>ughh I'm.. I'm really glad
>I'm r-really glad I read ll those books...
>*beep beep beeeeeeeep*
Do dying people really talk about the stuff they're glad they did when alive and stuff like that? When my grandpa died, he just bitched about his roommate being a fag and about the nurses not giving him pussy.
nah no way. imma kill myself before i ever get anywhere near old age.
I think about this issue a lot when I read books these days. I am pretty sure when my health and/or finance deteriorate I will regret all the hours I spent on books.
I have some negative examples to look at in my library.
I will be very lucky if I can afford the life support. Very sure books I read don't pay me.
>ughh I'm.. I'm really glad
>I'm r-really glad I worked and s-saved all that mon...
>*beep beep beeeeeeeep*
your grandpa was a based man
Deep respect for him.
fuckin lol
>ughh I'm.. I'm really glad
>I'm r-really glad I posted all those gigacha...
>*beep beep beeeeeeeep*
>ywn be a young woman fresh out of nursing school
>ywn be able to fuck old, dying, senile men in a nurses outfit inside a hospital
Why live?
It's better than Netflix nigga
Thats very achievable. C'mon! it's 2019!!
Imagine knowing what Netflix is
>mfw I fucked up the economy for future generations just so I could live like a king for 30 years
*wheeze* *pant* At least I'm glad I spent all that time on social med-HNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG
>things things I’ve read
>the stories and all the places
>tfw no gf
Harvard conducted multiple meta analyses on shit dying people say and #1 regret is wagecucking.
Quit your jobs, bros.
I want to die like that unironically
>had a great time reading books
>long life
>dies in a hospital so in good care
>can articulate thoughts and talk all the way to the end
>last words are about what I loved doing
>For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.