A god who could make good children as easily as bad...

>a god who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell — mouths mercy, and invented hell — mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!
You can't say he's wrong.

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hes wrong

demiurge is a prick yeah

God bless you OP.

You’re here to grow.
Ignore abrahamic guilt mongering

uggghhhh why isnt everything good and perfect god is retarded xD

read Genesis and Job, Christianity refuted this thousands of years ago

>we don’t understand why God can be evil
>therefore we shouldn’t question it
>case closed

Welcome to christcuck logic.

The Greeks argued the same.

People say Mark Twain is America's second rate Voltaire, but I've always preferred Mark Twain.

Suffering is a logical by-product of omnipotence.

Atheists are pseuds

Of freedom, not omnipotence. But yes, as long as you make free people it's inevitable they will suffer.

Yeah, but god made us neither free nor happy.

O ~> F ~> S
O ~> S

However you look at it, suffering is a necessity. I would argue that true freedom eliminates suffering, however.

>a god who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad one
Humans were good when God first made them.

>who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one;
Humans were happy when God first made them.

>who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short;
Humans did not have bitter lives when God first made them. God cut our lives short as mercy.

>who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body;
Did he never hear of fallen angels?

>who mouths justice, and invented hell — mouths mercy, and invented hell — mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell;
It is just that unrepentant sinners go to hell.

>who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all;

>who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself;
Never read the New Testament, huh?

>and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!
This man had another master.

Do you believe in evolution or not? If you do then when were humans in that state before the fall?

>Humans were good when God first made them.
God has perfect knowledge of everything -- past, present, and future -- meaning he made them good at first knowing that they would sin (i.e., he made them to sin).

>Humans were happy when God first made them.
God has perfect knowledge of everything, meaning he made them happy at first knowing they would become unhappy (i.e., he made them unhappy).

>It is just that unrepentant sinners go to hell.
God, having perfect knowledge of everything, knew they would end up being unrepentant sinners when he made them.

Behind every sin and sinner is God, the inventor of sins and sinners.

>>who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body;
>Did he never hear of fallen angels?
That's like saying I earned all of my constitutional rights because prison exists.
You're dumb as the dirt god made Adam from.

>waaaah if God real why bad thing happen

Neither here nor there.

I know that you're going to be a faggot tomorrow. Does that mean I'm personally responsible for your faggotry and you aren't? No, you're still a faggot.

Samuel Clemens in his hurry to make an argument hinging on some supposed inequality between angels and humans seemed to forget that in Christian doctrine some angels also rebelled against God. You seem to be mistaken in thinking I'm making a counterargument by simply pointing out that factual error in his premise. I'm sure you're nearly as smart as you imagine yourself to be, though.

If you could change or prevent his faggotry, then you are responsible, faggot.

based and truespiritualitypilled. wish more people thought like you :) every soul is on a path of improvement

>you're the reason why I'm a faggot!!! you could have stopped my flagrant faggotry!
lol tell it to the judge, faggot

>Does that mean I'm personally responsible for your faggotry and you aren't?
If, like God, you not only know I'm going to be a faggot tomorrow but also created me to be a faggot tomorrow, then you're absolutely responsible.

If an engineer designs an intelligent robot to be kind and helpful for a week and then explode, is he responsible for the explosion?

those are jewish books my friend. and i suppose they did in a sense. fear of the demiurge is more important than love

Cringe, literaly Neoplatonism answered this.

>why do bad things happen
Very low IQ.

then you're not free to suffer

>Believing in Christ memory implants when you can get audited to remove the midichlorians from your husk.

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But now we’re not free to abstain from suffering

You aren't an intelligent robot. You're a person (no comment on your intelligence). You could be perfect if you wanted to be. But that isn't what you chose. You chose to be a faggot.

But if God already knows how I will act in the future then I didn't really have a choice.

Hell, *I* know how you're going to act in the future. How does my knowledge take your choice away? I know that you'll continue to be a faggot tomorrow just like you are today. That doesn't mean you don't have a choice. You're solely responsible for your faggotry despite basically everyone you meet being fully aware that you're going to continue to act like a faggot for the foreseeable future. You can stop at any time, but you won't, because that isn't what you want, because you're a faggot.

That’s not really a valid argument. If God is outside of time, then of course he will know everything in the future, whether or not you had free will or not. There’s a better argument for why we don’t have free will, but this one is no good


holy based

>a god who could make good children as easily as bad
Fascinating how his very first premise is completely wrong.

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If he created me knowing everything I would do then he is responsible for everything I do. Not that hard to understand. If he's truly omnipotent and omniscient then my life was predetermined.

Again, not a valid argument. Assuming God could have created us with free will, then he would still know what we would do in the future, because God transcends times. Why do you see those two things as a contradiction? Create a more convincing argument

>1. God created me
>2. God knows the future
>3. Therefore, God is responsible for everything I do.

How do we know that the conclusion follows from the premises? Is it not possible for the premises to be true, and the conclusion false? I think you’re missing premise or two

>Omnipotent beings dont make sense

Duh God only makes logical sense(to us) if its flawed.

God in the bible has a bunch of character flaws like jealousy and unleashing indiscriminate wrath on innocents.

To say that God is flawed is to say that he isn’t perfect, and that he doesn’t achieve his goals perfectly. So to say that God is flawed implies you know God’s motivations.

If his motivation is to appear as petulant child than he's done quite well

I like Twain but Voltaire is on another level, it's not even comparable

Then he isn’t flawed

Never understood why he had such a large ego. I think it's about time someone lands a hit piece on him like he did to Cooper.

Even if his omniscience and omnipotence don't mean everything is predetermined (which I'm still not going to concede), we're God's children, his creations, so he'd still be responsible for us. If he didn't want us to sin he shouldn't have created us in the first place, or he should have created us perfect. Why play his twisted little game with us when he already knows the outcome? Why is he held to such low moral standards?

>God will fuck you up if you complain so he's right
What do you tell people at work? That you fell down the stairs or that you ran into a door?

God did create us perfect. You're suffering from a spiritual condition known as hubris and it's hindering your rational faculties and making you think like a retard. Take a deep breath, step back, and stop trying to stand in judgement over things you don't even apprehend.

>mouths justice, and invented hell
Was with him up until this, creating Hell is the single most based thing Yahweh ever did. Some of you monkeys definitely deserve to burn forever.

I CAN say he's wrong, but not for the usual reasons. I think that the freedom of God is absolute, it has neither condition nor limit. A tyrant's freedom might hinge on not doing this or ignoring that, whereas God's freedom is not only absolute as a gift, to the one being created, but absolute through and through, to the one being created, of the one being created, and most of all of one's own IN being "created"; not being brought into being from non-being, into awareness from unawareness, into power from impotence, as passively abiding the Divine prerogative, but knowingly distinguishing himself from God of his own will, as actively affirming the Divine prerogative, A being from THE being, AN awareness from THE awareness, A power from THE power. Freedom unless you err, freedom unless idle, freedom unless you toe the line, is no freedom at all.

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user, please stop with such nasty insults at the ends of your posts. It's completely unnecessary, and will only hurt the feelings of those you direct them at. Just criticize, without harming another's feelings.

No he didn't. He created sinners. To think we were created perfect is hubris.

it's all a test and if i pass i'll get to fuck anime bitches in heaven
anime girls are a promise from the demiurge

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The Greeks didn't claim to have benevolent, all-loving and good gods. They had gods which were more human in character, selfish and manic. Unironically their mythology makes more sense with the world we live in.

Have you even read Plato?

No. Listen to me. You have a deadly spiritual disease called prelest and you're delusional. You aren't thinking rationally and you're talking nonsense like a baby. You're suffering from superbia and you need to pray to Jesus before it's too late for your soul. This might seem like a game to you but you're playing with fire and this shit will do worse than kill you if you don't get it fixed soon. Sort yourself out for your own sake.

It doesn't seem like a game to me. I take these matters very seriously. My issue is that it seems like a game to God.