We're having a bit of a economic-philosphical discourse. which one of us is right, Yea Forums?

we're having a bit of a economic-philosphical discourse. which one of us is right, Yea Forums?

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Your discord sounds extremely reddit

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>economic-philosophical discourse
>on discord
you're a fucking retarded, underage pseud
i hope you die

you are all retards for using discord to discuss economics and you are an even bigger retard for thinking anyone here would care


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like it's any worse than Yea Forums
nope, we're all on Yea Forums, mostly Yea Forums and /sci/ and Yea Forums

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well Yea Forums? who was in the right?

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come on dude, give us some outside perspective

nobody cares

ussing Marx to debate 3rd/4th wave of human rights (Digital resources)

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so what I take from this is I should have the boys make a thread here to debate the topics so you don't all dump on us just cuz you can't participate on the discord. because topics like these get dozens or even hundreds of replies on Yea Forums every day



Neither because you use discord.

why do you all hate discord? it's just another chatroom exactly like Yea Forums, except with even more possibilities (embedded media, emojis, no restrictions whatsoever on content, etc.)

The takeaway is that you should ask a question that is clear, and have it reference the literature.

Labor theory of value equivocates value in a market, but does point out the interesting paradox that the market even allows anything but consumed products to set value in the market in the first place. You can't induce the value of products by comparison if you also consider the labor and the manufacture of that product as a product itself too without changing the value the market assigns by scarcity as determined by what people will pay more for.

Philosophically speaking, what you posted was sophistry since there is no way to Rationalize something that is not contained.
Marx and subsequent LTV proponents mistake the benefit, the need, the work done to make the product for the market value of the product.

But capitalists mistake the value as having anything do with the scarcity of the product.
Since you can't know what everyone trades, nor can you even trade one thing for the other without both parties needing what the other has, there is no connection between the Price you pay and the scarcity of the product.

The only scarcity that matters is the exchange medium of Money that has become a product that is sold in the market, just like labor and production (stocks).

So capitalists are just as wrong about how the market works as Marxists are about why it doesn't work.

Does that help?

I've relayed your thoughts to the group. Thanks, user.

Good luck! Economics, like politics and religion is best discussed at a distance...

Which one is the tranny bottom which the tranny top

chatroom for zoomers and trannies

Cause the ppl are God damned psychopaths and good boy clubs, I've been banned from 3 discords in the first day for absolutely btfoing everyone and on red alert in 2, 1 was fine tho but it's honestly cancer especially when u imagine all the problems those ppl have on there and then u have to put a name on them

Yea Forums, along with discord is trash for most real discussion. Debate your books, not anons.

>I've been banned from 3 discords in the first day for absolutely btfoing everyone
yeah, I'm sure that's how it'll go down in the history books. user was too smart for a room full of people and they feared his prowess.
>imagine all the problems those ppl have
you are very likely among the afflicted if you have to justify being ostracized by saying "me too smart"

That and the level of discourse is undergrad anything, the memes usually suck balls, voice chat is cancer cause if you're known as the guy who btfo's everyone nobody wants to chat w u, and again just the vitriol ppl put on your identity, which is out there, is absolutely toxic, which, again, wouldn't be so bad if the level of discourse was a bit higher. Every conversation turns into a circlejerk, there are no random critique channels that anyone takes seriously, no random poetry, anything literature related is only barely brought up in debates, the trolls are retarded, half the ppl sound like rube basement dwellers. That may very well be the same here (although I doubt a little) but the format here is just a ton better

I can beat u in a debate if u want, I just never lose, ure triggered but I've been debating autistically for a decade and a half nearly. It's the most consistent thing in my personality

I have no desire to debate a boorish idiot. You'll win me no fame or fortune; you won't even grant my ego a boost.

I recommend psychotherapy.

Y psychotherapy and wat part?


u sound like a fat virgin alcoholic

>Marx and subsequent LTV proponents mistake the benefit, the need, the work done to make the product for the market value of the product
Marx's LTV isn't a theoery of market prices so I don't know what you mean by this.

>Marx and subsequent LTV proponents mistake the benefit, the need, the work done to make the product for the market value of the product.
What else is there? It's just so obvious. On average things can't be sold below their cost of production, because otherwise their production wouldn't be profitable. But C=costs-of-production are just (L=labour + MOP=means-of-production). But now the same is true for the MOP. For MOP, C2 = L2 + MOP2. You then recursively substitute all the subsequent C2, C3, C4, etc. for MOP, MOP2, MOP3, etc., and all you have left in the end is C = L1 + L2 + ... + Ln, which is just labour.

There's only one additional component in each equation I skipped--shit that we find for free in nature. But since it's free, then it will just be 0 everywhere (God is a true socialist). Hence the minimum price will only be dependent on labour.

After all that you just add the standard rate of profit for Mr. Moneybags, add/subtract a bit depending on the local imbalance of supply and demand, and voila, you have your market price, pretty much.

Also why the fuck would you post a fucking discord conversation here. Are you 14 or is this how Yea Forums humour looks like in 2019?

Are you 15 or is this the reply to ppl on Yea Forums who post discord conversations

It's way worse, nobody cares about your reddit-tier discord drama

Fuck you discord faggots, discord is for queers.

>I have no desire
>win fame or fortune
thou ist a faggoteth, wherefore art thee so faggotethy

Schoolboy btfo

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