Hello my name is Ethan. Why is everyone here so mean? We all love books so we should be nice to one another

Hello my name is Ethan. Why is everyone here so mean? We all love books so we should be nice to one another.

Thank you,

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Hello Ethan.

Look up the history of the first internet chatroom in human history. It doesn't really explain why it is like it is, but it makes pretty clear that there's just no way it will be any different anytime in the future.


It is our similarities that highlight our differences.

Just like irl most people are mean to each other.

>We all love books

Thank you I will research tonight after my nap

Thank you but many people in real life are kind and I wish people here were sometimes like that too.

Thank your for your post but I don’t know what this means. I can only assume it is meant to be hurtful.


Is this the same Ethan that used to post about Zelda and having a hard time to focus like a year ago or something?

I am suggesting that many people here do not really love books, Ethan. This could be part of the reason people are hostile, but it could also not.

No different Ethan Thanks

not sure what type of discourse you're expecting in a forum that has no reference to who you're holding a dialogue with and only the presumption of why.

Okay thanks for the clarification Thanks.

Could you get the other one? I liked him

Can you please clarify I don’t know what you’re saying Thanks


>We all love books

I'll take that kitten it's really cute

His name is Edgar, very cute indeed. Got him a few years ago and then last month he died.

The Sticky Wiki says as much Thanks for contributing to my first thread on the Yea Forums I usually just post on /an/ about my cat Edgar who recently perished.

I think he's talking about how we fear strangers and therefore we're hostil to them.

I would like to see more politeness here, I think it could help to the discussions

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