Does the written word get too much praise and worship?

Does the written word get too much praise and worship?

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No, it doesn't get enough.

this point of view, in ignoring the literary cultures and contributions of the chiense, indians, persians, arabs, ironically whitewashes history and centralizes europeans while peripheralizing non-whites. this woman is a white supremacist according to her own framework.

Is her little mutt being held back a grade for not being able to read?

what the fuck is the alternative, listen to improvised beat poetry all fucking day?
what a retarded bitch

>this barely human cunt is teaching your kids
Zhang will eat us alive and we deserve it.

what an anti-Semitic remark

America needs to be destroyed so it stops bringing people like this into the world.

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Public school system is bad. The only people who become teachers are people who failed to get a job in their degree field.

Yes, but everything else is even worse. Nothing the hairless humanoid apes create is of any worth.

It's so hard to find someone who can recite the Odyssey from memory, though.

Remember how we had holocaust class every year for 3 or 4 years

>Does the written word get too much praise and worship?
>Is "worship of the written word" a tenet of white supremacy?
Obviously not.

Nah, the written word is the only black thing on the page. If it weren't there, then only white would remain, supreme.

Dumb bitch.


the last 50 years of criticism criticize the written word, so...?

Getting triggered over a literal who's twitter comment is a tenet of /pol/

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Is she implying that white people are better writers? What a fucking racist.

The basis of western civilization is ancient greece. Homer famously did oral poetry.

The implication is Abos and Africans and most Injins used oral history as the basis for their society, anyone who's played Chinese Whispers knows why it's considered super unreliable, but wokies still seethe about this fact.
That said, it still has some virtue, the Illiad and Gilgamesh went through fuck knows how many transformations before someone finally wrote it down.
However, writing didn't originate in Europe and actually got there relatively late, but I guess Indo-Sino-European-Semitic supremacy doesn't sound as edgy.
In other words, she's profoundly ignorant of both literature and history.

At my school it was literally every year

If someone hadn't written down Homer's stories The Iliad and The Odyssey would have been lost long ago.

Oral poetry isn't the written word. Borges has an interesting essay on the worship of writing. Before the modern era writing was seen as inferior, for example in St. Augustine's confessions Augustine's mentor reads out loud to recapture the spoken words of whomever wrote the book.

What's that essay called?

We don't know. He didn't write it down so it's lost to history

>meanwhile 90% of the population never reads a single book in their lifetime once they leave school

Ah, one of those oral essays. Good to know Borges wasn't a white supremacist.

It was in Inquisiciones or Otras Inquisiciones. I'll find it.

'Del culto de los libros' from Otras inquisiciones

It's precisely the opposite. Modern white supremacy depends on anti-intellectualism.

Muchas gracias

Everything is white supremacy to these dolts. As such , they construct for themselves their on illusion of alienation, estrangement not simply to white people but to the symbolic order in which they are enmeshed. Suddenly basic science, culture at large is a noxious product of an imagined racist influence , taken in an overgeneralized, encompassing form. It is in effect to supply powers to the perceived enemy which the enemy itself did not regard as in its possession. Therefore it is self-obstruction.

>being black at school
Wow, a dime-a-dozen insecure halfbreed, never seen that before.

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Maybe this is a sign that I'm a little out of touch, but the "She/her" made me chuckle.

The private school system isn't much better. Outcomes are the same when you control for family education and income level. Private schools just tend to have richer kids with more educated parents.


We've gone full circle lol

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Bro, this is the norm now. Honestly. Check a variety of random Twitter profiles, or at least blue checkmark ones. Almost all of them do it. It's horrendous.

Welcome to Twitter

Going back to the oral tradition is not going to handicap the Irish any. Just accept they're not white.

>criticizes the written word
>post it on twitter

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holy cringe
someone needs to stop woke twitter before it's too late

Africa also has scripts in the first century BC. The ge'ez and Berber scritps were common, as well as some use of the meriotic script. I'll preclude Ancient Egyptian since I think most of us will consider that East Mediterranean.

Not punching women is a tenet of white supremacy.

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Those soulless dead eyes always get me lmao

She has a website
>my writing is published in places like Edutopia, Yahoo! and the Huffington Post.

Why do Americans have to make everything about race?

It is not like Gilgamesh stopped morphing with the society after it was written down.

Ah, so this is the new mask that phono/logocentrism will don (not that new actually, keeping in mind Lévi-Strauss' writing exercise).

Why does your country have to make everything about muslims?

It's taught early on. One assignment students do in the 1st grade is to organize objects according to color.

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Isn't it bannable to "misgender" someone on twitter?

Not even american and started to find the lack of self awareness in comments like this very grating.

Race doesn't even exist so this thread is meaningless and that tweet is meaningless.
Who else enlightened here? I've just dismissed this whole thread as a waste of time

Lol nice job bro, see you later.

No self-respecting white man would want to procreate with that maggot regardless. Becoming a black supremacist is just a cope.

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This thread reeks of ressentiment. It's not too late to shed your chains!

We had a full semester every two years, spent more time on it than all of American history

No. You might get banned if you're purposefully being a dick about it because that could fall under harassment.

>it's more biological determinist drivel about IQ being able to predict your lot in life
Educational programs in working class communities have been shown to be effective

>tfw language is worthless until it’s rhymes over a syncopated rhythm.

What was the racial composition of those communities I wonder

(this is false)

>literal who with blue checkmark

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Wow, that idiot hates having a job.

The fuck?
That's not even remotely what I was saying. Public and private schools just in the general lead to the same exact outcomes when you control for those variables. Whatever mix of nature vs nurture is involved is up for debate. It isn't purely either.
More educated parents means you'll be advantaged merely by osmosis. If they directly assist you that's another advantage.
More income means your private and public school will be better funded either way since even public institutions are funded by local governments, which means being able to hire better teachers and get better equipment in wealthier areas.
Also lets you hire help for your kids.
Anyway, that aside, give me a source on your claim and I'd be happy to look at it.

She could have every nigger in her class run a train on her during class and get away with it if she claimed it was to tear down white supremacy.

You got it backwards, Augustines mentor read without making a sound or moving his tongue.

C'mon, someone nuke this thread already!

calling all cunny, sneed, and goreposters

No, but Author worship is fucking asinine.

It doesn't get enough attention

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Those eyes have seen more dicks than any human being should ever see

You're right, but it doesn't matter. These kinds of people don't actually care about race relations at all. They only care about feeling self-righteous, despite all the very obvious signs in their life that shows them otherwise.

What does that mean "the written word"?
Is she referring to the bible, if i believe in an idea form a book, does that make me a white supremacist? Someone help me understand


Yeah, I was thinking about how 1) African and (native) American cultures don't have rich literary histories and 2) European, Asian, Middle Eastern do. So you'd have to discount all the works of Asians and Middle Easterns to think what she said holds any relevance. Unless you somehow consider Arabs and Indians to be "white"

If they keep relating all noble things or pursuits back to white supremacy aren't they basically promoting white supremacy? It's like if you said "ice cream is racist" you don't suddenly convince your average person who likes ice cream to abandon it. You just have them hedging their bets and deciding that hating darkies is an acceptable price to pay for something good

What a wreck of a person

Borges was neurodivergent disabled and a PoC latinx. His writings must be read through the framework of postcolonialism and queer theory.


>True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written, in writing what deserves to be read, and in so living as to make the world happier and better for our living in it.

I never realized how problematic Pliny the Elder was.

>hates the patriarchy and male domination
>obsessively fetishises the male black body
why do retarded white people get to pick and choose the systems of oppression they admit their complicity in? This shit is still grotesquely racist, she's literally got /pol/-tier caricatures on that certificate

Modern bluecheck Leftists are driven by narcissism and antintellectualism, they want to avoid confrontation and remain in an infantilised state were all their whims are "valid"- they dont have principles, they have defense mechanisms. They arent reading confucius, islamic theology or indian philosophy thats for sure, because those are also incompatible with their therapeutic and consumeristic ways of coping. But notice how 'adult' leftists often display an unhealthy libidinal investment in YA, comic books and childrens media such as steven universe, star wars and dr who.

The frankfurt school's criticism of the culture industry has no place in the modern left. It has been driven out by self esteem therapeuthic ideology of positive psychology. These people cant distinguish between political activism and consumerism.

>that chest tattoo
what a classy lady

As people who uphold theliterate tradition, who uphold the division of man and woman against the hegemonic ideology of cultural marxism why shouldnt we show hostility to the enemy tribe? They openly position themselves as enemies and want to destroy everything we have ever found meaningful. I will always "misgender" you and i will go out of my way to make you and your correligionaries feel upset and unwelcome

Damn white people and their *shuffles deck* books!
>implying they think critically about anything they say
>implying they aren't just regurgitating what the cool accounts on twatter told them to say
>for 3 or 4 years
>only once a year
>only 3-4 years

you shouldn't have to be a racist to admit cultural superiorities.

i can see what she means, the word as The Word as the Logos as the bible as the basis of philosophy

I can't be bothered to read the whole 90 posts before mine to find out if someone has said something similar, but my sneaking suspicion is that - aside from the obvious hate of western civilization - people like this hate the written word because they can't twist, bend and distort it to their political agenda.
Sure, they tried with "Critical X theory" but those haven't really caught on in the mainstream.
What's written persists and they hate that they can't abuse it.

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>moderate websites
>politico and 538
eh, sure
>salon and slate

Yeah it's been a while since I've read it

Replace "written" with "all-too-human" and replace " is a tenet of white supremacy" with the "was beginning of the devolution of man" and you have a based and redpilled take

DEVOleuzian gang

Literal ESL cope.

Oh shit, she's American.
Is the U.S. one of the few countries that have a population that still speaks and writes like an ESL despite being born in an Anglo country?

>Occupied injun land
I am so glad to have been born on the old continent.

I don't understand people like this, who think that the canon is white supremacy or whatever. I could maybe see their point if every American high schooler came out of grade 12 with an encyclopedic knowledge of Shakespeare but only Shakespeare; yeah, sure, let's expand the canon, let in other voices and so on and so forth. But no one graduates knowing fucking anything about anything. It's like they're fighting battles that ceased to be relevant 60 years ago.

I'm a Jew and the focus on the Holocaust pisses me off. It was all Holocaust and mediocre slave novels up until 11th grade when we maybe bothered to read something interesting. It's a minor fucking miracle I got out of public school even knowing basic algebra.

>this guy suddenly upset for not reason
Reign in your thalamus my man, you're acting like a woman and making a fool of yourself.

Why doesn't she move? Why doesn't she try to stop occupying that land?

Guénon agrees

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>More educated parents means you'll be advantaged merely by osmosis
Remember that headline about how white parents shouldn't read to their kids because it's racist that they have that advantage

Mainstream culture would, if not agree with then at least entertain her point, as opposed to deleting /pol/'s immediately and banning the account


Ok reddit

it's too late

Because progressivism is fundamentally about liberal white people trying to own the white conservatives, actual concern for minorities is tangential

Reminds me of this shit. I used to work in news (changing careers now) and one of my co-workers posted this shit on social media a while back. Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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Fukken lmao @ that chart

According to Mutts, Middle Easterners and North Africans fall under the arbitrary umbrella of “white”.

The real red-pill is realizing modern democratic man is so racially degenerated that the depth of his racial sentiment doesn’t pierce the skin.

Can you imagine telling a Spartan they were equal to a Helot because they “look similar”? Without any real (spiritual, social, political, etc.) distinction between groups, all that’s left is mass appeals to the lowest common denominator for the direct purpose of provoking mob democratic action. Same with the whole PoC umbrella that gets thrown around— it’s a massive leveling of differences and hierarchy into a few easily understandable racial tensions to be used as demographic fifth columns.

.... uhhh .... so only white folks are able to read and write .... yyeeahhhh ....

Go away, white chick.

the funny thing is, the more things the intersectionalists find to be things and tools supporting "white supremacy", the more whites actually prove that they do have supremacy.

He was also a fascist

>Fair interpretation

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How much oral literature can she, or anyone in her circle, recite?

None of those cultures count because they’re not blacks living in first world countries and you know it.

I had it 7th grade, 8th grade, then 9th grade we went into huck finn and to kill a mockingbird and black literature white guilt slavery stuff.

Remarkably 11th and 12th grade had farenheit 451 and 1984 and brave new world anti government and anti censorship stuff. They never told us about The Turner Diaries though. But I lived in an upper middle class mormon republican district. 10th grade was the worst because it was foreign ethnic lit year. God india sucks.

Uhhhh, fuck off white nazi?

It's embarassing, as a Jew, the focus that gets put on the Holocaust. I'm almost positive the recent ramp up of israelphilia and all things Jewish is an anglo plot to get the public resenting us.

I'm getting a strong whiff of mental illness off of this picture, her incoherent politics are barely the tip of the iceberg of what this woman's problems are.

Nah you guys do it to yourselves.

wtf I love Borges