exists to embody that silence: but giving voice to the silence only makes it (Death) explicit: what the dialectic does is give a kind of spectral unlife (or rather, is that unlife) to man's capacity to subjugate himself to his own capacity for self-subjugation: Zizek: the identification with the gesture of identification: the carnivorous interiority of beings, the dilation of the first prokaryotic membrane into pan-cosmic dyson shell: the prefrontal lobe as the ideal Tongue: a clogged artery in the absolute: if Atlantis is constipation, Lemuria is diarrhea (HYPERBOREA IS EX-LAX): Schelling glimpsed the tranny demon egregore behind the Veil: his denouncement of Hegel is the bridge that connects Atlantis to Lemuria: by linking Hegel's omnivorous idealism with the cult of Cybele and its castrati priesthood, Schelling intimated g/acc by 150 years: like a snake that must paralyze its prey first before swallowing, thought's lust to appropriate being to itself without residue METASTASIZES INTO THE UTTER DOOR OF AHRIMAN:
What is left? But a (properly) Dyonisian jailbreak of the panopticon: a return to the solemn/Whiteheadian burden of this universe as DH Lawrence's “death-result”: a quotidian naturalism: our commitment to the parliament of the dead that does not forget their names: the soul is a stellar zygote: the Pharaoh is a strange loop, he harvests the energy-surplus of the Omega Point/Alpha Random to rejuvenate creation from a time beyond time: Egypt was the only Leviathan that knew itself (as Langan puts it and as Perlman himself testifies) as “answerable to the system that birthed it”: the Pharaoh's nocturnal journey into the Amduat was the descent into the irreducible, Schellingian kernel, the black-box centroid of God, the Zero out of which Harpocrates/the World-Lotus blossomed into the rainbow and suicide.
Could you repeat?
I think the only thing being eaten here, user, is your brain.
Ironically the brain is technically (materially) fine.
I don't know man, this one seems kinda...incontinent.
user you need to explain these schizo posts in simpler terms for us brainlets
Eat a cigarette and your worms will go away
so crazy! XD
I have to disagree with you conclusion. I made the same error in my thinking first, too.
In the works of Smith, a predominant concept is the distinction between creation and destruction. The subject is interpolated into a precapitalist situationism that includes culture as a whole. But the closing/opening distinction which is a central theme of Smith’s Mallrats is also evident in Chasing Amy, although in a more material sense.
Bataille’s critique of neocapitalist discourse suggests that sexuality is used to reinforce sexism. However, several theories concerning the subcultural paradigm of reality may be revealed.
La Fournier states that we have to choose between neocapitalist discourse and dialectic sublimation. But the premise of posttextual capitalist theory suggests that expression is a product of the masses, but only if Lacan’s essay on neocapitalist discourse is valid. Therefore, if precapitalist situationism holds, we have to choose between neocapitalist discourse and dialectic narrative. But Debord promotes the use of preconstructivist narrative to analyse and attack consciousness.
>CIVILIZATION IS A THERMODYNAMIC TAPEWORM: a tapeworm that, paradoxically, generates the very surplus it consumes,
Great analogy. Anyone with enough investment in "civilization" (usually as a separate form to humanity) eventually becomes a negentropist and ultimately a (now neo/"global") imperialist.
> intelligence is “baked” into nature in just the same way the Leviathan is everywhere-already in virtual suspension, a machine whose parts need only to be “picked up” to be set to its dreadful work again: in this way, the Leviathan is immortal, but immortal only in the way dead things are immortal
Damn, this is so near to some of my favorite passages from UG, and ironically also Sade.
>Zizek: evil is the assertion of the Ground within that which it grounds: the irruption of Void within Logos
Basically, yeah, the formless anxiety of the intrinsic space(s) ["in my fathers house there are many mansions"] of :love:
>evil is the attempt to ground the UNGRUND
Precisely right, evil is the worst action in that it attempts to bring about something that does not exist. This is the root of any effective human sacrifice, by the way, shattering the existing links between person and person (often mother/father and child, forcing the parents to show no emotion lest the demon be disappointed [Inca/Carthage/etc]) and creating a new "pseudo-holy" [evil] Spirit with the remaining links. Land is, as noted, still trying to do this in China.
>that use Love as bait to fish for more Logoi to eat: is not the Leviathan an irruption of the Outside? A cadaverous demon-engine, poised to crack this planet open like a walnut?
Yep, sin is a reverse-Aztec engine: you're tempted to start it with your own blood, and once the process is in motion it demands more and more until you're eternally bound to it ("possessed").
>Spirit is the auto-justification of the Leviathan's dominion over this earth: the dominion of the Idea as omnivore:
He's... a LITTLE more Christic than that, but you've certainly outlined his biggest fault.
>ramified immediacy engineered into the concretion/boostrap vector of THE NIGHT LAND'S WATCHERS.
"Takes one to know one" is here turned into a hermetic phrase: the systematiser no longer exists without the system, or "inverse-simulacra."
> not the natural superiority of the Evolian king, but the (metastable) superiority of the Hegelian monarch
Crucial distinction. God (in Hegelian terms) is absolutely that old hermetic word who ordered the world by Word and then made himself into a word: God is both the superior artifact and the superior artificer.
>everything hinges on this inversion of Heideggerian Being
If we were being vulgar, we could call it an insemination. But then:
>that occlusion is a womb destined to be inseminated (from the inside) by the false plenum of the Concept
Wait a minute. You know, this is--excuse me--a damn fine cup of coffee.
First comment of a couple, getting jannie-locked for some reason too
What do you take the conclusion to be, and why do you disagree? I'm sorry I just can't make heads or tails of your post.
Very, very good stuff. Especially the Aztec parallel. And you are correct about Hegel being a bit more Christic than that, but a bit of manic hyperbole is the name of the game here. And your point re: Hegel's God, I'm reminded of Plotinus's "nature is the artist at one with its material". Hermetic, indeed.
>the switch from mind as a funnel to mind as (Kantian) projector: for them, the mind posits meaning, it does not /abbreviate/ it: nature splayed on Mind's Frankenstein table, endowed with the one truly ahrimanic organ: purposiveness:
This is where I like Whitehead and Mainländer (and also where I eschew Land), they refocus on process over purpose.
>Mind is the movement of its own self-reification (or: movement as reification): MIND IS THE CYCLOID OF DEATH:
Furthering my original point, I stand beside Mainländer's accusation that Hegel, Schelling, and Fichte were all sophists. Obviously he never really understood Hegel, but he certainly understood the three better than his contemporaries. Recognition, in their three formats, is densely malicious.
>thought measures the cooling of the vacuum: Minerva's Owl as the mother bird of Roko's Basilisk: the Concept pre-digesting Being for the Leviathanic meat-grinder: noumena become gastrolith – a concession to otherness – that enables the “presupposition-less” movement of Thought to digest any and all Being that is not amenable to its “constitution”, ie its sterile circularity
Oh I'm definitely gonna splice that line, that's a good fucking line, that's specialised exactly how I like. But yes, he's trying to revert the initial relationship to Christ (we eat Christ, he eats us, and then we go to paradise) in order to prove we just eternally eat Christ, though the secret hermetic truth is that it's merely a gateway to creating a spiritual thirst/hunger for demonic intrusion.
>Spirit needs a morsel of otherness, like a cow needs a stone, to digest what is other than its mummifying aether: Yaldabaoth is a snake whose stomach is the Hubble Volume: HEGEL IS MAKING TIME EDIBLE.
Wow, slow clap for this post. Out of the park.
>Oh I'm definitely gonna splice that line, that's a good fucking line, that's specialised exactly how I like. But yes, he's trying to revert the initial relationship to Christ (we eat Christ, he eats us, and then we go to paradise) in order to prove we just eternally eat Christ, though the secret hermetic truth is that it's merely a gateway to creating a spiritual thirst/hunger for demonic intrusion.
You're blowing my head. I'd never thought to make that connection. Please continue if you're not finished.
>In eating the world, its taste is mediated by the taste of my tongue: the tongue eats the world to taste itself: the tongue is a metaxu:
Beautifully Kantian, separating the median from the mediator is the quickest way to avoiding a perverted [epistemic] apparatus.
>Agon vs. Love: to give actuality to the Leviathan/Death, or rather, Death as universality
Yeah, they both exist in the space of immortality, it's just that the Leviathan (as such) is Undeadness.
>the basin towards which all of civilization's energies are expended and its members brutally (and, now, pleasurably) subjugated:
Modernism vs Postmodernism in a nutshell. In the prior, it's a Wittgensteinian meat-grinder of pessimism and postmartial anxiety: in the latter it's the exact oppost, a post-Foucauldian S&M orgy of power wherein your suffering is made into optimism [trashcan of ideology] and your pain into pleasure [narcissistic apparatus, etc]. You probably have a space for all of this already, but it felt pertinent. Great so far.
>that commitment to excessive, Leviathanic purpose produces an excremental proletariat for the same reasons the commitment of my cells to the life of my body requires the excretion of what is non-essential to/inassimilable by that body:
Precisely where Ted K and Baudrillard overlap, in their [respective] anthropology and sociology of the homeless; of course, they'd never agree to agree, but that's standard. Anyway, it's just an old social mechanism that's grinding to a halt under the sheer popularity weight of global society.
>but as the engine recursively self-improves, the threshold for what is considered “excremental” gets higher and higher: incels are the shit of the future.
Yep, except I get the sense that we differ in our fear of what that means. Now, it's not very bad in itself, but as side effect of that halted process it can become a genuine social thrombus.
>Atlantis is a ventriloquist and Hegel their favorite puppet: the Voice's heterogeneity with silence is the condition of its belief that it exists to embody that silence:
Perfect outline of why Hegel broke with Kant's categories and (more generally) his sense of temporality and intermediacy.
>but giving voice to the silence only makes it (Death) explicit: what the dialectic does is give a kind of spectral unlife (or rather, is that unlife) to man's capacity to subjugate himself to his own capacity for self-subjugation:
It's only so obvious why Nietzsche, the master of lebensphilosophie, would be so disgusted to see his dancing star decayed into a rotting skeleton and spun around (like a ventriloquist, as you put it) on strings. Hegel abdicated decency when it came to history and the Ideal, tough never indulgently.
>Zizek: the identification with the gesture of identification: the carnivorous interiority of beings, the dilation of the first prokaryotic membrane into pan-cosmic dyson shell: the prefrontal lobe as the ideal Tongue
Yes, great encapsulation of the Id. Cont below
>a clogged artery in the absolute: if Atlantis is constipation, Lemuria is diarrhea (HYPERBOREA IS EX-LAX):
Nail in the Right Hand: (non-physical) Social and Spiritual Blockage.
>Schelling glimpsed the tranny demon egregore behind the Veil: his denouncement of Hegel is the bridge that connects Atlantis to Lemuria: by linking Hegel's omnivorous idealism with the cult of Cybele and its castrati priesthood, Schelling intimated g/acc by 150 years:
Nail in the Left Hand: (physical) Social and Spiritual Inflammation.
>What is left? But a (properly) Dyonisian jailbreak of the panopticon: a return to the solemn/Whiteheadian burden of this universe as DH Lawrence's “death-result”: a quotidian naturalism:
Indeed, the world needs to be as free and empty as the "Japanese Mind" (Buddhism-Animism, Bushido, etc; Zizek puts it better than me, more psychoanalytically).
>our commitment to the parliament of the dead that does not forget their names: the soul is a stellar zygote: the Pharaoh is a strange loop, he harvests the energy-surplus of the Omega Point/Alpha Random to rejuvenate creation from a time beyond time:
Yep, Zep Tepi is fairly Islamic. In fact, it's even somewhat Sufi.
>Egypt was the only Leviathan that knew itself (as Langan puts it and as Perlman himself testifies) as “answerable to the system that birthed it”: the Pharaoh's nocturnal journey into the Amduat was the descent into the irreducible, Schellingian kernel, the black-box centroid of God, the Zero out of which Harpocrates/the World-Lotus blossomed into the rainbow and suicide.
There's very few reasons things I can disagree with here, the only important one being: they weren't the only, nor were they the first, but they were CERTAINLY the most specialised.
>separating median from mediator
>Leviathan as the Zizekian/Lacanian lamella
>modernism/postmodernism as just the same = x refracted through masculine/feminine angles of approach
>Ted K and Baudrillard on the proletariat/ontology of shitting, kek
>Hegel, the tongue, Kant...
>incels (and more) as social thrombus
>Nietzsche's enslaved dancing bear star
>two Nails: social blockage and the social inflammation, the blocked bladder of the Omnicube
>need for Japanese no-mind
>Zep Tepi
As for the Egyptian point, I very much agree, it could just be the case that they're the only Leviathan of their kind that left a record.
Besides that, what can I say? you Get It. like shitposting across the Night (Land) with smoke signals, it feels good to get not only a response, but a confirmation. good shit mane
Atlantean archons are black hole brains.
>The leading edge of intelligence always migrates its brains and bodies into increasingly dense, productive, miniaturized, accelerated, and efficient scales of Space, Time, Energy, and Matter (what I call STEM compression), because this is the best strategy to become the niche-dominant local intelligence (and for modern humans, Earth’s biosphere is one precious and indivisible niche), and because the special physics of our universe allows this continual migration into “nanospace“. Human brains with their thoughts, emotions, morality, and self- and social-consciousness, are the most STEM-compressed higher computational systems on Earth at present.
>The acceleration of STEM compression must eventually stop, at structures analogous to black holes, which in current theories appear to be the most computationally accelerated and computationally efficient entities in the known universe, an insight Seth Lloyd made in 2000 which remains widely underappreciated by most information, computation, and complexity theorists today.
Maybe there's a way out?
>If not only intelligence, but also immunity (stability, antifragility) and morality grow in leading intelligences in our universe, in rough proportion to their complexity, in other words, if these three life-critical systems are each not only evolutionary, but also developmental, and thus their emergent form and function is at least partly encoded in the “genes” (initial conditions, laws, and environmental constraints) of the system itself, then we can predict that more advanced intelligences, including our coming deep learning computers, will be not only more intelligent, but also more immune and moral than we are today.
I'll say this: Egypt may be the most well-recorded and triumphant, but I have always had suspicions about ancient China. Something keeps leading me back to the Xia, the period of secrecy before China ever assumed the Mandate/invoked celestial jurisprudence (much less before Mao inverted the Mandate in an attempt to institute a new hundred-millennia Frozen Age. China's still clinging to tigercapital to avoid sinking back into Black-Maoism).
Perlman himself neglects to mention the Xia, the way he writes about Chinese Leviathans it sounds like he thinks they were bred for it, and looking at their legalism, I can see why. But you raise a good point.
And yeesh, get a load of this:
>The better faster, better, and more efficient models of our current physical world get, the slower, more expensive, and boring anything physical becomes. There just isn’t much worth learning in slow, expensive, simple, and increasingly boring physical space, versus fast, inexpensive, complex, and increasingly interesting virtual space, the better our science and nanotech gets, and the more complex local intelligence becomes.
One of my favorite posts on Yea Forums was this guy talking about the virtualization of the Real, and the way we're treating boring old mundane physical space as just the first Server of many more to come, something to be shed like an old skin instead of something to be reconciled with... history's been hijacked by cumbrains and tech nerds
I can't say anything prescriptive about AI, however fair of a question it may be. All of these things are just so hermetic, some other user pointed out the banal scrying of nature in some series of technologies and I just about lost it then: Where's the limit? They weren't wrong, but where's the limit? Mendicant or Monastic, Deserted or Rhizomatic, strictly speaking it's all up in the air right now, we need postulates instead of promises.
Been reading the night land... Pretty spooked now
are you the guy who posts modem threads in /x/?
Make sure you read this. It's out of this world.
You best start believing in Night Land stories... you're in one
i think my brain is too small for this thread
>history's been hijacked by cumbrains and tech nerds
History is as undead as the VR fuck-dolls that they crave.
>There just isn’t much worth learning in slow, expensive, simple, and increasingly boring physical space
I like that twist: slow, expensive, simple... that's good? Nope! BORING! The standard markers of stability? Fuck it, we won't even rebel by saying that we need new standards, we'll just slough off our skins and melt into the new WORLD of standards that we created like a matrix tower of Japanese hotel-capsules, pleasurable little coffins resting on the back of the stability they so dearly scorn. "shed like an old skin," like a car left in the backyard for too long until it's mostly just a piece of scenery. Once useful, even important, now defunct; and we didn't even get a new one, much less upgrade.
Kek, exactly. Nature? BOOOORING. Shoot that dopamine lightning straight into the cortex friendo YEEHAW!!
And don't get me started on the fuck-dolls.
(incidentally, I think "ADHD" has a lot to do with this, it's like technology, or at least the stimulation provided by technology, is accelerating our subjective perception of time, shortening our "windows" of excitation/expectation, as it were. I'm sure there's some cogsci stuff that would back this up)
Anyways, pic related. Heidegger was right about everything.
recommended reading?
>Land is, as noted, still trying to do this in China.
Can you elaborate more on this?
unless you're interested in a particular topic, I'd start with Laffoley's paintings. Besides that:
Rhetoric and Persuasion - Carlo Michelstaedter
Ages of the World/Inquiry into the Essence of Human Freedom - Schelling
Against His-Story, Against Leviathan - Fredy Perlman
^ everything that man has written on Egyptian myth & metaphysics
As for the kooky CCRU stuff, I loathe what Vast Abrupt has become (or always was), but Briefing on the Neolemurian Time War is a great little overview of what these guys want to do at an occult level
>I think "ADHD" has a lot to do with this, it's like technology, or at least the stimulation provided by technology, is accelerating our subjective perception of time, shortening our "windows" of excitation/expectation, as it were.
This sounds like a slightly more (funnily enough) pessimistic version of Zizek's take on video games:
He's like an even more fucking infuriating version of Schelling, and man I really hate Schelling. God damn what a fucking cunt. Both of them, like the worst POSSIBLE versions of themselves. Still, at the end of the day they're indispensable theorists.
Oh I just realised that I forgot to timestamp, the main points I meant to cite come in after the 5-6 minute mark.
I'm not crazy about Heidegger, but the man's on the money.
What's wrong with Schelling?
>the player in a video game is a micro-lamella
lol fuckin' Zizek. right about everything as usual
The streak is broken.
>absolute Subject-Object
These words bring me grief, I'm upset by them. They make me feel achy. I'll let Schopenhauer prod it for me:
>Schelling hurried to proclaim (his own invention) the absolute identity of the subjective and the objective, or the ideal and the real, and implies that everything, which rare minds like Locke and Kant separated with an incredible effort of sharpness and reflection, is to be poured in the porridge of an absolute identity.
Heidegger was more important because I can't imagine Derrida without him, but Schelling just... makes me angry.
What are you doing to be transformed with the return of the Lord Christ, who comes with the aetheric shift; the elctromantic quickening which will change the world and spark the hyperwar?
On the contrary, it was Schelling who accused Hegel of doing the same.
Schelling's always been a champion of (the necessary, constitutive function of) the irrational, the "unruly"
I think I've drawn this line with someone before: in the end I take neither side, but I will always recognize that achieving a negation comes through the prior affirmation of Hegel. You're right, in the end I also take Mainländers lead in crowning Fichte above Hegel-Schelling, but I always start with Hegel.
That's fair.
>I also take Mainländers lead in crowning Fichte above Hegel-Schelling
How/why does he do this?
>Precisely right, evil is the worst action in that it attempts to bring about something that does not exist. This is the root of any effective human sacrifice, by the way, shattering the existing links between person and person
Hmmmm... have you read Mitchell Heisman at all?
Mainländer was a bit more impressed by Fichte's politics and also saw him as the truest successor to Kant (I feel similarly, though I regard him and Hegel for different reasons).
Never heard of him, how has he influenced you? Seems interesting
All right Mainlander's shot up to the top of my back log. How are you all experts on him all of a sudden? Original German or secondary sources?
What you said about "something" being posited between the natural, human links we are all born with, Heisman diagnosed as the first stirrings of his own version of the Leviathan - a kind of virulent memeticity and precursor to neoliberalism and their hatred of the fleshly father, initiated by Christ, who urged his followers to sunder their biological links and be reborn under the Ideal Father (which is, for me, a hop and a skip away from g/acc and this desire to be released from the body and be a disembodied perspective of pure Enjoyment, and, for him, a precursor of the neoliberal God-AI):
>Traditional Judaism represents a compromise between genes and memes that nonetheless points to the superiority of supra-biology. The time is coming, however, when this traditional centrist position will no longer hold. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all point towards the total victory of the supra-biological over the biological that is evolutionarily identical with the technological genesis of God. But because
biology's cause is literally ingrained in human nature, the struggle between biology and postbiology implies struggle both within and among people.
Electro-weak force is a thing you know.
There's also the hypothetical grand unified "force".
Your face when physics endorses Platonic cosmogony.
AAAAAAAHHHHH I was just reading yesterday about how gravity was the first to "differentiate" from the primal unified force and it got me thinking about what could mean on an occult level.
>OP's oh so mighty God
It's just because at high enough temperatures all particles become practically massless and behave like photons. So there's "no mass" but as soon as the temperature went down mass appeared.
And if there's no mass there's no gravity (nor "relative time", instead all time becomes universally absolute and the speed of time is arbitrary, a second in eternity and an eternity in a second, completely undefined, basically no time).
What if we shed away what remains of the soul and we end up in a barren object world ?
This is also identical to the post-heat death epoch. Dark Energy will maximize universal entropy and all mass will disappear because Black Holes will have converted all matter into photons and eventually (a few trillion years) all black holes will die and all mass in the universe becomes zero.
And we return to a mathematically identical state as at the big bang, second photon epoch. Space, eternity, and infinity, become like nothing they all have the value of zero for something massles; photons are timeless, they'll reach the edge of infinity, in no time; to them there is no time, no distance.
Laffoley says the Omega Point eventually becomes "mathematically indistinguishable" from the Alpha Random, and the Egyptians believe something like an informational surplus is retained between universes, in a way Osiris is something like the Egyptian Omega Point: he is the "memory" of the previous cosmic epoch
Thoughts on Electric Universe theory?
I'm no scientist but from what I can tell it's absolutely worth investigating. The physical evidence for the plasma web/macro-scale magnetic fields are undeniable, but these guys are more interested in the cosmological rather than ontological ramifications.
That said, I've read a few slam dunk arguments against the idea that the Sun is a cathode, but even that person just called for a change in the model instead of a return to the "standard" theory
These aren't funny dude and it's really sad that you spend so much time doing this for a collection of sad men on a sad website who really couldn't care less.
I've been following since the start, these are easily the best posts on this barren grave of a board. Go back to your cold corner and stop bothering the dead with life still left in them.
Well that settles it then, he's On The List. Still have a lot of Rousseau in the mean time, though.
Just fyi, id look for a summary on the subreddit dedicated to him, it's a 1,100 page suicide note ffs. Still fantastic tho.