>You're a loser
>Life is about success and challenges and if you're just doing nothing you're a failure
>Fucking coward get your shit together and get out there, I don't care if you don't like it or don't want to do it just fucking do it you're supposed to it's what everyone does do it pussy
>Escapism is for pussies you're just hiding from life, fucking be a man
You're a loser
no u
Não chores, meu filho;
Não chores, que a vida
É luta renhida:
Viver é lutar.
A vida é combate,
Que os fracos abate,
Que os fortes, os bravos
Só pode exaltar.
Is this the NEET thread?
>imagine studying philosophy
It's one of the few worthwhile things in life.
It contains the real, valuable knowledge of the past. Everything else is too biased.
Did someone actually say this to you or are you just getting bullied by anons?
People irl and online have said this and similar things over the years
>Everything else is too biased.
Phylosophy is one of the most biased things ever.
But it's biased in a way that's transparent and honest. They lay it all out what they're trying to say, instead of obfuscating it like everything else.
>You're a loser
>Life is about success
Not entirely true, but not false either.
>and challenges
Very true.
>if you're just doing nothing you're a failure
Very true.
>Fucking coward get your shit together and get out there,
Not the only reasonable course of action, but the only way a pleb like you can seek redemption.
>Escapism if for pussies
Depends. But mostly true.
>you're just hiding from life
In your case, this is an undeniable fact. Pleb.
Nigga that majority of philosophic tenants come from those who would never even break a finger nail to uphold their beliefs
You think that's honesty?
>In your case, this is an undeniable fact. Pleb.
I'm not hiding though.
I'm just not you. And since you can't concieve of anything not wanting to be like you, you think I'm broken or wrong. I want to be alone, I want to spend my time on philosophy and escapism, I don't want anything more than that from life and I have no dreams or aspirations or goals beyond this.
Adressing anhedonia isn't invalidated just because the option someone presents is 'doing what everyone does'. You can still cultivate yourself, what Hegel called Bildung.
Most of philosophy relis on unstated, unconscious assumptions, just like every other form of discourse. Philosophy is maybe 30% more honest than usual garbage discourse, and not necessarily much more honest than scientific discourse.
Is this a Jordan Peterson quote? Anyway, he's right. If you're going to stay inside all day and allow your brain to rot you might as well just end your life. Life is painful regardless of if you stay inside or go out and conquer, and the latter would be more interesting.
>and the latter would be more interesting.
Not for everyone. Why is it so hard for people like you to acknowledge this?
>Life is painful regardless of if you stay inside or go out and conquer, and the latter would be more interesting.
>go out and conquer
Conquer what? Doing the same repetitive jobs for 20k a year?
By staying inside I'm referring specifically to NEETs who are rotting their brains with constant exposure to media and are too afraid to leave their house. Absolutely none of them seem to enjoy their lives. But if you are a man who enjoys the tranquility of nature, in isolation from other people then I support that.
>tfw when you actually believe these but really are a failure and are therefore suicidal
The median income for someone living in the US is about 46k a year. 20k a year is less than half of what the average worker makes. I don't know by whose standards that could be described as conquering. Are you a philosophy major, by chance?
Dá-me mais vinho, porque a vida é nada.