What are some Yea Forums games ?

What are some Yea Forums games ?

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999/Zero Escape

Mother series and nothing else

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Questionable how Yea Forums or how game they are, but I'll suggest some stuff.

VA-11 HALL-A, Visual novel.
Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Shooter with jetpack mechanics.
Beneath a Steel Sky, Point and click adventure.
Machinarium. Point and Click Adventure.


Silent hill 1 through 3, especially 2.


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Lisa is a pretty decent choice, especially if itsjust The Painful on its own.

The Zork trilogy is Yea Forums af.

Kane & Lynch 2 (analogous to 'extreme literature' à la Peter Sotos)
Dog's Life (deeply laden with esoteric undertones)

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Dear Esther
Stanley Parable if you're a Pynchon fan

Any Final Fantasy until XII.

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Minecraft is kinda Nietzschean.

>Stanley Parable if you're a Pynchon fan

>Stanley Parable if you're a Douglas Adams fan

Chess, Go, Backgammon.

Legacy of kain ya plebes

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What is this supposed to be saying?

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that gaymers complain about how costly it is to raise a child but are willing to shell out more cash for consoles

good to know kids get live off daipers for 18 yrs

You visit Lafcadio Hearn's house/museum in Root Letter

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don't look back

Even if that were the point everything there costs less than a year of diapers. Not sure where the amount comes from.

definitely Kentucky Route Zero

magical realist, mainly text-based, makes a statement, and is highly intertextual

here's a good jumping-off point in the form of a review/analysis: superlevel.de/spiele/kentucky-fried-zero-english-edition/
there are a bunch of other insightful ones as well. PLAY THIS GAME!

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None, gaming is bad.
The Pikmin games and the Shrek games are the only good games and they are not Yea Forums

Subarashiki Hibi

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what about Simutrans?

Celeste is a great game with some literary elements, I wouldn't consider it to be fully Yea Forums though.

.....from somewhere a transmission..........

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Doki Doki

>not being able to enjoy the joyful

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Dwarf Fortress with its generated text.

Where my Wonderful Everyday niggas at?

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>indie games

Only if you play with a self-generated Librarian class.

Skyrim where you read every book you come across. Becoming a lore chad is it's own reward

>no one mentioning Baba is You
It's literally a big brain game about rearranging words

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Major/minor skills?

So are you aloud to fight and use magic or do you run from everything?

Fuck, this game was wonderful, i'm going to replay it right now.
The red strings club
What remains of edith finch
And almost anything by Anappurna.

hooooly fuck that dogs life suggestion hooooolh wh-

Super Mario Bros 2 baby

No More Heroes.

The Stories of Ihatovo, an adventure game based on the stories of Kenji Miyazawa.

Yea Forums games are the ones that don't try to be a book. Shadow of the colossus/ico, dark souls/bloodborne, etc
if you want a game/book read subahibi or fata Morgana or planescape torment

Too bad it's logic has limitations and is badly implemented.

Lisa is litter I'd argue

It's supposed to be a super ironic meme guys.

Planescape Torment. It literally a visual novel disguised as a crpg

I would include the Thief series somewhere around this list.

>Dog's Life
>esoteric undertones
please explain

I'm surprised to see how many subahibi-chads are in this thread. Feels good to know my favorite VN is well regarded on Yea Forums.

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Every great NES game.

Icy, is that you?

ea Sunless Sea Sunless Sea Sunless Sea Sunle

Animism deeply pervades the entire game. Jake, the main protagonist of the game, is shown to display great intelligence and linguistic faculties despite being a dog -communicating to the player that animals have a sapience similar to humans. The intelligence of 'lesser beings' seems to be widely accepted within the game's universe; humans will talk to Jake with the knowledge that he is able to understand them fully and they even ask him to complete complex tasks for them.
It is strongly implied beings within the game's universe have a soul. One way this is manifested is through Jake's ability to possess other dogs. We known Jake is actually possessing them -instead of the game just letting you take control of another dog for the sake of game mechanics- because of the remarks Jake makes when he enters the body of another dog. If you take control of a small dog for example, Jake will remark something like 'the ground is a lot more interesting up close' meaning he has actually temporarily inhabited the possessed dog's body and is seeing the world through their eyes.
Even inanimate objects seem to have an intelligence to them. Collecting bones is a large part of the game and the means by which you progress through it. Sometimes when Jake eats a bone, they will do a little dance or movement before being consumed -indicating the bones have a certain aliveness to them. More than that, these bones often times materialize out of what appears to be some blue burst of energy after the completion of some task (materialization being highly occult in and of itself, of course).
Also, the smells which you collect throughout the game are represented by, what are essentially, coloured auras.
All in all it's a very spiritual game.

most suda games. the best is killer 7, but the silvercase has its charm, although a little bit annoying dialogue where they repeat themselves. i dont care for vallhalla, characters are forgettable. if you can get past some of the hybrid animal shit and the creators libtard twitter, 2064 ROM was actually pretty good. unironically katawa shoujo has a pretty romantic aspect to it, and some teen drama. no need to play rdr2, just watch the braithwaite manor scene. thats where it peaks. im sure im missing more but those are the ones that come to mind first