Any Yea Forums youtubers?

Any Yea Forums youtubers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

luke smith


Clifford Lee Sargent

Q from The Book Club

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Porn is not Yea Forums.
Porn ruined so many lives.
So much potential. Gone.
>but le pornhub meme it's cool everyone does it.
It only shows the harm it has inflicted.

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The Book Club is probably my favorite youtuber, and he is a confirmed Yea Forums user. He does "book reviews", but moreso uses the idea of a book review as a pretext to create surreal artistic videos revolving around the themes of the book. Check out the editing in this intro.
He did one on John Green too.
Makes good music too.
My cumskin

Thanks for this, I subbed

Piero san Giorgio is a doomsday prepper who stores books for the future generations. He happens to read 3 books a week and does 4 videos a year to present some of them (mostly right winged)
He speaks french btw

Michel Drac is also a french dude who makes hours long videos on books about geopolitics

This but unironically

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Cuck philosophy

Cringe name, good channel

BBC in our time podcasts
The rest is shitty infotainment

I tried to find loli booktubers since I'm a pervert, but upon seeing these young girls I realized there's no equivalence to the cartoon loli.

It's not a meme


Peter Coffin

In our time is a mediocre podcast where the interviewer always interrupts the guests and tries to guide the conversation but only dilutes it.

>The book club
>Better than food book reviews

does it count if i jerked off to porn in a dream last night

>give me some e celebs to get my opinions from
everyone in this thread fucking kill yourself especially and

>Peter Coffin

What a poser. You can tell his fro isnt natty. He wishes he had high iq hair like me. Also its too small, and kempt


Unironically lindsay ellis

this and Gregory Sadler

shaunandjen and contra are the only two there that aren't trash, philosophy tube is meandering garbage that tries to rip off contra's aesthetic and Peter Coffin is so abysmal he's not even worthy of genuine criticism. I tried watching his videos and he just complains about capitalism while showing stock footage of people walking with green gaseous clouds and crude fart sound effects placed over the top. Truly a revolting and worthless human being. His claims to be "nonbinary" in order to claim minority cred is also insanely cringeworthy.

Better then food

contrapoints is kino

Philosophytube is alright, he doesn't deserve praise or scorn. His content might even be considered good if not for the pretension. He is obviously scared of primary philosophy like phenomenology and metaphysics, and only discusses secondary philosophy.
Peter coffin is a cringe boomer, this is the kind of content he should be making.

Better than food is an irritating pseud

self aggrandising style over substance trash

Not an argument

no u

Contra's videos don't have arguments either (besides transgender good) so we're even

His fake thousand yard stare he always uses is the most abrasive and tryhard thing possible don't pretend otherwise



Do this is how the anime Nazis cope with being destroyed

I'm a Marxist-Leninist you autist, not everyone is so enamoured with Contra's shit '''aesthetic''' and fake socialism

>20 minutes of unfunny sketch before the actual video
>most of the video is just her showing of her wig collection and doing le funny characters

They do, but frantically denying them means you don't have to address any of them, which is unforgivably lazy.

Oh wait, you're someone who considers themselves a "true" socialist, I guess there's no point arguing when you've already outed yourself as a brainlet.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you.

>I'm a Marxist-Leninist you autist
That's even worse lmao.
So this is how dogmatists cope with being nullified by the trans post-left

This is a shit thread
E-celeb garbage belongs where ever you came from

Contra puts aesthetic over substance quite openly. Baseless assertions of my being frantic or a brainlet is pure projection.

>trans post-left
Pathetic. Let me know when the trans post-leftist party seizes power and does something to actually help people. Never gonna happen since Contra's too busy wasting Patreon money on wigs and cocaine but oh well

this meme originated on Yea Forums or /sci/, retard.

Tell me faggot! Let me know when it will ever be feasible for a Marxist revolution to happen. It's only feasible in a peasant society and even then, American funded paramilitaries are simply going to massacre you. Marxism has absolutely no hope of ever doing anything substantial to fight global capitalism. All you are is a convenient strawman to throw propaganda at.

It's not baseless, your said it yourself, your petty self-definitions are dictating how you consume her content, rejecting it because you're a marxist and she's a "fake" socialist. you're the one making judgements off the back of your own projections. You're telling me in all of her videos, there isn't one single argumentative point? Protip: your opinion of a "good" argument has no bearing on the validity of its rhetorical form, an argument is an argument whether you like it or not.

>Contra puts aesthetic over substance quite openly.
Because she has a modicum of self-awareness that being a "youtuber" is not the same thing as prophet or academic. Also because aesthetic over substance is quite literally the point of transgenderism, so its a smart way of tying together form and content.

USSR China Cuba Vietnam Laos Korea Yugoslavia Albania, hundreds of millions out of poverty, the defeat of fascism, technological innovations (and yes, transgender rights even) etc etc etc I think are a slightly more substantive record than a fucking '''trans post left''' youtube channel, stay mad my friend.

I didn't really get his Spengler video

I am against trans rights. i just think its about high time normal people show the freaks who is in charge

The past is in the past. There is no longer any seat of socialist power on the global stage. The reds lost, and they deserved it for being treasonous authoritarians tbqh.
You fuckers already handed over your power to the capitalists. You're losers.

You have no idea how I 'consume' (cringe and vulgar term) Contra's work. That is nevertheless my assessment. The notion that because Contra occasionally attempts to make arguments, and then buries them in mountains of faux-aesthete irony-laden trash it is therefore substantive is idiotic. Regardless, you're right, transgenderism is the monolithic focus of the work, to the exclusion of almost everything else. You don't even disagree with my assessment, you merely consider the actions ('form') justified.

China retard. Even if I was some purist who didn't consider China socialist, the existence of a single ML country like Cuba is of more value than ten thousand Contrapoints videos (or the entirety of your 'trans post left' for that matter), this is just obvious.
Even your precious Contra supports 'authoritarianism' as well, cry more anarcho-faggot

China is capitalist and you know it, even if it is socialist, it certainly isn't any good.
You're a naive retard that would rather fight with other leftists than actually challenge capitalism.

>You have no idea how I 'consume' (cringe and vulgar term) Contra's work
Of course I do, that was evident in your post when you called her a "fake" socialist. You introduced politics into the discussion, that was your own import, and now you're disowning it like a fart in an elevator. So far your arguments have been "style over substance" (a redundant criticism of a youtuber) and that she has no arguments (factually untrue). But being a tediously kitsch marxist you're totally oblivious to the value of anything that isn't Kropotkin, especially entertainment that pretends to be something else, heaven forbid! Lower your standards (it is youtube after all) and you might find something worthwhile.

China is socialist. Your issue is that it isn't a flawless utopia. I'm not inclined to give a fuck. Ignored the rest of my point as well. I don't give a shit if you're a 'leftist', the term's practically meaningless anyway.

The term fake socialist has no bearing whatsoever on how I interpret the work, except insofar as I find it lacking in the (supposedly) key area of the 'left'. Your argument comes down to 'well hey it's youtube lower your standards!' but I see no reason not to point out the flaws in the work if it claims to be 'socialist'. I already explained why the work isn't substantive, but whatever. Also

IOT is good unless they have female guests on

Cuba is irrelevant and should be ignored. My problem with China isn't that it's fails to be a flawless Utopia, it's that China is a dystopian nightmare complete with execution Vans and suicide nets. China let's international corporations buy it's workers, yeah that's "socialist".
>The terms practically meaningless
I agree, apparently "socialism" is as well. So go on decrying a YouTuber as a "fake socialist" while defending China, you epic retard.

>I see no reason not to point out the flaws in the work if it claims to be 'socialist'.
See that's precisely the thing, she never makes that claim. The reason why contra uses characters with conflicting viewpoints in her videos is because she's more like a left-leaning centrist who has a range of issues with both socialism and capitalism. The "skits" are basically her playing devil's advocate with herself. And if the term "fake socialist" has no bearing on your interpretation of the work, then why did you feel the need to discredit her brand of socialism while voicing your own as the correct alternative? You can't run away from your no true scotsman error forever, you know.

>country of several millions of people is irrelevant, but Contrapoints' youtube channel is important
ML state with planned economy and core sectors nationalised lifts hundreds of millions out of poverty and singlehandedly beats the West at its own game through a path of relatively peaceful development. Has it also done bad things. Yes. Is it a 'dystopian nightmare'. No. Is it socialist, despite the flaws. Yes.
>epic retard
practically reddit-tier

The absolute worst. Worse even than the unwatchable "ironic-distance" humor channels like the book club. The first of these takes up 70% of time to talk about irrelevant shit or do awkward 2010 tier youtube humor/jumps. Uninteresting and boring.
The second of these two is the whiniest poswr on booktube, talks awkwardly about authors of meme classics that he doesnt like and swears unapproriately in his second language english.
The best is Steve Donoghue.
He talks unpretentiously and upbeatedly with enthusiasm and legit humor (not internet or ironic, but also not cringe boomer tier) about all kinds of books and even if you disagree with his opinion, he has no air of snobbery. The least obnoxious guy on youtube as he doesnt rely on jump cuts nor is he boring and long winded.
I disagree with hin constantly but i enjoy his discussions and his readalongs to death.

>lifts hundreds of millions out of poverty
>Beats the west at its own game
So MLtards are now neolibs with Chinese characteristics.
I honestly hope you get thrown out of a helicopter.

Fine, a 'left-leaning centrist' that sees fit to gesture at socialism for radicool points, whatever. If you consider that a more fitting epithet than 'fake socialist', which was meant to imply seemingly your exact understanding of CP anyway (and which you're trying to read religious significance into) I'm happy enough with it. I'll think of you when I next see people crowing about Contrapoints' inestimable value to the left, socialism, '''deradicalising the altright''' etc etc

I just want to watch spicy harmless crap (something akin to e;r and SsethTzeentach) but Youtube recommends me either Zizek + breadtube homocucktrannies or The Distributist + alt-lite retards.

Yeah, enjoy never doing that my anarcho-autist friend

You're the fake socialist. You probably actually are an anime Nazi

I'm interested in winning. Not shit 'aesthetics' or fuzzy utopian purism or anything else. Enjoy your utterly impotent helicopter memes, yeah you're definitely the arbiter of who is and isn't a 'nazi' aren't you lol

I don't think he makes very good music but his John Green video was great.

Nobody is unironically a Marxist-leninist nowadays, nice try Adolph.

Awesome thread OP, however consider posting in /pol/ instead of this board

It's the dominant current of the far-left. All the biggest worldwide communist parties, governing and non-governing, are ML. Such a statement demonstrates that you're quite new to the leftist thing, so I'll just recommend that you look into it with an open mind, maybe you'll see stuff that'll change your mind, maybe not.

Terrible gimmick.


I already told you I'm post-left.
I'm a radical centrist, problem?
I'm sorry I forget how stupid people can be. If you really aren't just trolling me, I'm sorry for assuming that you are too clever to be an unironic Marxist-leninist shilling for China.

Thanks for the suggestion


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I can't keep up with his video output but Steve is good.
>reads 150pg/hr
>reads 10 hrs per day
Living the dream.

what is the story of this picture?

I'm not sure but he appears to be a televangelist

>unironically watching vice disney googleplex approved sissification videos whose expressed goal is to 'deradicalise' you and make you conform to the state ideology

Nice try, the left is cringy theater kids and furries trannies snitches and crippling anxiety queer smol beans with panic disorders. The very people who were new atheists in 2012 but then got woke, and think that makes them superior than ' the gamers', while their subjectivity goes down the shitter with CIA queer theory and fluoride water, people who are obsessed with pop culture for children but dismiss philosophy as 'white supremacist' People who in no way can be considered 'cool' or dangerous. Their endgoal is to police discourse and enforce a corporate managerial code of behavior based on slave morality Watch sam hydes vertical videos from 2012 to 2014 if you want to learn the ways of redpilled heterosexual masculinity. And BUY A GUN.

John Green

If I fap only to still pictures of myself does that still count as porn?

How many buzzwords can you cram into a post with no substance? I imagine you're the type to say not enough

He is still completely rightband also highly redpilled. I come from a shitlib family and im just breaking through the programming.

It debases yourself. Read the poem, the man in glass.

Yea Forums is dead

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and that's a good thing

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How can someone be so right about everything?

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long live /shit/!


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Cuck Philosophy even though he has a faggot name and he's a leftist


That's it

Certainly not contrapoints

You have to go back.

She deserves it

I am against trans rights. I just think its about high time for normal people to show the freaks whos in charge

Woah based

Fuck off, Nicholas.


God seeing this post makes me realize how Fucking retarded lit has become.

His John Green video is his best work to date. Not sure he'll ever surpass it.

Yes, just one. PaperBird.

>they aren't cool so you shouldn't like them

Imagine the sort of person that watches all these faggot neo-commie pseud e-celebs all day.

>He does "book reviews", but moreso uses the idea of a book review as a pretext to create surreal artistic videos revolving around the themes of the book. Check out the editing in this intro.
sounds awful

His avi is a motherfucking skull with sunglasses, thats how you know he must be an international badass and a world class expert on cool. Buckle up kids this cat is truly hip and down with it.

he is a youtube septic

The john green video gets me everytime but the rest is trash, I don't even know how that happened

too pretentious; shits over the books he doesn't understand to conceal the fact that he speedreads

i was waiting for all this time, my loving nigger

sadler is the one and only

Yes, but that stops happening after a while

Very nice. Just wish he didnt upload 4 vids a days. Clutters up my sub feed.

Thank you, The best suggestion ITT, fuck YouTube and fuck big tech.

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Burden is good.

Shut up bitch

Anyone have a source for the chick eating the hotdog

Yes sir!


holy shit, are there really people on Yea Forums who unironically buy into the trans meme? like you LITERALLY think contrapoints is a woman? what the fuck

read a book faggot

You're a smol cringe swimming around in a big yikes

He really is more Yea Forums than people know.


Second best suggestion ITT

You want to be the power bottom to a trap?

You will never be a woman.

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in our time is quite bad infotainment as well. and melvyn bragg is an overfed, inquitous animal.
we should all watch robert graves interviews

On Deleuze:
"So I didn't read the book but I consider myself an expert on the wikipedia page"

LOL have kids tranny

I'm not like that, you are cringe to everyone.

I wish I hadn't seen that

Cheers friendo

You guys consider this... funny?

Based and gnu pilled

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Yeah idk what it is with people. Like this irony shit is so old and boring, i think it just illustrates how people on Yea Forums are posers and just want to seem cultured

w e w this is some quality bait

>you LITERALLY think contrapoints is a woman?
what I think is irrelevant to the basic human courtesy of calling someone by their preferred pronoun. And are you really so dense as to think there is no one on Yea Forums who "buys into" transgenderism when we have g/acc threads every other day?

If realignment surgery was the only option then you'd be correct. However, hormone therapy has a far higher success rate, and does more to solve the psychological issue of dysphoria rather than physically altering the body in a dramatic and violent way. I have a couple of friends who take it and they've both found it to have really positive results

Same reason why we dont indulge a child's every whim and fancy, because it is unhealthy, because it breeds unhealthy actitudes, likewise, we must remember not play along with the few recalcitrant adult perverts,these people are old enough to know better. They should feel ashamed, the corteous thing to do is to let the transgendered know they are embarrasing themselves, that they are living a lie, that they are literally clowns and freaks who are not taken seriously, good for a laugh on day time tv jerry springer type spectacles and reality tv cringe compilations but definitely not worth taking seriously. We live in a world upside down the inmates are running the asylum and calling normal people mad.

Sorry but this is all baseless speculation, and heavily contaminated with subjective bias. "unhealthy attitudes" is a spooky and unfalsifiable argument, and the rest of your post is just an attempt to demonise and ostracise the trans community based on your feelings towards them and not on any credible evidence. Unless you can put forward relevant data AND a valid interpretation of said data which proves what you're saying, all I can do is say:

>"well that's just, like, your opinion, man."

School of life
Academy of ideas
Rare earth
Great big story
Cgp Grey
Down the rabbithole
British voice Reddit rips
Atrocity Guide
Hungarian folk tales
Internet historian
Surreal entertainment
Tom Scott
Isaac Arthur

Its not even about data, is about common sense, reason and decency: boys are boys and girls are girls. Period. Those leftists are really trying to make us all go insane. Black is white, freedom is slavery 2+2=5, its like 1984.

>boys are boys and girls are girls. Period
so your example of "common sense" and "reason" is the most unreflective and circular logic? You're really doing nothing to convince me you have any arguments at all. It's not insane to assume that the aspects of gender that TRULY matter in everyday life are the performative, aesthetic and socially constituted ones, because you don't go around asking to look at people's genitalia so you know what to call them. They're human beings, just ask them for christ's sake, its not some slippery slope that will eventually lead to illuminati vampire pedos

>Those leftists are trying to make us all go insane.
>quotes leftist author George Orwell

We already have illuminati vampire pedos out in full force,(epstein) and you are telling me we need to normalise even more perversions?

Imagine an obese neon haired goblin comes up to you menacingly wielding an enormous black dildo. Screeching, the goblin orders you to refer to it by one out of seven sets of made up 'pronouns, alternating according to their whims and the phases of the moon. If you refuse the goblin will report you to the pc police and make sure you loose your job and are forever branded as a bigot. This is the future you want.

extremely based

No, this is an absurd future you've just fabricated out of thin air. The fact that you would reach to such nonsense hypotheticals demonstrates that you have zero personal experience with trans people and have to base your opinions on nothing but regurgitated tropes.

Dw documentary
RT documentary
Journeyman pictures
Overly scarcastic productions
Innuendo studios
Pop culture detective
Bright side
Al Jazeera English
We plants are happy plants
Wall Street journal
Royal institute
PBS Digital Studios
Sixty symbols
Nile red
Thought emporium
Sci house
Smarter everyday
Practical engineering
Zero Books
The modern hermeticist
World science festival

40k theories
One mind syndicate

>Better then food
great illustration as to how people who watch that garbage are top tier brainlets

The minute hour
New thinking allowed
Big think
Casually explained
Terrible writing advice

Mythology and fiction explained
The center for artistic activism
Mother Earth news
Sid Roth's it's super natural

>you have zero personal experience with trans people

And thank God for that! I am lucky not to live in the sort of liberal cesspool where that sort of thing is normal accepted and encouraged. The problem is people have forgotten God they have forgotten shame, together with logic and decency.

Is this that cereal british humor I hear so much about then?
Not for me son.

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Subbed, I think the channel is great, though the quality varies from video to video.

Eckharts ladder
Templin institue
Inside a mind

Real life lore
Company man
Alltime conspiracies

Internet comment ettiquete
Star wars reading club
The Atlantic

Then and now

>The problem is people have forgotten God
Somehow I don't think God minds. He's the one who created them that way. Anyway, there are a few trans people at my church.

Tom Scott

Let me guess,Mainline protestants. Your reverend is probably a new age white woman who talks about 'the godess'

The thought emporium
Coffee break


I don't think it's all that. I don't like it much myself but I think it's just peripheral to reading. Funny references and such. Not meant to be a substitute or proper take. It's better than sanitised seriousness.

Red bard
History buffs

Capitain disillusion

>give me some celeb writers to get my opinions from
Everyone who reads the classics should fucking kill yourself especially everyone on Yea Forums

E. Michael Jones

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Unironically worse than JBP. Have you heard his arguments for the existence of god? The guy is an actual brainlet.

Survive the Jive. It's more like an anthropological channel but still Yea Forums I think. Most so-called lit channels don't even read the books they talk about. They're trashy entertainment at best, the worst of them sit in front of a camera and respew memes without substance.

You've been showed the truth and yet you reject it? What an actual cumbrain

What's illogical is your insistence that these people are deranged despite the fact that you freely admit your knowledge and experience of them is always mediated through something else, news and memes and cringe compilations and god knows what else. But then again, your entire ethical framework is mediated through God, so it doesn't surprise me that your values only have worth because someone else told you to have them. It's not as if there's logic to the ineffable workings of the divine, is there? nothing that humans can apprehend with certainty, anyway. Why criticise transgenderism for being illogical if religion is just as misinformed?

i'd still take sanitised seriousness over sanitised non-seriousness though
Any good philosofical channels ?

The only valid answer.

>being the same as everyone else is cool


don't you think logic & god are mutually exclusive.
and the greeks understood transexual people all right.

every time i see this image it has some new epilogue added to it

he's actually a pseud too and his opinions are valueless. You would recognize this if you didn't get blinded by his lies.


The RSS Feed was the email inbox of blog posts.

This simple syndication made blogs wonderful and practical for the reader to consume.

Most video essays are vehicles for video advertisement. The content doesn't matter.

>Is this that cereal british humor I hear so much about then?

If this Yea Forums favourite did not speak with a British accent he would not be held in such high regards.


lmao at everyone ignoring this actual answer

Shit ass polcontrarian..

traps are basically the incel version from normie world lmao

>trans people are normies
Leave your room.

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Post the link to the videos/channels of:

Michel Drac
Piero san Giorgio

>Inb4 posting porn on a sfw board

OP here, wow my thread is still alive lol. was just getting inspiration from other youtubers for my new channel. thanks everyone.

nice bathroom review


Is he like a SJW or an edgy fascist? Does he have twitter.

Literally THE biggest brainlet platform.
Also no he doesn't.

What do you plan on making?

Nice bait

I make my own pseudo-philosophy videos. They're analytical video essays, but I'm rather proud of what I've made and would likely meet the Yea Forums standard. Most of the channels recommended in this thread are just shit, and I at least expected Yea Forums to have higher standards.

Here's my channel if anyone is curious or interested.

I have a decent sub count, and I'm pretty content with the overall views I'm getting with my videos. In my next video, I intent on solving meta-ethics, morality and the meaning of living.

Yeah, no, Contrapoints' entire ethos is her aesthetic. Her writing is shit. She's the epitome of style over substance, although it's damn impressive visually. And Shaun is an idiot. At least you recognize that Peter Coffin is a braindead retard.

the problem with literature/philosophy/etc youtube channels, is they're all bland, elementary, not very well read, book groupish, and not very interesting. and they're all like this because that's the only sort of person who'd start a literature/philosophy/etc youtube channel.

Attached: 1_tWt1ZDt_7pCWazh_lpvSag.jpg (596x400, 39K)

He's a boring retard who rips off the already dead humour of Sam Hyde and the occupied niche of BAP. There's literally nothing else to him.

Trannies are incel class traitors, as such they reserve all the hate their get. As a literal sperg who spent years carefully internalising this idea of outward normality, weaving a tissue of cruel irony and neurosis around the fundamental trauma that is the self(nietszche, freud, foucault), it is really something when a unself aware version of you who fully gives in to the most animal and retarded impulses, ie A tranny, is publically hailed as the very model of a brave and liberated individual for shoving its weird fetishes in peoples faces. Trans people are not only normies, but they are weak, an example of what consumerist culture of do what to wilth does to people. I now understand the desire for fascism on a deep libidinal level.

>150 pages an hour
You actually believe that? That's more than two pages a minute.
I wish people would stop falling for narcissists on the internet.

Thank you.

So what you are saying is, at the base level, you secretly desire to become a woman, but feel compelled to stay in your untouchable body because society.
You would get laid if you were a girl

he isnt too edgy but hes somewhat of a crypto fascist, albeit at least an interesting one

why would anyone watch this chap. i listened to his video on homer and in 12 minutes (i couldn't finish it) he gives you NOTHING.

cuck philosophy
The New Chadafrican Philosophy and Peak Oil

> I now understand the desire for fascism on a deep libidinal level
Hahaha okay weirdo, a fascist regime would probably force sterilize you just in case.

>unironically shilling a brainlet like contra
Literally Sargon-tier retarded.

Admit it, you literally turned yourself into a monster because it was the easiest way to get laid

>left-leaning centrist
He is a neoliberal scumbag without a genuine bone in his lanklet body.
Were it not for patreonbux he would have stopped his schtick long ago to go make money off similar suckers in real life.


What? No. Not everyone here is either an incel or a transcel you know.
Me? I'm just a normie that likes literature, I say trans rights.

>what I think is irrelevant to the basic human
Well you're right about that.

I too now understand the desire for fascism on a deep libidinal level.
>You will never live in a fascist Utopia that forces genetically weak men to become dickgirl concubines.

False. The Magisterium and Pope both have authoritatively declared the trans gender ideology in opposition to dogma.

>What? No.




>Left YouTube for the most part like a month ago because I was being enslaved by the Algorithm.
>People in this thread can't stop talking about this contrapoints channel.
>"Well, let's see what's the big deal".
>It's literally a degenerate trannie LARPing both as intelligent and a
>Feel physically sick watching it.
>Close YouTube, after remembering why I left it.

What's so interesting about some failed english grad who writes about women peeing and makes 2010s meme videos? The only people who enjoy his material are either horny for him or too retarded to actually read the books he "discusses" and realize that he's going off of Sparknotes.