What do you do when you're meeting a new person and they say "oh, I don't read"?

What do you do when you're meeting a new person and they say "oh, I don't read"?

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I don't do anything at all, who could possibly care.

Turn 360 degrees and walk out

Then what topics can one pick to discuss with you?

What do I care if he/she doesn't read recreationally?
I read. That's all that matters to me.

>What do I care if he/she doesn't read recreationally?
To have things in common to chat about.

Just discuss the stuff they care about, for most normies it's just movies, girls(for girls it's guys I guess but it's a bit different to talk to them about that), getting drunk or whatever.

Im a fucking weirdo and have no connection to mainstream culture and I can still talk to people about their random bullshit because it's just a process of basic empathizing that should accompany social interaction in general. A lot of male interaction literally doesnt even have a subject matter it's just insulting each other to let the person know you actually like them.

I have plenty of other things to chat about since i'm not a one-track human being who thinks reading is all there is.
Fucks sake are you this autistic?

I wish I knew what the fuck you're talking about, but I don't.

You're pretty arrogant of being a normalfag.

>have more than one hobby
>doesn't care if not every single human being shares it
neck yourself

If a man admits to not reading and only watching netflix are they really worth your time?

Moreso than people who only read to boost their ego and go on about what a reader they are, yes.

As a very spiritual person, I treat people like divinity, I pay outmost respect, unless they spite me, then I'm willing to take revenge in dramatic ways. I'm insane and I like it that way. Noone can stop me. I appreciate if they read philosophy, but if they don't, I don't look down on them either. Just don't spite me and we're all good. I'm insane and I value my insanity. I live out god-mode in between dirt.

Do you usually go on on tangents of projection from the slightest opening?

Because Im being unclear or what?

This bit
>A lot of male interaction literally doesnt even have a subject matter it's just insulting each other to let the person know you actually like them
Is completely alien to me. It's like I'm reading about an alien species.

give up

it's just a way to take the edge off situations, because there is always that unspoken hostility between men related to is going to be dominant. By shitting on him, but doing it obviously in jest, you say 'we are on the same side and there is none of that bullshit between us', you are now both in on a joke, a very dumb and formulaic joke maybe, but it's a small thing you share.

It lets you know also that the person doesnt think youre actually a dick or trash or whatever, because they wouldnt say it to someone they thought that about.

smile and nod

Considering that 99% of the people I meet I just treat them like any other person
Also post the sauce

>there is always that unspoken hostility between men related to is going to be dominant
Is this really how straight have to live?


Men who can't interact with other men without insults are generally shitty people who try to justify their shittiness.
Knew one guy like that who would start off any social gathering with "you know I hate you guys right?" and making similarly "lol i'm so ironic" "witty" comments like he was a character out of a 90s slacker film.
Never come across as less shitty even when he said it to the people he was totally dependent on and would even apologize to in private.
No clue what happened to him years later but he was a wreck even before we met him.

Thanks, this is reassuring.

That's not what Im referring to though, that is a different kind of social behavior. I mean the clearly jovial insults that guys give each other, there is no malice to it at all.

same here bro lets post on Yea Forums about that

>clearly jovial insults

Light bants. But a fair amount of men don't bother with it, it's kind of cultural in my experience.

It's the opposite, americans do it because they're uncultured.

fuck off you faggot furfag

I don't even act surprised. Most people I know don't read any kind of literature or even comics or magazines, but those who do basically just read manga or Bonnier tier stuff. Books, Western in particular, are usually seen as boring, hard, or by grumpy men in suits for grumpy men in suits.


just discuss the topics in the books. most havn't read plato but most people can be questioned about the definition of justice

Such men strike me as lonely desu

I turn 360 degrees and walk away

You'd walk right into them.

Have you never hanged around with friends and made a joke at someone expense like "Hey look at the T.V, I didn't Tim had his own show" and on the T.V they are currently on Animal Planet showing a Hippo or some other animal. Now maybe Tim will figure out a comeback or just laugh it out with a light "fuck you too". Either way it's understood that it's not a serious insult and that no malice was intended and so the conversation goes back to whatever was being talked about before.

Deservedly so.

I tried to explain it hereThe point is not the insult, the point is that you two now share in a common understanding, that you dont actually disrespect each other and are friendly. It is demonstration by opposite, you are basically saying 'I don't think this about you, we're friends', as well as just being a kind of humour, it's unexpected to receive a blatant insult like that in many social contexts so its existence makes you both laugh, which also creates a bond. It is opening the implicit conversation of how you view each other by making fun of a clear falsehood- the insult- and also making light of our egotistic concepts of self, showing that camaraderie is more important than those shallow impulses to narcissism.

The other guy was describing men who just insult people with no mutual empathy, which is different, and kind of antisocial behavior.

This post might seem highly autistic, but that is what is going on in that social interaction, when it is like that, it's not meant with any real mean feelings.


ITT: Yea Forums diagnoses the conceptual-pathological interplay at work in "humor"

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laughter in gorillas is an expression of aggression

I think about Irnerio, it causes me to smile to myself, I think about the good memories that it brings up and about how they do read, everyday of their life.

Im 25 and I really don't get why you'd say that about me. I don't even do that kind of insulting thing, I just respond to it when guys do it to me, because it's clearly coming from a place of empathy and not contempt. Guys like that have come through for me many times in real ways, their going about social interaction that way doesn't make them dicks, and they usually won't do it to someone they sense will take it badly.

you can argue it's juvenile if you like, but that is what is actually going on in those interactions.

Hello newfriend

Talk about something else?

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man up

stop falling for the bait

I would never ask if they read in the first place.

I've met more people who openly to talk about anime than ones who admit to reading.

Guys of all ages do this lol. Go outside.