Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t...

Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t get this. He advocated for a supreme divine state much like the Reich or the USSR’s plans for Europe and so you can take his insights and use them to justify extreme statism or some kind of techno-socialist autarchy. Right Hegelians focus on his dealings with Spirit, Leftists focus mostly on the Dialectic itself and try to secularize that as some type of silent-pneumatic machinery that drives history towards class conflict and communist statism. They’re both insane and Hegel’s phenomenology is a form of memetic psychoactive agent that binds the minds of everyone who reads it. Its venom, pure necrotizing linguistic magic. He was a genius for this reason. Also if you’re not an autistic retard he basically shows you how the techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces but that’s not interesting to rightists or leftists because they’re castrati golem creatures who only exist to poke holes in the barrier between man’s conscious rational awareness and his subconscious cthonic realm. If you wait long enough Hegel’s name will come up in most discussions by these groups. He’s the root of all their lunacy.

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bumping Hegel up the priority list

Well I guess that settles it then huh

Hmmm... I never looked at it that way.

>he basically shows you how the techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces
What? He's not Schelling or Berkeley for crying out loud, I just don't... God fucking dammit. Stop associating all conservatives with Platonic conservatism, much less the totalitarian aspects of a "chorea" (the owl of minerva, etc) which universalises the narrative. I feel like this a case of Hegel's alter ego being confused for him, though if you questioned Hegel himself I'd sure you'd get the famous "he is Alexander too."

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Schelling accuses Hegel of much the same thing

based schizophrenic retard

define fascism.

Shelling was a spastic faggot, I wish I could punch his stupid fucking face. Stop telling me about Schelling.

Epic post, retweeted

>hegel is trying to get people woke about some kind of lovecraftian epstein shit

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No, he's the mechanism (or at least describes the mechanism) by which people get hooked to Lovecraftian Epstein shit

If only you knew how bad things really are



Schelling pointed out how his "machinery" wouldn't have actuated without a will. His positive philosophy asserts a primordial will as fuel for the Hegelian system to run in the first place. The "negative philosophy" of Hegel, according to Schelling, only maps out the relations of HOW this would take place, but it does not prove THAT it will.

Get your hands off my cock! I hate Schelling and there's nothing you can do to change that fact. Schelling was, as you put it, fuel, just as Berkeley was fuel: Stop feeding me the burnt ashes of used up positivists.

*burnt and ashen remains

Schelling wasn't a positivist. If you're going to dismiss him, at least don't do it based on misconceptions. Schelling's "positive philosophy" is a different breed and "positive" doesn't mean all happy either, as he had a rather dark turn towards the end of his life.

>he thinks Schelling's positive philosophy was positivism

That's a bruh moment

AHHHHHH I feel like I'm reading fucking Heidegger again I'm not having this argument

Schelling wasn't a positivist lol

My take on Schelling does not derive from Heidegger, but from Scheling himself. He was not a positivist. Positivism concerns itself with the factum brutum, sensible facts. Scheling's rebuttal of Hegel doesn't make use of that. In fact, what the positivists nurture themselves with, is what Schelling would challenge. The positivists derive from the substance of facts - it's a question of WHAT. Schelling takes a position precisely against all kinds of "what-ness". Hegel has an elaborate system of WHAT relations apply. He thinks that just because of the logical relationships, they will follow. But Schelling maintains that an extra-ingredient is necessary to make this happen. Just because the HOW is drawn out, it doesn't mean THAT it will obediently follow.

This guy is right. Schelling is based and was too pure for this world.

Summer Yea Forums is real.

The Dialectic keeps moving

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Land already proved technology is the doom of humanity, and it’s inevitable, short of a nuclear apocalypse of sorts. What’s next is how do we escape this entropic universe for good? Not talking space travel either

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He also showed that technology is an inevitable product of matter organizing itself in accordance to the particular set of physical laws; the ones we're stuck with in this universe.

It's an underlying, inevitable potential of matter and energy in this universe; to move towards a system of thermodynamic regulation and suspended entropy (in a closed system, as an island in an open system).

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>voice of reason reaction image
>followed by further schizz