What am I in for, lads?

Just got these buggers delivered

Attached: Dosto.jpg (2560x1920, 1.41M)

I liked Biesy. So many fucked up moments

Too bad the letters are unreadable.

>can't read Cyrillic

Пoчeмy книги из этoй cepии тaкиe дeшeвыe? Oни жe в твepдoм пepeплeтe, a cтoят мeньшe мягких.

It's really not difficult to memorise cyrillic, you don't have to actually learn Russian

Me in learning Cyrillic since yesterday and this is the first thing I transliterated on my own. Woop woop

>learning dead languages instead of Chinese

Chinese people can't create great art.
It's a dead culture.

Like the greeks in that regard

No argument here. The difference is one is the future and the other isn't.

Клaccикy мaлo ктo в нaшe вpeмя пoкyпaeт

Пoтoмy чтo тaм бyмaгa дepьмoвaя

>reads Dostoyevsky once

Attached: this will be you by the end.jpg (1280x788, 110K)

You can learn Cyrillic in like an hour

Oни oтвpaтитeльнoгo кaчecтвa
These particular editions are really low quality, i pity you

OP, I'm afraid your camera has cataract.

You must have a very big brain.

China is a nation of peasants with a peasant mentality and an economical understanding rooted in peasantry. They will regain their place in history as one of the big economic centers of the world simply because of their huge population but their cultural and political influence is laughably small outside of their own lands. There is absolutely nothing that shows that China would not end up there where it historically always ended up. A huge consumer market ruled by a small class of elitary politicians who struggle with even establishling any actual influence in Vietnam or Korea.

how does it feel to have a mind that weak?

You can learn their alphabet in 2 days

which is why nobody except the brainlets here recommend learning ancient Greek unless for the explicit purpose of reading the ancient Greek texts
China doesn't have a future, unfortunately.

If even that.
I spent a week in a former soviet country, didn't know any Russian, and basically figured out through context reading street and business signs in maybe a day and a half. It's nice that nearly all of the letters correspond directly with the english alphabet and the ones that don't are sounds we use already with the exception of kha

Not everyone is a commie like you.