Can you name all of them?

Can you name all of them?

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Who’s in-between Vonnegut and McNally?

lmao i made the varg one ages ago

>lack of scholastics and pragmatists
I can name the creator of this image as an irredeemable pleb.


The presence of Jesus, Dante, Shakespeare and absence of many philosophers didn't tip you off already?

The fact that Nick Land is on there should have tipped you off that it’s shit

Philip K. Dick madafaca

i think i know:
socrates, plato, diogenes, jesus, st augstine, dante, shakespeare, leibniz, newton, gauss, kant, hegel, schopenhauer, kierkegaard, marx, stirner, nietzsche, russell, wittgenstein, joyce, proust, sartre, camus, unabomber, dfw, zizek, varg, and peterson

Thales, heraclitus, democritus, pythagoras or homes Socrates plato Aristotle diogenes maybe jesus avicenna or al farhadi Aquinas idk next two luther Shakespeare descartes dk spinoza leibniz newton dk next two kant? Hegel? Kirkegaard schopenhauer dk Beethoven? Marx stirner Lincoln Nietzsche grant? Dk Freud or Russell Witt dk anybody after except dfw zizek and varg although I could look up a couple

Lincoln is actually Thoreau.

Parmenides or homer* but now that I think about it that'd be too anachronistic but democritus was born after parmenides

Nice I see house and lake now

Which did I get correct?

Al farabi*

lol at Sartre and Kant

Amazing how Uncle Ted somehow still manages to look cool in Grug form

Too memey. I like this one better

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So many dead white men.

>That giant step from Augustine to Aquinas

Dante is hilarious. Can someone tell me who the guy in the middle with the pink hat is? Is it Euler? i recognise him but can't put my finger on who it is

The Headchoppa

Thales, Heraclitus, Democritus, Pythagoras, ???, ???, Diogenes, Jesus, marcus Aurelius, Thomas Aquinas, Dante (wtf is he doing here???) , Petrarch (?), Martin Luther, Shakespeare, some literature fag friend of Shakespeare???, Thomas Hobbes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Isaaac Newton, David Hume, Volatire, some french fuck?, Hegel, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Shiller (?), Kierkegaard, Marx, Stirner, Ralph Emmerson, Freud.

The rest is literature so fuck it. Literature is for faggots.

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Who's the rainbow guy? Is that Munchy?

missing a few 1/5

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