Who are the greatest antagonists in literature?

Who are the greatest antagonists in literature?

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harry potter and voldemort

Seaton and DuQuesne.

Sherlock and Moriarty

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rick and morty

Shrek and Lord Farquad

Cain and Abel


The windmills in Don Quixote



The reader

rick and morty

Myself, in "My Diary, Desu."


Who's the big fella in black?

The Judge from Blood Meridian. They say he's still dancing

I'm so glad someone took the time to draw this.

As I suspected, thank you fren.

I want to say the Man in Black and the Gunslinger. But their endings were kind of gay. Maybe Ender and the Buggers? I don't know.

Oh, thanks.

Just pick any greek tragedy desu

Don Juan in Much ado about nothing (Shakespeare). He's literally just a bored guy trying to have fun, yet he's very frustraring

Lomax, that crippled nigger

this used to make me laugh every time i heard it until i saw that don quixote movie from that monty python guy. i guess seeing it in real life killed the humility of it. in my head i always thought it was hilarious. fuck movies

The joker was the greatest villain ever written

The spook

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Lomax was not the cripple right

is that the judge in the OP?

He was the senior cripple, not the younger one.

The Tribunal and their Anticipations.

God in the OT.
The party in 1984.


All memes aside, it’s Iago by a walk


Abe McQuown and Clay Blaisedell

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that cop from crime and punishment

And that rat fucking bastard Morgan of course


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Prometheus/Lucifer/ Insert knowledge bringer... Any one of the “lightbringers.” Opposes “God” by giving humans knowledge/free will and thus removing us from salvation through blind worship of God and dooming us to suffering and damnation.