Yea Forums is full of philosophy faggots as always

>Yea Forums is full of philosophy faggots as always
Can't you guys discuss some fiction books? Philosophy is for incels.

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Most good fiction is based on philosophy

>reading the thoughts of some incels instead of reading books with characters, a plot from which you understand whatever you want because literature is subjective



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>presumes what I think and what my sources are as well as there relevancy


the authors themselves usually say what philosophies they based here stuff on. The guy that wrote tlotr is a good example

look it up

>reading books written by incels

Just stop it, user. It's embarrassing. Read actual good books, obscure ones.

(obligatory reminder to not read fiction and read non-fiction instead)

>campaigning against virgins on the internet
>calling others embarrassing

Non fiction is good if it's about war.

> Philosophy is for incels.
annnnddd cope

>obscure ones

You consider the lord of the rings obscure?

the guy that wrote got based his stories on stories in norse mythology

youre a complete fucking faggot and you probably pull 5s if that

How is your reading comprehension this bad

Most philosophers contradict each other so most of philosophy is already fiction. Stop complaining.

Some even themselves (see nietzsche).

Actually all of those stories were based on The Kalevala

Fiction can be consumed by a dullard. It only takes literacy, patience and a little bit of visualization skill.


I only talk about philosophy on this board, I don't even read fiction. How's that make you feel, bitch?

why not both?

Philosophy is not fiction. Philosophy consists of an author saying "the world is something like this. This is how we should properly interpret the world."

Even when the philosopher is mistaken in his views, his work is yet not fiction, because it concerns reality. Philosphy is a speculative form of non-fiction.

If you have to have philosophy spoon-fed to you by other authors in order to understand it then you're the retard here

Retard, you believe you can figure out everything on your own?

war non-fiction is only good when it's written by the side who lost


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>not striving to achieve perfect balance of classics, fiction, critical theory, and philosophy