>Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
What's with all this pointless threads lately?
Bored retards seeking validation.
yeah they really do
i am not believing in that russian collusion thing
cringe and bluepilled
Soijack posters are the lowest of brainlets, and are the spitting image of the immasculated bugmen they wish to portray.
A bunch of his team got fucked for lying to Congress about Russian connections. Seems at least a little suspicious.
Normies are stuck on “evidence”, meanwhile I’m directly experiencing gnosis.
Esp is real, and everything is a lot more magical than you atheist materialists could understand. Most authors, philosophers, and real innovative thinkers are on my side though. You guys have Neil Degrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Sam Harris (lololololol) and Christopher moron Hitchens.
evidence of god when? evidence of metaphysics?
remote view me oh you can't that's too bad
soijack are just Yea Forums cross posters, they have no point.
I can’t, but it can be done. Working on it.
It’s a journey you’ll have to take yourself if you want to know. Lazy, weak, moronic, hypocrite.
>It’s a journey you’ll have to take yourself if you want to know. Lazy, weak, moronic, hypocrite.
I can come up with an imaginary friend whenever I want. Why should I use some bronze age schizophrenic rants as a base text?
you want to know how I knew you can't? the powers of materialism baby
lol, oh dear (embarrasses for you)
I’d encourage you to delve in a bit yourself, with an open mind. Remote viewing on command is some next level shit, but certain things can be done and experienced that will forever change your paradigm, and, hey, if that never happens at least you personally investigated. That’s how knowledge is really attained.
>where's your proof?
>lmao proof? Soiiiboiii cuck praise kek!
By the way, the number of philosophers or even serious physicists who would be comfortable defending a purely materialistic view of consciousness is very, very low.
There’s a lot of evidence and statistics on precognition, and there have been a number of studies done on astrology that indicate you can defeat chance placements by a factor of several billion.
I have personally experienced esp. I can’t prove this, and yet I know it happened. That’s where I am, that’s gnosis.
Just trying to help. What’s now proved was once only imagined.
If you weren't such a newfag you'd know it's because of summerfags.
This is you
Yes I did, felt the vibration and the 'astral body' which mimicked my physical one. Couldn't reliably remote view anything though. I already investigated with an open mind. Remember, original siddhis included levitation, mind reading, teleportation, knowing the future, but these have been relegated to the background. Now only some vague shit remains, like in a fantasy novel, the magic has gone out of the world.
Were you able to break through out of body? People say that it’s just lucid dreaming, but I promise you that it’s not.
I have never seen evidence of those siddhis but I’m open to all possibilities. What I have experienced is Incontrovertible. I have genuinely been able to pull specific images out of people’s minds with unbelievable accuracy.
We could try an experiment if you’d like, but it’s unlikely to work without any connection or openness on your part. I’m open to looking like a fraud though, the potential on a real hit is intriguing.
Also the magic is coming back, and fast.
I'm open to the idea, and I'd try to be receptive. I would love it if someone showed me that I'm wrong. If you set up the experiment I'd go along with it.
Do you have the ability to take a clear picture of your eyes?
just my eyes? sure, do you want me to post it here? also, can you explain how experiment goes?
Post your eyes, and write down the following code
Provide me with your own code that has some sort of significance and then try to project a specific famous landmark at me. I’ll try to see if I can pull something out of your head. Don’t pick something really obscure or nebulous. Something very clear that most people know exists.
Oh and no Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, or Roman Coliseum.
>Provide me with your own code
3 digits and 3 numbers? RIC220
>Oh and no Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, or Roman Coliseum.
There are only so many famous landmarks, and you narrowed it down by eliminating a few. Anyways I'm staying open minded. I picked my landmark, and I'm thinking about it.
Is it minerally? Giants causeway or Stonehenge, but honestly I didn’t feel anything.
Christ the Redeemer
>honestly I didn’t feel anything
is that my fault?
>imaginary lines on a map
>bundle of cells
>piece of cloth
Why do I keep hearing these exact same talking points in every argument?
That neckbeard 'bundle of cells' shit always, without failing, appears in every 'debate' on abortion for example. It's like arguments themselves have become memes meant to be copied over and over.
No. Nothing happened. It was all a political show to distract from how awful the DNC is and to make it okay to launch Cold War II. The media love it when he goes to war though.
It really really does.
I’m experiencing ataraxia while you play your mental equivalent of video games
Why is this wrong?
Are you suggesting the direct opposite?