Did Adorno ever address Stalin's rabid anti-semitism...

Did Adorno ever address Stalin's rabid anti-semitism? Doesn't it work against his idea that capitalism produces anti-semitism?

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>being against banks and bankers means antisemitism

It's the Frankfurter school. What did you expect?

Because he wasn't. He hated everyone equally.

no, but sending them into gulags or claiming that they would subvert the party is or claiming that they are agents for israel is, darling

tankie apologetics getting out of hand

>Stalin's rabid anti-semitism

peak revisionism. for all his flaws, he wasn't an anti-semite.

No, not even that. This

You would think, but for some reason /pol/ still can't distinguish between banks and jews

Numerous biographers have noted that Stalin was an anti-semite from a young age and there are many accounts of his persecution of Jews in the Soviet Union, despite overtly condemning anti-semitism. Denying this certainly isn't going to help Jews in any way.

numerous biographers have also noted that stalin forcefully starved a billion jillion gorrillion innocent people
>Denying this certainly isn't going to help Jews in any way.
im sorry, what do jews need help with?

based and educatedpilled

holodomor is well-documented dumbass. you dont have to be a stalin apologist to be a communist

USSR was capitalist.

>howodomo ith weww dawcumented dum dum, yew dont have to be a stawin apowwogith to be a cummienith owo~

shut the fuck up crypto-lib

meathead post

Jesus christ this is actual the level of discourse this site has reached
Fuck me I need to leave

please do and never return. go find your home on one of the countless US intelligence vetted subreddits where it's cool and hip to dab on tankies with the power of liberal democracy and CIA backed coups

Stalin didn't grow up in the soviet union on account of the fact that it didn't exist when he was born, ironically Stalin was actually a key figure in the revolution which led to the creation of the soviet union, I'm not even joking haha

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>howocaust is duhcumented, hurr just belieb the eyewiddnesses dumdum
You're virtually indistinguishable from the /pol/fags you so despise. Now drink bleach, worm.

Can no one answer OP?

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>You have to deny the holodomor to be a communist
Peak cringe

wow that's really weird, i wonder why

just because capitalism produces antisemitism doesn't mean antisemitism is eliminated the moment someone attempts an alternative economic system
how can you be a tankie and an egoist at the same time? don't answer, it's the same way you can be a transhumanist primitivist

tankies dont seem to hate nazis as much as some other groups, theyre always talking about killing liberals. This makes sense if you think about it, the Liberals are a way bigger impediment to the Tankie cause than the laughably powerless nazi contingent, who exist mostly as a punching bag for Antifa.



name a single thing in my post that isn't true faggot

By not being a tankie at all.
I’m not a primitivist but I do want to save the ecology. Cyborgs camping basically

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> who exist mostly as a punching bag for Antifa.
Other way around desu.
Also i thought everyone was worried for a nazi take over now that Trump is in the white house and weve got concentration camps in the south, or was all that just a lie from the left?

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OK now this is epic!

Private prisons can pop up practically anywhere the elite need them to. The oligarchy still has control, but a fascist with more teeth may yet rise up. Any state is susceptible to it.

Not really, that antifa guy got permanent brain damage from that fall on the concrete. People really underestimate how much damage a fall on a hard surface can do to a human, even more than a punch.

Again, that's pretty epic.


ok retard

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The fuck is that woman even doing in that situation? Also when I say exists as a punching bag I mean symbolically, in our culture that is the role they play, they don't accomplish anything ever, they are fringe as shit.

If you take a wider view of what a Nazi is then obviously the entire Republican party could be called one, but I mean actual self-identified Heil Hitler fuck the kikes Nazis.

>just because capitalism produces antisemitism doesn't mean antisemitism is eliminated the moment someone attempts an alternative economic system

So I'm supposed to believe that if Stalin had lived 50 years more he would have stopped persecuting Jews rather than Adorno being wrong?

>this entire thread

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Based Staling jewed the jews

>not knocking out the bitch

Complete and utter söy,

>we should gas zero Jews...but we should put those rootless cosmopolitans in camps just in case
>also let's starve millions of Hohols

absolutely based and redpilled

liberals on TRIGGER-watch

do you?
no one else does.

God damn even for namefags that one's cringey

The fuck?
Pol can’t distinguish between jews and bankers because they’re dumb antisemites who thing “aryan” capitalism would work better/differently. No one else wonders why.

No let me be explicitly clear: his name is cringey
I didn't even bother reading the post on account of him being a horrible namefag

It is well debunked you mean.


>Doesn't it work against his idea that this produces that?
This is reductive reasoning - not that the Frankfurt School is any stranger to reductionism.

>I’m not a primitivist but I do want to save the ecology. Cyborgs camping basically

I’m curious to know what you think is likely or possibly in the future.
You a doomer and actually want us to go extinct? You with uncle Ted and want to go primitivist?
See I don’t like the cliche human cyborg idea of metal and plastic limbs. I think we’d sooner adopt change by dna manipulation. A soft, wet tech. Become more fungal like resilient to the new harsher climate. Even walk around naked. Why would we care? Near immortals, tending to the fragile ecosystem we almost destroyed.
It’s a possibility
Why “cringe” now?

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Capitalism doesnt produce anti-semitism, Jews do

Are you implying Adorno didn't talk shit about the USSR as well? Because he did.

No, it was monarchism. They made jews the tax collectors and bankers. Made them charge interest so that people would blame them.
It was divine right

>without jews, there'd be no anti-semitism
>Hitler actually did more than any person ever to help end anti-semitism

>Hitler actually did more than any person ever
The propaganda that was reacting to Hitler actually did that. Anyways, you will likely derail the thread with your Jews dindunuffin rhetoric because the thread will tend to orbit around Jews in general, rather than Adorno in particular.

Ecology is based but transhumanism is unbelievably stupid. The cringe I was referring to was "Cyborgs camping basically"
btw this
>Even walk around naked. Why would we care? Near immortals
is also cringe.

Imagine being this triggered by that dumb a post

Hush, child.

You have no vision. No idea what science is aiming for. The future could lead to extinction, but if we make it, we are not going to go in reverse, we’re going to do unprecedented things. I hope we can save the natural world by demarcating our “unnatural” biomes sharply from theirs. But we wont want to stay out of it entirely.

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>the king put a gun to moishe goldstein's head and told him to extort the peasants or get shot

what? why make the assumption Stalin would have stopped persecuting jews? what if Stalinism produces antisemitism too?

Fixed that for you

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No shit you stupid fucking pseud, technology by definition has always brought unprecedented things. God I hope you break your hip you stupid old woman

>muh poor innocent ukrainians who totally weren't nazi collaborators

What if it's actually Jews who produce anti-capitalism

Your views are represented in the dialectic of my image, I preconceived a retard just like you making a retarded reply just like yours.

>muh poor innocent jews who totally weren't communist collaborators
This argument goes well both ways.


this but unironically. sorry you cant cope, copelord

So are you a Nazi, a liberal, or a communist then?

Inherently retarded, considering that Jews have been thrown out and persecuted under every type of political and economic system.

Are you the user I was speaking to? Get the stick out of your ass.
What are your actual fucking thoughts on any of this? “It’s stupid, oh but it is inevitable and I accept it, but it’s CRINGE, unprecedented things are always cringe”
You need a nap?

Nope, I just hate how no matter what time of day I get on this site, no matter what thread I scroll through I have to see your stupid bullshit every single fucking time. I have not once seen you make an insightful or productive post in all of my years and all of my hundreds of hours of posting here. The periods where you are not here are unironically the peaks of this board. You have the worst combination of traits: slightly above average intelligence and absurd pretentiousness. You are smart enough to have an inflated self-worth but too stupid to realize that you are not as smart as you think you are. I have met people like you before and I hate them with every fiber of my existence, the only solution there is for people like you is unrequited, merciless violence. I hope one day when you are jostling with your keys to unlock your door a man runs up to you and gouges your fucking eyes out like that stupid meme picture. You are cancer.

>I want to gas 6 million Jews
>I want to starve 7 million Ukrainians, but dont you dare compare me to the other guy. Im the good guy!

A nap.
Take one.

You dumb lesbo. What consequence do any of your stupid opinions have? "DNA"? "Cyborgs"? Do you tell yourself you somehow will have any impact whatsoever on the future? Are you planning to become a public intellectual, maybe?

Here's my advice: Kill yourself

See this is what I mean, you just have to get in the last little catty remark because you are a fool. I prefer stupid people to people like you because at least many of them know they're stupid. You are right into that sweet spot where you are not intelligent enough to justify your vanity yet you are not stupid enough to simply brush off. I wish people here would ignore you and your nonsense.

I'm the user you first responded to. Lets take a look at the cringe you've posted since your last checkup
>You have no vision. No idea what science is aiming for.
>we’re going to do unprecedented things
>You need a nap?
All cringe. Leave my board immediately and don't return until you've learnt how to think a thought of you own.

So Adorno was wrong all along...

Take a nap.

Jewish behaviour creates counter-Semitism, everyone knows that...

Christian charity, everyone.

You're correct that Christianity is inherently anti-semitic, and Stalin was a Marxist, which is arguably more Christian than Jewish, as Marx pointed out.

Adorno was wrong.

Christianity is jewish.
Christians will kill other Christians for minor doctrinal discrepancies, so it makes no difference to point out the one as antis-Semitic.

>Moishe Goldstein has religious laws telling him he can't charge interest to his co-religious, so he lends to Goys at ursurus rates. Why do the Goys resent him?
It is a mystery.

My bored, fat lesbian friend who needs to constantly remind complete strangers that she has a problem with authority, you NEED to read this book.

Stalin was anti-semitic to the core. Many Jews have confirmed this and I honestly think Jews know more about anti-semitism than you do. If a Jew tells me he's worried about anti-semitism, am I supposed to tell him that he's a retard and take the risk and wait until its too late?

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>being so antisemitic that you allow jews to have high positions in governement structures
like hitler

This is another seminal work on the issue we must never ignore and never forget.

Part of Stalin's monstrosity was that he deliberately used Jews to do his dirty work in persecuting other Jews. Very, very sickening.

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Adorno was no fan of Stalinism

Yet he can't explain why the communist mode of production produces anti-semitism.

>OY! Why does everything produce antisemitism???

Maybe the overall behavior of the Jews produces antisemitism

>posts for the sake of posting, without knowing anything
>gets obliterated ()
>stops posting

why are e-communists always fading boomers and retards

Jews don't wholly trust non-jews with power over them. Therefore, Stalin being a gentile (with alot of jewish influence yes) still was not the most desirable outcome for the many jewish bolsheviks in power at the time. They waged a war against him in order to replace him with someone they either had better control over, or who was jewish themselves.

I find it funny how Stalin spoke against antisemitism which you can accept, but when the individual that he is persecuting at the time happens to be jewish as many of the top personnel were, then he has a baseless prejudice. This is illogical and blatantly subversive.

Why do jews always attack you as individuals and when you attack them back they say that you are against all jews?

Much like Russians revere the people who murdered the most Russians, Western tankies hate Hitler partially because he didn't kill enough of them, relative to Stalin. Jewish tankies in particular feel outraged at still being alive after the war, and, moreover, at their Jewry being made perrenial by Hitler. The tragedy of the holocaust turning into comedy by the second through Jewish self-aggrandizement. They would RATHER be ashes.

Horkheimer did, he called Stalin a 'red Hitler'

Fucking capitalism huh

Not that I don't believe you, could you provide a source?

>communist mode of production
this has to be bait. if not then read marx

>You have to deny the holodomor to be a communist
Pointing out that Stalin didn't pay the clouds not to rain isn't denial of a famine happening. A famine happening also does not mean intentional genocide. It also doesn't mean Stalin wasn't a terrible leader for a multitude of real and provable other reasons.

Stop being a partisan hack.


> le read Marx meme instead of using facts and logic to explain your position

it's been explained 150 years ago. read a book nigger

The Weimar Republic collapsed partly because both Nazis and Communists were actively undermining the efficacy of the Reichstag. And you're a goddamned fool if you think the USSR treated Jews well.

That's only half the story, friend, the other half is when the state fabricated charges against them and had them executed.

yes, it does.

To generalize, reality works against Adorno's theories. No, he did not address this point.

Adorno has a large responsibility in killing class consciousness and detaching Marxism from the proletariat. Not sure why he's so loved by leftists.

Hey speaking of fake genocides,


why is antisemitism treated as an especially bad form of discrimination, to the point that it gets its own special word?

stalin presided over a state capitalist government

Because Ashkenazi Jews are pretty smart and know how to get oppression points.

Bordiga is a holocaust denier.

sounds based

Is it especially bad that Stalin abused jews? If abusing jews is very, very sickening, would abusing gentiles be merely very (x1) sickening?

Because anti is a reasoned belief and not an irrational impulse like phobias. Homophobics are dumb, anti-Semites are evil

What does that even mean? Reality of your experience? Meaningless.