Post books where the main character is LITERALLY you

Post books where the main character is LITERALLY you

>socially retarded
>unintentionally ruin everyone's lives for them
>attracted to broken girls

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I've got that book on shelf right now. Thinking of starting but it feels like a big commitment. Is it difficult to read?

I am reading that right now
What the hell is wrong with the people that surround him?
I want to punch all of them!

Not at all

I'm reading it now and it really isn't a difficult read. About 200 pages in and enjoying it so far

More or less pic related. I wrote it under a pseudonym and under the guise of anonyminity. It's basically my magnum opus shitpost. On smashwords for free. Search "male aesthetics." I'll probably have to revise the editing eventually but get it now

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Will read this sounds interesting

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Can you believe the cover of this is a painting? Now no one knows how to use fucking oils now that everything's gone digital

What kind of fucking question is this
>is it difficult to read
It's on your fucking shelf bro, just pick it up and try it out, kek.

Thanks. You'll always have a place deep in my heart :3

It's the least gripping of Dostoyevsky's major works but it's still very entertaining

It’s the most challenging Dostoevsky

Dostoyevsky’s most beautiful

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Can I just say, I'm related to the guy who painted this art which ended up on the front of Dostoyevsky's 'Demons'

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I somehow found that book really boring and hard to get through. Was I missing something? Am I a brainlett for not laughing my ass off at the 19th century humor?

>very attractive, get laid often, many romantic affairs
>never loved any of them, ghost them randomly when i lose interest, many were interested in marrying me
>people always take pity on me and help me
>behave contemptibly
>deepseated social anxiety that i cover up to the point people actually enjoy hanging out with me
>distrustful, even when something seems to go well i'm certain i'm being set up for greater suffering when it falls to shit
>miserable life
>constant financial worries, chronic debtor
>rootless, move around often
>cut off from family, we don't get along, but they still send me money sometimes
>incapable of holding a job or supporting a family
>love booze
>usually in despair, brood in solitude for long periods of time
>from rural area, trying to come off as urbane and suave so people think i'm a city native
>often act arrogant and rowdy, actually emotionally crippled and in constant existential terror
>used to be considered incredibly smart, career nonexistent and all potential squandered
>idealize suicide as a final way out of worldly suffering

At least I don't abuse drugs or get drunk more than once a week.

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Just watch Our Idiot Brother instead. It's a contemporary movie adaptation of the concept.

The Idiot is Dosto's biggest brained work. The idea is an "absolute good" person, similar to Jesus, coming around but instead of being seen for the greatness he has is seen as overly simplistic and ignorant. The people around him actually become worse off after being around Myshkin and he's unable to save the ones he cares about most. Dosto's saying the world isn't capable of having a truly good person

Also if you read the Garnett version it's shit

Portnoy's Complaint, unfortunately

Fernando Pessoa Book of disquiet

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ur a fucking idiot and I bet idiots like youll find more on lit

why did dostoevsky write a book about me

This shit is for virgins

>le garnett bad
Also dismissed: myshkin being a good person. You missed the point. He isnt a good person. He's predjudiced, has no social skills, is proud of his lack of education to a point of gloating, he has no imagination. Posers say hes oh so human and sympathetic but the world is so bad and vile that they cant accept him. Bullshit. Raskalnikov, despite his two murders committed in a fit of lunacy as he was unwell mentally, from the human standpoint he is a much better person than pseudkin.

Is your fedora on so tight that you can’t even write a coherent sentence?

Are you like this on purpose or have you just given up?