My balls hurt from jerking off all day. What can I read to distract me from the temptation...

My balls hurt from jerking off all day. What can I read to distract me from the temptation? What should I read to fix myself?

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mr biggz and layla rivera

Read up on addiction chemistry and neural pathways. You’re not suffering from temptation, you’ve just let porn cross a few wires on your brain.

that's the worst fucking feeling
feel like crying when that happens

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This site just makes me want to fap more

Please give some recommendations for such books.

David Foster Wallace's essay Big Red Son from Consider the Lobster

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stop watching porn

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I’m reading digital minimalism by cal Newport which is about general self control with devices (laptop / mobile phone). But my worst addiction is probably 1. Porn then a very close 2. Is reading dumb news websites and Instagram all day. So this book has made me pay attention to my weaker impulses

Plato’s analogy about Phaedrus’ chariot (2 horses) is a good allegory that I came across in the past week too, lingering in my head and has stopped me from useless 1 hour jerk seshes

Here's an idea: Stop touching your penis. If you stop touching your own penis, semen will not come out of it anymore. It's like, there's a direct, one to one correlation between masturbation and ejaculation. If you don't touch, it can only come out at night when you're asleep, and that's hardly your fault.

You're welcome.

Biochem fag here. Literally all you need is ncbi to find articles and sci-hub to unlock paywalls. If you're interested about adiction's physiology/chemistry read up on neuronal plasticity to learn how your brain adapts & on the amygdala which is essentially the part of your brain that ties emotions to memory & your current surroundings. Makes a good start to understanding addiction. Essentially you will grow extra excitatory receptors on neurons that are frequently used making them fire easier. When you're constantly partaking in your addiction of choice you strengthen pathways that associate an action / imagery / smell / sound/ etc.. with a feeling, which is likely pleasant if you're addicted to something. This explains psychological aspects of addiction but there are addictions that are physical dependencies. Those are also due to a similar cellular mechanism where receptors change to counter the drug effects, creating an imbalance & withdrawal / dependence. If you want to learn more about cellular expression, then read up on DNA itself but be warned that the nomenclature for genes and protein is retarded. But knowing more about the physical process of addiction doesn't make it any easier to get through. You might even feel like a slave to your own code.

Can you elaborate. How do you avoid normal pitfalls of addiction like procrastination, drinking too much, eating too much, masturbating too much. Curious about the perspective from the STEM angle

I dont, I am a mess. I can tell you how a tumor becomes malignant but still smoke a pack a day. I am high almost always, even when on the job or at the lab. I can only socialize when I am drunk. And I still beat my meat when I got to bust a nut.

I'm just grateful something didn't kill me before the world and I could slowly do it to myself.

Hang in there man. I smoked weed very very heavily from 18 to 23-24. I’m only 25 and got a control on that habit in the past year. Getting high stopped feeling good (the first 15-45 min of the first smoke of the day is always good) but the next 5 hours of coming down and feeling like a zombie was crappy. I’m assuming you meant marijuana. I also cut back on the harder stuff

anything will do user, but i recommend the new testament

Take a big dose of psychedelics and reflect on your shitty life for a day.
The only one of those it won't solve for you (I'm guessing "eating too much" means craving junk food) is procrastination - it will give you the motivation to do the thing you want to do, but it won't make the thing any easier. You'll still have to man up and slog through it

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jeez dude, get a job

I've gone through the deep / too-often psychedelics usage from 18-23 already. Interestingly, I don't think I masturbated as compulsively when I was that age. But to be fair, I have been looking at porn regularly since like middle school and shit.

The absolute state of this fucking board

What's the point even have the 2nd or 3rd time when there's nothing left to come out?