/pol/acl here where do i start with lit?
/pol/acl here where do i start with lit?
what have you read?
platos republic, thus spoke zarathustra,beyond good and evil,evola's work,mein kampf,culture critique,mediation by marcus aurelius
The Holy Bible
Fake /pol/tard detected. Everyone knows /pol/ never read a book.
might as well read talmud
back to lefty pol aids infected cocksucker
mainly interested for history books and literature recommendations
The Talmud says Jesus is in hell, boiling in a pot of shit. It calls Christians unclean adulterous animals. The Bible and the Talmud are polar opposites, especially in regards to moral law.
I've heard Jews defend that by saying >it's just someone named Jesus, it doesn't mean it's THE Jesus
As far as philosophy you should read Ben Shapiro's right side of history (very simple rw view of history of philosophy) after that you should read a secondary source on Parmenides then heraclitus, stoics and epicurus then city of God and confessions by Augustine then a simple overview of enlightenment (to counter liberalism) kant and hegel (a little fichte in between) then read anthony Kenny's history of philosophy and decide whether you like continental or analytic philosophy.
Read 'The Talmud Unmasked'
Slit your wrists
start with the greeks
read the sticky faggot
I'll only help you if you promise not to shit up the board. /pol/ are the niggers of Yea Forums
That's pretty good. Read the Odyssey then come back for more recs.
The Talmud is full of differents opinion it's not because something is written in it that it is accepted by jews. Imagine if a book was written on the good christian laws and it was a collection of the commentary of priests after priests.
Also I saw /pol/tard trying to pass off a passage about selling wine as a law abput how gentille life was unworthy or some shit, double check your talmudic quote if it comes from stormfront.
jump off a cliff
breddy good. go for Letters From A Stoic by Seneca.
Aristotles works.
Marx Capital because know thy enemy.
Yea Forums diesn't read either
Cringe. This is the equivalent of calling Stalin a fascist
Reeeee, it's undetectable in my blood though!!!
/pol/ is currently ruining this board with their shitty frog threads. Read the sticky, faggot.