ITT: Cringe moments in literature

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Whatever it was that Ovid did.

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Jesus when he was a tryhard

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that part in Demian where Emil tries to draw a picture of his crush but accidentally draws Demian. pic was my reaction when I read that passage

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"pls answer"
-John 11:27

That bit in Blood Meridian where Corncob tries to convince the reader that violence is an inherent part of life

every time in Moby Dick when he stops rambling about whale anatomy

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The bits about nigger dick in atomised was kinda cringe even if in character

The birthday dinner in Notes from the Underground

what a fucking pseud. he would have been a Yea Forums poster if he was around today.

>not the whole book

It was fucking hilarious though

When young Werther kills himself over some roastie.

too close to home?

Whatever this was

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The creation of this board

Ovid > Homer


oh come on, it was incredibly funny.

When Y.T. gets her pussy smashed

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speaks the truth

>Haha remember when I was so upset about the decline of Western civilization guys? Well I decided that the answer is traditional values -- you know, God and King, yeah, like in medieval times. Oh and also I decided I'm never going to write anything interesting ever again.

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>The assisting kaishakunin duty at the end of this ritual (to decapitate Mishima) had been assigned to Tatenokai member Masakatsu Morita, who was unable to properly perform the task. After three failed attempts at severing Mishima's head, he allowed another Tatenokai member, Hiroyasu Koga, to behead Mishima.

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The dyke feminist scene in Kafka on the Shore. Man alive.

when will pseuds finally sit down, actually read FW, and realize that every time they posted this image they were being cringey?

They won't, and neither will I: fuck Joyce, I will never read him and I will never respect him.

Why does Joyce make you so upset user

>Jesus said to her
>oye love a bit o' the Roses I do
yeah agreed cringe

The part in Wasp Factory where Frank finds his own served cock and balls in his dads office

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>hating an author you've never read

Cutest moments in literature desu

Jesus was Kamina?

Honestly Wasp Factory is a very bad book

The whole concept of Ossian’s existence. Anyone know what I’m talking about? If you don’t, that means that history’s forgotten it and that’s for the best

He's an earlier, actually talented DFW: I fucking hate Joyce

When meursault cries like a little bitch to the pastor

what if jesus was a jannie

Bruh this is crige