Why does 26.4% of the entire world speak this shit language

Why does 26.4% of the entire world speak this shit language.

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t. seething ESL

We all got bamboozled.

Because it's easy.


how do ESLs cope knowing they'll never grasp the nuances of the English language despite having to use it every day of their lives to communicate with other ESLs on the internet

Get FUCCed mon ami


>Woah, different consonants make for different pronunciations!? Why is English so retarded????

There are easier languages like Esperanto.

Hola no es chola
Aunque los dos no da una coja
Y tampoco roja ni nadir
Ni reloj, rejalar ni salir
Como hacemos palabras sin rima
Las palabras que cantan sin ritma

Canada to India
Australia to Cornwall
Singapore to Hong Kong
From the West to the East
From to the rich to the poor
Victoria loved them all

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Rules are restrictions

British and then American imperialism

because my great grandpa raped your great grandma

.. he said, in English

Mira la ventaja, al menos no es ese idioma asqueroso que hablan los de India.

Il y a le vert du cerfeuil
Et il y a le ver de terre.
Il y a l’endroit et l’envers,
L’amoureux qui écrit en vers,
Le verre d’eau plein de lumière,
La fine pantoufle de vair
Et il y a moi, tête en l’air,
Qui dis toujours tout de travers

because when the whole world starts speaking it, it will degrade by alot, and english was the language that is the most easily sacrificed as it is pure trash.

we live in the timeline where the industrial revolution happened after the doggerland sank

Did the great nation of Esperanto conquer half the world during the imperial age?

Same reason French started to become the dominant language during the Napoleonic era, and Latin during the Roman Empire

poop on my balls namecuck

French was the dominant lingua Franca during the imperial age. The switch to English was largley due to American corporate influence after World War II.

It does have its upsides as well as its inconsistencies for being the bastard child of French and German, you know. Very large word pool, great amount of variability and expressivity. Subtleties of meaning and connotation that can't reasonably be reproduced in other languages.


Nobody but the most autistic people genuinely want to speak a soulless constructed "language"

Y en el juego angustioso de un espejo frente a otro
cae mi voz
y mi voz que madura
y mi voz quemadura
y mi bosque madura
y mi voz quema dura
como el hielo de vidrio
como el grito de hielo
aquí en el caracol de la oreja
el latido de un mar en el que no sé nada
en el que no se nada

>waah i just wanna look at words and understand the entire vulgar episteme and refined composite in a single postmodern image of text [read: Chinese]
Learn phonetics

and yet ESLs almost always sound awkward when they speak it

Slavery & colonies
Trade & finance
Industrialization & coal
Oil & technology

This is a fascinating post.

If language is a sacrifice, what is the altar?

It's not easy to become fluent, but it can be butchered by an ESL and still be easy to understand to a native/fluent.

nono, you got me wrong, english is the martyr, not the sacrifice. a language wants to be spoken, but english is dying for its cause.

None of that is a problem with English, it's a problem with English orthography. It'd be possible to reform that while the language remains totally the same.

I'd rather English over most languages. Wish it was Classical Arabic though ;_;

Blame the French for the state of the English language.

No thanks, I like the way our words are spelled.

>t. butthurt ESL

It's not easy. Pronunciation is shit except for Germans/North Europeans.
French is even worse as an universal langage.

English is the ultimate pleb-filter

Evolution in action. The dominant group's language predominates.

Yes, in short, civilisation. Also, language of the people who have done more to stop slavery than any other group in history...

becuase its the best

>Pronunciation is shit
Chinks, Pajeets and Bongs are probably the worst when it comes to speaking english

what is that

it doesn't matter because they will be replaced by new nuances

that they also won't understand

but how else would he get through to the plebs

>Speaking this condescendingly about people whose native tongue is distant from English yet still manage to speak it meanwhile youd probably butcher their languages far beyond what they'd do to yours

The fucking cope

-ough is a good one:

oh, forgot two:


La Americana creatura exported it through all their movies and music.

shameful display

ESLers will unironically take over the paradigm of english by sheer numbers.

how do you pronounce 'pear'? i always pronounce it in a way that rhymes with dear and fear

Pehr, like air, or also like mere (as in the body of water, NOT "mere" as in "mere mortals," which IS pronounced like "dear" and "fear"), or also like mare (a female horse), or like bear or there or square

to be honest

it's from the song victoria by the kinks
although personally prefer the fall version

English is extremely adaptable.

>no bullshit conjugations
>no bullshit noun genders
>just plug-n-play

Not true. It's due to Anglosaxon economic domination starting at around 1850. Read Anglo-Saxon Superiority, it's by a French author basically weaving a mythology that Anglo-Saxons are individualistic capitalist dominators from the time they moved to Britain onwards (he presented this in a good light), that Frenchoids can't compete with because of their inclination towards cushy bureaucratic jobs and processes.

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This is a meme propagated by Americanos who don’t understand that it’s easy because it’s your mother tongue.


Hiccough is a fake word. Hough (hock) would be a better choice.

Those people are often grammatically incompetent anyway. It's bizarre to me how many people like to diminish English but then have no idea how half the punctuation or syntax works. And, of course, their language is merely functional, no prowess toward artistry or elegance in their writing, but I can spare them that, somewhat. It vexes me reading letters and accounts of laypeople or university students a century ago, how they wrote with a variety and ease above most professionals now, and don't even get me started on how our laypeople and university students compare, but only now is English supposedly mindless and simple.

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why do people think this is a clever point to make? you get the idea when you learn the alphabet: A (ah, ay) E (eh, ee)
or we should change the language to be easier for monoglot immigrants

A combination of colonialism, economic power and linguistic adaptability. Empire gave it the means to reach the far corners of the world, the wealth it generated gave them the power to build english institutions in foreign countries, and propagate the language through education, industry and the marketplace (pidgin english). It might be full of errors, but those mistakes encourage a freeplay in its uses, which is why it thrives.

>A language is shit because you can construct confusing sentences

english is a living language and, like all such, is continuously changing. we don't have an academie francais; there's no simple, correct english, but only innumerable precedents of arguable validity. that's why french has a remarkably poor vocabulary compared with english.

oh my god ahahahahahaha

No, it's that every rule in English has an exception somewhere, guaranteed, and it's because English just adopts words from other languages and doesn't have any rules for them to follow. so then you get words like resumé vs resume; both spelled almost the exact same, pronounced completely differently, and one contains a letter that's not even in the fucking English alphabet.
But when, for instance, japanese adopts a word from another language, they make it follow a strict set of rules of pronunciation so that there is never any ambiguity when reading a word off paper. This makes it a lot easier to learn how to read and speak it fluently, and languages that are easy to learn have a better place being the literal world standard for communication, rather than the fucking atrocious amalgamation of words that is English.

It's easy to pick out people who speak it as a second language. You can do this with well over 99% accuracy

>not speaking a prescriptive language
never going to make it