Who's the Lil Peep of literature?

Who's the Lil Peep of literature?

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Tao Lin

I hope they meet the same end!


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This. Travis Barker is Kant, X is Nick Land

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What's with the tired,apathetic, messy look modern rappers seem to go for? Fucking depressing.

deleuze and guattari are clearly drain gang the relation is obvious

They look tired, apathetic, and messy because they're drug addicts.

zoomers are mentally ill because they exist within a hyperreality within a hyperreality within a hyperreality unlike their counterparts. They've never known anything else and have trouble differentiating literally anything. Everything is just slime to them.

His hair looks clean, his appearance is very deliberate here.

When your identity centers around illicit drug use you try to look like you're on drugs even when you aren't.

“#Drain is about loss and gain; it could be good or bad -- you could be drained of energy or you could drain something to gain energy. There’s financial, emotional and physical drains, for example -- you could just be draining your bank account at the store. It doesn’t have to be deep. Basically, if I’m talking about “eating the night” that means I drain it for its essence. Everything me and my bros do is connected to that concept -- we might drain some blood for good fortune.”

drains are lines on the body without organs a transistor has a drain and a source and a gate it's all base causality


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peep is more like baudrillard than anyone else all I can think of listening to the castles eps is simulacrum

the peep answer to authenticity is that everything is fake all the way down to our deepest feelings so the only move remaining is to accept everything as real


Also for loving all parts of the body. No one loved women as wholeheartedly as this dude

He was a Marxist so probably Marx

Ah, a fellow fingerstyle guitarist.

this song is about a close encounter with base reality where perception of the normal world dissolves and is replaced with rigid predetermined causality that is still impossible to predict and manipulate because you have always part of the machine

Dumb depressed and a dandy? Dfw


why do discord trannies pretend they read books just so they can post about soundcloud rappers and anime

I suspect Kurt Cobain has something to do with it.

because anime and rappers are the forefront of new human experience
