What the fuck am I supposed to do if I know he's right?
What the fuck am I supposed to do if I know he's right?
read past predictions about the future and see how many come true.
Futurologists are the worst.
American adults seriously write like this?
This is something that unironically concerns me.
Fordism + Automatization + Artificial Intelligence + Overpopulation = The biggest recession mankind has ever experienced. No job is safe. Painter? There're AI's that can do your job in 1 minute. Translator? DeepL can translate a whole novel with 99% precision in less than an hour. Historian? Teacher? Soon NeuraLink will replace all these professions. Right now Wikipedia and other websites make all these careers a thing of the past. Truck driver? Trucks already can drive by themselves. Soon this will be implemented in every vehicle. Carpenter? IKEA bots can make the same furniture in the span of a minute. Agricultor, you say? A single tractor can plow a whole field in a day and yeah, tractors will be soom automatized. Surely you'll need an electrician, right? Well, a single arm-bot can repair literally anything. Wait till these bots can be carried inside a backpack. Doctor? Bots can already make complex operations. Programmer? Wait untill bots can write their own code based on repositories. Oh, I forgot. That's already a thing. It's called Deep Learning. Surely you'll need a mathematician or a physicist, no? No when deep learning allows machines to operate by themselves. What else is to discover once we live in a fully automatized world?
The collapse of modern society is at eyesight. While product prices keep increasing wages have been stagnanted for a decade now. There are just no jobs for that many people. The end is near. This bubble is gonna burst soon and its explosion will destroy everything we think as human. Brace yourselves for the last trumpet has already been blown.
He's right about everything. If you've read anti-tech revolution and have the brains and will, then you know what to do.
Yeah, teachers couldn't read my superior cursive french writing when I moved to the US. They also mistook my 1s for 7s.
from when is that letter?
Im assuming the 0905.0 is not possibly date related
>1s for 7s
that's solely because americans write "1" as a capital i "I" for whatever reason.
>DeepL can translate a whole novel with 99% precision in less than an hour.
DeepL is good, better than Google and Bing, but it's not that good yet.
How can I write to Uncle Ted?
Write to him like you would anyone else. He's held at a prison in Illinois.
>try to save society
>get put in jail
>Write to him like you would anyone else
>implying people born after 1995 have ever sent a physical letter
I’ll state this simply:
You will create art and subsist off of e-commerce.
Most opinions about the “technological future,” including Ted’s opinions, are poorly thought out, emotional reactions based on Philip K Dick books, Terminator movies, and mental illness.
The only thing I will grant him is that yes, for a time the lower and middle class (to the extent it still exists) will be a dead weight, economically speaking. There will be small rebellions, a few mass shootings, a hell of a lot more suicides (the suicide rate in western countries today has skyrocketed, and it is directly tied to the rate of automation). To quell a large scale “rebellion” (I.e the mass murder of civilians), society will obtain UBI as a “basic human right,” whatever that spook stands to mean. The private sector will subsidize this right. Give thanks in advance to Microsoft and Amazon, in particular (PS - If you think recent contract negotiations between the US government and Amazon are for anything but laying groundwork for UBI, you’re mistaken. And the contract will go to Amazon, btw, mark my words). Governments will give Individuals and families subsidies to pay for needs, defined narrowly, of course. Amazon will provide “employment” in terms of surveys, games, audio and e-books, and whatever else will enhance AI and machine learning initiates they are developing behind the scenes which require human interaction. The incentive to engage with these Amazon platforms will be cryptocurrencies, which, though inherently valueless, can be spent on “wants” instead of needs through Amazon. This is precisely the reason they haven’t even discussed the possibility of entering the cryptocurrency space — they don’t need to, as they’ve already developed their own.
And so the citizens in western democracies will be given, for the first time in their history, freedom. They will no longer work, or have to suffer the drudgery of “bullshit jobs” and office work, nor the exertion of manual labor. They will maintain the plot of land they’ve been given, pursuing projects of their own choosing. All basic needs will be subsidized. 99% of the world population will operate at the behest of Amazon, exchanging their time for amazoncoin and thus Amazon goods. The rest of the population will be expanding AI and rushing us headlong to Singularity. This will happen by January 2030. Cap this if you want.
The fact that so many people still name Yea Forums as "the highest IQ or most intellectual or most knowledgeable" board ever only tells you how far Yea Forums still is from bein a serious arena for discussion.
>sincerely yours, Ted Kaczynski
And who writes the equations for the program to work dipshit
Stop samefagging gay boi
>Most opinions about the "technological future" are poorly thought out
>regurgitates technological determinism propaganda
He's held at ADX Florence in Colorado. It would probably be easy to write to him but whether he'll read it is not guaranteed since he probably receives hundreds of letters on a regular basis.
Stop turning your VPN on and off gay boi
>If you think recent contract negotiations between the US government and Amazon are for anything but laying groundwork for UBI, you’re mistaken
Spoon feed me some more about this, sounds interesting but I'm apparently too retarded to google it, my results are all articles shitting on trump for some fucking reason or another.
Haha basedand redpilled dude!
>ut whether he'll read it is not guaranteed since he probably receives hundreds of letters on a regular basis.
dude will be bored out of his mind, and I bet you overestimate how many people still think of writing letters to such individuals, and if they are the type they were alive for the 90s and latest wrote that letter in the early 2000s.
I am certain he would be interested to see how his work has influenced people born even after his arrest.
Absolutely based and dystopianpilled
He knows...