Title of the novel is used as the closing words

>title of the novel is used as the closing words

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>it really were one hundred years of solitude.

Seriously Márquez?

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>So... what do you call yourselves?
>The Crying of Lot 49!

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>We truly are living in an Infinite Jest...

to me, he'll always be The Great Gatsby

>he really was a sailor who fell from grace with the sea
Sasuga Mishima

>"He became the I am legend"

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>title is the name of the last chapter

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>I guess after everything, I am Legend.

>And that, my friends, is how we found the pot of gold at the end of gravity's rainbow

>title of novel occurs on the first page

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>and this kids is how to kill a mockingbird

>the title has nothing to do with the book

>The Red and the Black

You ever think that guy's life was so boring at some point he tried to kill a mockingbird for fun and that's where he got the idea of the book name from?

You guys are stupid. These are fake.

you haven't read the book have you, that's not what the crying of lot 49 is in the slightest you silly sausage

>I guess I really was the Nicomachean Ethics

>And he looked at the wall and saw a portrait of the artist as a young man.

>"Maybe the real The Phenomenology of Spirit was the friends we made along the way"

You cheeky cunt

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>And so Jesus gave Matthew a book for his bachelor party. It was The Holy Bible.

And so he walked beyond good and evil.

>There really was no other man like Don Quixote.

What makes that one funny is that the book does indeed fit OP's premise but the rascal made up a fake as fuck line to shoehorn it into the theme as if it does not.

>and for the first time in a long while, I really felt like Moby Dick.

>and for now that’s all we’ll hear about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

>excuse me sir, what is today?
>why, its October 19th, 1984!

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You do know that the closing phrase actually uses the words 100 years of solitude, right?

>A-and that's when I decided to venture off on my own little Odyssey! on account of all the Iliads of battle I'd just faced. . . .

>heaven above and hell below... it's all part of the divine comedy

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>He knew he would never again experience anything like 2001: A Space Odyssey.

>Our relationships, with ourselves and with one another, are tumultuous in times of war and peace.
Bravo, Tolstoy.

>I suppose we learned a lot about love at The Symposium

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Fuck you christfag that was kino

>And the headliner is... Harry Poter and Deathly Hallows!

Nigga dis some brave shit right hurrr nigga. Nigga did some bold big nigga type shit right here. I feel like king of the fuckin world on dis shit. Nigga, the theory of moral sentiments is my fuckin shit.

I honestly thank God it didn’t go on for one more page. To think Adam Smith foresaw black American culture 300 years in advance and satirized it makes me honestly quite scared. The man was a visionary

What am I, some kind of The Idiot?

So that's it, huh? We're some kind of Animal Farm?

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>It truly was a Crime and Punishment...
Still my favorite book

>Bateman, what are you some kind of America Psycho?

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what am i, a fellow of infinite jest?


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>I guess you could I was No Longer Human...

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>And with my breakfast sandwich perfected, thus did I become the Count of Monte Cristo.

"How many nights has it been since you were imprisoned, scheherazade?"
"1001 Arabian Nights, she replied

>And that's the law of the world... Crime and punishment.

call me ishmael

>after all these years, finally I have become the nigger of the narcissus

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>after all these years we finally have completed the journey to the west


>But by now, Bastian felt like this was a neverending story.

Name 12 non-fiction books, 4 short stories, 1 epic, 5 plays, 3 historical novels and 10 bbq grill manuals where this happens

>Perhaps I will never complete my journey to the end of the night.

genuine lol

>and Bloom told Stephen his son’s name would be Ulysses.
“Hardest book of all time” my ass

>the real amulet were the friends we made along the way
this is more or less the ending, not even joking.

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"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of Infinite Jest."
Wallace sucked ass

I guess this really was Plato's Collected Works.

>But enough; I don’t want to write more Notes from Underground.

only funny one ITT

oh and I guess this one too probably not original, though.

>aping Borges by inventing a fake play
lol what a tryhard faggot, glad he's dead

I did come up with it myself, but I tried way too hard

>too bad I didn't get that job as The Catcher in the Rye....

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>Raskolnikov, we will subject you to severe crime and punishment.

No, it was good cutie

>My God, it's full of 2001 A Space Odyssey!

>Title is just the main character's name


He had amnesia and it was him all along! Those hookers gave him amnesia!

At least then it's out of the way

>'You haven't heard the last of David Copperfield!' shouted the villain as they settled the noose around his neck and the executioner pulled the black hood down across his face.

>All the work that all of humanity has done for itself, only to figure out, in the end, that they're nothing but- Atomised

>The Catcher in the Rye was truly the phony all along...

>I had to face it. In the end, all I ever was and would be remembered for was Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his Years of Pilgrimage

>closing words are the title of a DIFFERENT novel

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>For I am the Ego and the world, it is my own.

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>It turned out, in the end, that it was us who were the true demons
>I became condemned to live forvever as the Eternal Husband
>United with the earth at last, I was buried alog my Notes from Underground
>Finally, we had become the brothers Karamazov

>This whole adventude came off as a prettyh harsh critique of pure reason

Ok, thats it. I'll write a story where I simply try to jam as many booktitles in as possible

that's the Bible, baby

>As the Mugwump came crashing down onto the table, spilling the bowl of spaghetti onto his dick and balls, Lee cried: Jesus christ man, you've completely ruined my Naked Lunch!

>After all these years... I finally become... Catch-22.