What are some good books or essays arguing that literature is the greatest artistic medium?

What are some good books or essays arguing that literature is the greatest artistic medium?

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It is along with painting.
Music is shit.
t. professional musician.

Is How to Read and Why by Bloom a good place to start with literature appreciation?

So your opinion is more valid, huh?

Why? Is it too formulaic and paint by numbers? Not enough sensory stimulation? Too primitive?

I always thought that I would be far more happy composing like Beethoven or Mozart than writing the poetry of Shakespeare’s plays. Not only you can produce more by being a musician, or also seems to touch people more deeply.

I don’t know anything about music, but to me the greatest works of Mozart and Beethoven are greater even than Shakespeare. And I didn’t want to think like this, honest to god. I really wanted to see great poetry and drama and novels as the greatest products of human genius, but I can’t. I would be lying to myself.

Music is the most superior and then is literature.
t. someone who actually listens to music
He is retarded.
>Is it too formulaic and paint by numbers? Not enough sensory stimulation? Too primitive?
Oh wait, so are you. Music is the most sensual experience one can have other than living an ascetic life. Literature is close second next.

What happens when you get bored of just listening to sounds?

I can bet you haven't listened to enough music. I too sometimes feel like I have heard it all but then find something that completely changes my view on music. Tell me what artists you listen to.

Leonard Cohen, Joanna Newsom, Comus, Tim Buckley, Wagner, Beethoven, Monteverdi.

um, it's cAmus...

You misunderstood me anyways. I meant in a day. Max I can go is 2-3 hours until the enjoyment runs out and I gotta wait for it to come back.

Other than Wagner, that's barely considered music and I can understand you frustration.
I don't know how to fix your stupidity, maybe you have to wait for the brain implants.

>Other than Wagner, that's barely considered music and I can understand you frustration.
Name what you listen to.

who gives a shit?

Whitehouse, various Harsh Noise artists and a bit of Napalm Death when I want some more lighthearted music.

I listen to a lot of music and constantly try to find new artists and explore more previous pieces. I really enjoy right now John Tavener, Spencer Clark and James Ferraro, B A C H, Bladee and Yung Lean, John Maus and many more that are lesser known.

Both of these are not serious and I won't fall for the bait.

Is impersonating me. I'm and I can tell you with an utmost sincerity that I have superior taste than most people. These artists push the musical medium to its current known limits. I'm pretty sure you have not heard of them or don't have yet the ear to hear complex and different music so I can understand. I can't understand when you think you're better without any proof of it. Like I said in my very first post, you don't know music so you can't say that you don't enjoy it.

I don't fall for bait. I am an experienced 4channer.

is actually impersonating me and trying to make me look like a retarded pseud. i am actually and i feel like i have dabbled in other genres of the past, but the mentioned artists have reached the apex of art reflective of the human condition.

I'm trying to help you but, ok. Plebs with be plebs and the brainlets will be brainlets. Can't teach stupid. Music helped me experience everything on such a different level. Now I understand when some artists or writers act like assholes, they get tired of retards who know nothing and can't be bothered to research basic things yet think they know it all.

Can you write a little bit about why you regard Yung Lean so highly?

Because he as well listens to a lot of alternative music(read anything other than rap pop and rock) and actually removed rap's structure and made rap more complex while being sincere and not just making it so for the sake of it and why it actually sounds good. He has never stopped evolving and although he might sometimes make mistakes he is so far ahead in actually understanding what sounds good that its not even funny. Most other rappers just become one trick ponies or completely fall off flat when they get famous yet he doesn't change and stick to doing what he wants.

So you rank Yung Lean higher than Beethoven and Leonard Cohen.

Than Leonard Cohen for sure. I have respect for classical composers and I don't rank them so even though I enjoy him more I still respect Beethoven. The thing is that Bach and even Debussy is better so I don't understand your problem. You want to make me look like I think rap is better than classical when I like Yung Lean for the very fact that he transcends the genre.

This is from The Conformist, right? Great film.

This is either bait or you have a mental illness.

>still nothing to disprove me
I understand you, having a cognitive dissonance is really difficult to deal with.

The Book by Mallarme

>barely considered music
Are you trying to write the stupidest pseud post on Yea Forums right now?

Listen to Bach and Mähler user. Try also any entry level jazz or any old indian music, that'll make a change.

That's what flat earthers say. It's better to just walk away.

>Are you trying to write the stupidest pseud post on Yea Forums right now?
>recommend jazz or any old indian music
Sorry, you lead by an infinite margin. I respect more people who listen to top40 than such who listen to jazz.

>Listen to Bach and Mähler user. Try also any entry level jazz or any old indian music, that'll make a change.
I listen to everything you wrote. He is trying to make the argument the reason I can't listen to music for 8 hours straight is my taste is bad but I guarantee I have a wider taste than he does.

Not a single word on why I am wrong. You don't care about the music. Your artists use music minimally not through minimalism but because they don't care about sound and rather using it the medium for something else or they simply don't have it.

I'm pretty sure I found your profile. 1,557 ratings correct? It's the only person I could find that had all those artists.

I don't have any registrations on any sites. Especially on sites where people rate music, its so pathetic, just like you who can't yet disprove me.

I searched up the names you wrote and literally only one profile had every single name you wrote and highly rated. Don't lie. It's too obscure for it to be anyone else.

>It's too obscure
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Why do you continue to embarrass yourself. Do you not comprehend how retarded you look? Also when are you going to disprove me?

What a dummy! Anything literature can do, cinema can do better. Sorry, retard!

It has every single name you wrote and highly rated. There is 0 change this isn't it you. Just stop lying.

Ethos, brainlet.

Your bait is pretty consistent I have to admit. But banter aside you might want to check out indian traditional musical writing structures, they're pretty dope.
Also you didn't even try to own your implicated contempt of Beethoven. A bit disappointing, that.

He's most likely trolling and if not an incredible retard.

Why do you try to make fun of me? Music is simply the closest medium to feeling things as they are. Literature comes second but it can come pretty close in invoking the same feelings.

The artists I listed are some of them, I have many more but they are lesser known and its pointless to list them.
Fuck you, you fucking faggot. I don't want feel like bubbles come out of my head, you have heard one you have heard it all type of music. Shit music, like their past time.

What can music do that cinema cannot? I'll wait! Just because you can consume (but not appreciate) music while you play your videogames does not make it a superior medium. Sorry! Hahahaha

what can cinema do that video games cannot?

>it's another classicalfag
You, yes you, are ruining music.

Because cinema is jack of all trades and music and literature's greatest power is that they can try to produce something that transcends the humans ideas and mind while cinema is stuck in vision and only presenting what can be seen.

Hahaha of course the ant has nothing to say! Go back to your hole, you serve no purpose up here.

If you read my post you will see I enjoy other genres as well but classical and electronic music(non-danceable) are the only objectively good genres.

nice argument

Wrong! Cinema has been showing the otherworldly and metaphysical for a century. Try again.

why are Yea Forumstants such retards bros

>refuses to provide a proper argument
>gets called out
>I know you are but what am I?!?!?!
What a waste of water and calories! Begone!

Wrong, the very concept of it prevents it from showing anything beyond kitsch.

Expand on that. Go on, please. I'm really going to love this one.

I expanded on it already. Visual arts is the most primitive and handicapped medium.

i asked a question which you cant answer.

I'm really at a loss for why people like you two come to a literature board. Any regular reader would be much better with rhetoric. I suggest you take some time to think and understand the flaws in your reasoning and character. Do all that, then come back and we'll make some real progress.

It isn't. Film is.

My debating skills are perfect for getting the btfo. Can you tell me where I went wrong? I'm the video game guy.

You went wrong by being a videogame guy. But seriously, follow my advice from earlier and you'll be much better off before long. Right now you're either trolling, arguing in bad faith, or just incapable of this kind of discussion (for now (hopefully))

I'm sorry you can't argue and defend your position.

I too wonder why are you on the literature board when you care about the most shallow part of it. Also when is someone going to prove me wrong, if possible. You sound like a hypocrite since you can't even prove wrong someone who tries to be as clear and open as possible. We will make progress when self-satisfied redditors like you get out of the board.

Nice work boys. Very reassuring to see you're on the same wavelength.

Hope you too get that far one day too, user. But considering how much you have deepthroated your own cock you probably can't even seen how funny you look.

I'd yawn into a vocaroo if you were worth the bandwidth.

>still zero arguments
So this is the state of the pseuds on this board.

you're pathetic.

this is a legendary thread

Be constrained. Video games are a second person medium and the pacing is completely ruined whenever the player doesn't do what he is supposed to in terms of narrative. Second person is shit.

I am not a pseud! By no means and no ways! It appears as if it were actually you as the true pseud this entire time! Hahahahahahaha
You shit in little diapers and make your aging Filipino nanny clean it all up.

Music is fucking pointless and barely qualifies as art. I don't care about your feelings when you hear something "powerful"

Based autismo

Feelings are not the point of art sorry

you are retarded

Here’s why it’s the greatest art form: it’s the only they give a Nobel for. And you may not like the Academy’s choices but it is very prestigious

Bob Dylan has a Nobel for music.

Bad post

>Bob Dylan has a Nobel for music.
The nobel was for Tarantula