Book is over 400 pages

>book is over 400 pages

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true, if you can't say it in less than 200 pages it probably isn't worth saying

>penguin classics

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I'm reading The Stand by Stephen King and it's 1300 pages. I think when you're a famous author your editor won't dare trim your novel.

That would probably take me a decade to read if I even bothered

>Someone highlighted a book from the library


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>book has pages

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>book has LESS than 400 pages

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>every single Shakespeare play

How come that Stephen king book with the clown is like 1300 pages


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he needed space to go into great detail in the child sex scenes

The first hundred some are just Mike calling each of the other six kids. Otherwise there's a lot of detail given in the kids day-to-day, plus side stories with Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter. There's also a few sections throughout the book which talk about historical events that took place in Derry. There's just a lot going on. Or you could just read it and find out you faggot.

whoa, sounds riveting

>Book is over 600 pages of esoteric symbolism

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>book was written by a woman

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why would you unironically read 1300 pages of reddit:the writer

King writes incredibly compelling kid characters, and also the history of the town is super interesting. And really as far as horror in literature goes It is on point. If you don't want to read it don't, but you don't need to be a prick on Yea Forums about it you massive cunt.

>using empty descriptors like compelling and interesting
>you don't need to be a prick on Yea Forums

Attached: 1437968342229.jpg (991x1287, 348K)

You forgot
>on point
It’s like they wear badges

>book is over 400 pages or under 400 pages

>Book has pictures

I mean the guy is a fan of Stephen King, are you really surprised by the personality

>book is 400 pages exactly

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are you afraid you fall behind your goodreads goal?

They literally did make him cut it. I remember because I read the uneditted one (which was like 400 pages longer) and the foreward spoke of it, didn't matter because I got a few hundred pages in and realized I did not care for any of it, coming from someone who has enjoyed some of kings early works.

The King in Yellow has 400+ pages but is engrossing so its a breeze to read 100+ pages in a sitting

>sister found the diary
>FBI found the manifesto

>pick up book
>read blurb
>look at author
>it's a woman
>put book back

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It is literally his only horror novel I've read, but keep posturing pseud.

>book is over 900 pages

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Hooray! Wouldn't want it to end too soon!

Books that are less than 200 pages are the equivalent to a literally fast food

>frog folder has over 400 files

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>play is a book
have sex

>book has pages

Attached: do_you_even_lift_bro.png (220x192, 83K)

I hate everything else in this image, but who is the portly bro in the left corner

Based. If your book is longer than 400 pages, then you weren't fucking concise enough.

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How does it feel to be wasting HOURS and hours of your life reading coked out nonsense that King doesn't even have the slightest memory of doing?

Not saying all of it is like that, but hundreds of pages are.

How does it feel to be wasting HOURS and hours of your life writing coked out nonsense that Janny doesn't even have the slightest concern of deleting?

Faggot here, can you please greentext some of your personal highlights of IT? I have never been able to stomach more than a half of a King book, but I'm still interested in this child development and Derry history. Could you please help a man out?

>look up King in Yellow on Goodreads
>all the editions are 200 pages or fewer

Borges approved

I need a little evola in my life

At least Yea Forums is actually entertaining, LMAO

I fear this thread will 404, but I really want an answer to this

Attached: image.jpg (1024x1024, 423K)

>uses pages to measure a book's length
>doesn't determine every "the" word in the corpus of such a language utterance to triangulate, using Zipfian measurements, the exact frequency of every word as it's inversely proportional counterpart on the frequency table.
>doesn't initiate a rank-frequency distribution scale to determine the exact number of every word in the book
>doesn't use simple mathematics to this determine its actual length
Found plebs

Attached: Zipf_distribution_CMF.png (800x600, 85K)


King's best work is coked out nonsense

Maybe he read one of those The King in Yellow and Other Stories.

>mfw have to read over 200 pages for summer reading
>mfw have a to write a 300 word essay by the first week of class

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If Shawshank Redemption is coked out nonsense then I guess I like coked out nonsense

>book is 400 pages
>actually only 150 plus essays

>10 word report due tomorrow
Need a bigger bottle

Let's be honest writing a coherent 10 word essay is quite difficult.

>10,000 word essay due in 1 minute
>haven't even started the intro
It's over.

Attached: sad_pepe__feels_bad_man__vector_by_hirussai-d8uq43y.png (917x871, 139K)

300 words is easy user, 200 pages? Bro, wtf you reading scrotie mcboogerballs?

>janny affirmation

>book has words

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No. Read it yourself you pathetic worm

it's just 1600 pages of describing smells

Hello it's me. Here's the deal, the reason I didn't give more detail in my first two posts is cause I read the damn thing two years ago so it's not very fresh. I can at least tell you about some of the history of Derry. There's three specific detailed incidences that I can remember happening in the book. In the first there's a criminal group called the Bradley Gang who come to Derry and the whole town basically rallies and ambushes all of them. The most interesting one has to do with a black bar being burned down and the imagery used to describe people trying to escape is really graphic. The third has a lumberjack guy like cut someone down with an axe in the middle of a crowded bar. They're a lot more interesting than I'm making them sound. I wish I could remember more specific details about the kids, but it really does feel like you're reading about real kids. The first chapter or two are about Georgie getting killed and an attack on Adrian Mellon. I'm gonna say you should give those two a try and if you like them you are gonna have to kinda power through the six phone calls, although even those six phone calls contain a great section when Mike calls Stan where the suspense is palpable. The book does really shine though in the kids sections, and they do make up the bulk of the book, so if you're interested just give it a try and don't let the length intimidate you. Kings prose isn't especially difficult or anything, so it doesn't feel as long as it actually is.

I'm not even a King hater, I think some of his books are worth reading, but I got absolutely nothing out of The Stand. It was a waste of time.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

>sentence is over 15 words
Miss me with that shit


user, I...

>he actually replied
Thanks a million bro. Perhaps I will read it, one day...

If I had to choose one King book to read I'm not sure if it would be It or The Stand

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I haven't read The Stand myself (funny considering the other guy thought I was some kinda fan boy when I've literally only read It and The Dark Tower), but I would say you can't go wrong with either. I should warn you that It goes a bit off the rails at the end too since it did kind of fall smack in the middle of King's big coke addiction, but I still think it's good. If you need a place to start though most King fans I've seen say go for Carrie or Pet Semetary or The Shining. Some of his shorter and more popular books.

Oh and glad I could help :)

>book isn't between 150 and 350 pages

Attached: pepe2.png (400x381, 125K)

so the only authors whose entire ouevre you would enjoy are Houellebecq, Calvino, and Vonnegut?

>book has 800 pages
>call the first 400 pages "[book name] part 1"
>call the last 400 pages "[book name] part 2"

I would read the first half and then wait a month to read the second.

Attached: mouweng.png (730x369, 427K)

>book is under 300 pages
>read it in a couple of days
>feel like i wasted my money

Thats about exactly what I do, very patrician user.

I plan on waiting a whole year between Don Quixote I & II, as the author took a decade-long break between the two.

>Long thing bad!!!!!!
>I want to read multiple 200 pages books instead because I am gay froggo OP
So hard to stick to something, huh, OP.

Why the fuck aren't you using a library, you jerry bastard?

>book is 200 hundred-something pages long
>take a year with multiple month long breaks in between to finish reading it
God, I hate being so apathetic.

>the reader is a faggot who doesn't understand the operative metric is fucking word count it is fucking word count not page count you fucking faggot imbecile cunt retard it's word count

Have sex

As a fan of King I'd go with It over The Stand. The best part of The Stand is the beginning when Captain Trips is spreading across the country, after that the book changes drastically and morphs into this sort of bland portrayal of the dichotomy between good and evil, God and the Devil, etc and loses a lot of nuance.

>chapter is over 10 pages long

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that's okay user, it's about building a lifelong habit of reading.

reddit doesn't read, don't kid yourself. if anything king is boomer-tier

>600 page book
>Reads like a dream.
>150 page book
>Takes fucking forever to get through

Why does this happen.

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>book doesn't even has chapters

The 1300pg one IS the long one. The abridged version, which is the one that was actually acclaimed and sold well, was ~900pgs.

>play is a book
I indeed have Shakespeare's plays in book form.

this is what is stopping me from reading crimes and punishment

You should read it user, it's a fun book. Unironically.

i literally have the book sitting on my desk and everytime i go to read it i get around 20 pages in and give up

>Book is exactly 1234 pages

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>book was translated by a woman

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>book is 401 pages because the title of the novel is used as the closing words

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umaru apu



>book has like 12 introductions and prefaces