Immigration to europe is good

>immigration to europe is good

what did he mean by this?

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He meant except to Israel.

Most people think immigration is good because it boosts the economy. Imagine being so discounted from your culture and heritage that you consider letting hundreds of thousands of foreigners in just because you can buy a phone slightly cheaper

Israel is in Asia.

He's a front for the elites. It's really transparent.

So is Europe. It's a supercontinent.

He meant he is a good jew.

I don't really see the correlation between immigration and cheaper phones

Imagine letting bullshit concepts like heritage and culture spook you out of a cheap phone

imagine paying for a product when you can simply get it for free

>bullshit concepts like heritage and culture
you must be an american

I know this is bait, but there are Stirnertards that might actually think like this.

(((Yuval Noah Harari)))

good detective work genius


After Europe fucked up their home countries it's the least we can do to help out.

So is Africa, it's connected.

Less job competition, so lower wages.

There is half of America that thinks like this. Also almost everyone I know.

Yes, but Israel isn't in Europe.

Cheaper phones is a metaphor. It's more to do with locally produced goods.

Africa has its own continental plate.

Europe stole it from the locals though so they own it.

Except when they are on holiday. Why are Americans so hard to talk to. They seem to completely miss the point. Although Vancouverians have been the worst north americans I've met so far. Big tits, but PC-obsessed, "anti-depressant" taking chicks that actually had a DNA-analysis to prove themselves they were 1% native american...

>21st century lessons
Well you have to fix that wage bubble first

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I have a sneaky suspicion pic related may have something to do with it.

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Nationalism was literally only invented in the 18th century to persuade soldiers to fight in the absence of feudal loyalties

Nationalism is heritage and culture.
KYS yourself

burger education is wild

You cannot actually believe this

>having so little self-confidence that one needs concepts like heritage and culture

Can you provide some quotes to support those allegations?

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>some nobody published a paper about how he controls the world
>it must be true, I don't need to read it


Imagen letting some bullshit consents such a property and laws stop you form having a free phone.

Based Jews publishing their master plan for the goyim to find out


She is literally saying she is putting the interests of businesses above the people of the country.

Me make good warlord, let me ins plz.

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If this is true and it eventually happens I sure hope the new black majority go full farrakhan on jews

I've just read the intro but so fat it seems the giy who wrote this picture is insane.

>The community should stop letting the thought police of the more extreme incarnations of multiculturalism squelch it, feel compelled to genuflect in their direction, or unconsciously internalize or be guilt-tripped into validating their identity politics that masquerade as pluralism. By liberating themselves from these inhibitions we will unavoidably profane the altars of some of our own politically correct household gods, including the present liberal/ethnic/corporate orthodoxy on immigration.

>equal urgency, and inextricably linked to that debate, is the mission of finding ways to strengthen national unity and social cohesion in America by resuscitating patriotic assimilation under demanding, historically unprecedented circumstances.

>This is emphatically not a time for expending much energy worrying about political good manners and seeking to anticipate each and every qualm of our hypersensitive current political allies (I hope soon-to-be former allies), not to mention the reactions of some of our own flock. And we can't afford to continue putting our heads in the sand, appealing as that is. The problem — and there is a problem — is not going to go away. Unlike the case with earlier eras of immigration, there appears to be no hiatus in the offing. According to figures just pre-leased from the recent Census, the number of Mexicans who have come to the United States legally and/or illegally has doubled in one decade.

>But Jewish memories of the failure of U.S. refugee policy and a national-origins immigration policy abandoned some 36 years ago should no longer, can no longer, serve as the basis for communal thinking on this issue. We are, in the first instance, not speaking here of refugees from tyranny or oppressed minorities, but of vast numbers of immigrants seeking economic betterment, and, secondly, we are not advocating an anti-immigration position — far from it — but rather a sensible one that is consonant with the American dream. Put simply, what we are advocating is a pro-immigrant policy of lower immigration.

I haven't read it entirely bit it's seems mostly to be the writing of a jew boomer concerned with the slow destruction of his community by latino immigrations and islam, and lack of interest of the younger generation in the jewish culture.
I haven't found anything stating that they aim for a white minority this was probably added in by the mentally ill who wrote this.
If the guy was white and wrote about white, /pol/ would say he's based.