I've recently been exposed to the idea of humans not having free will...

I've recently been exposed to the idea of humans not having free will, due to our personalities being shaped by ouside events and experiences, that we have no control over

Can you recomend any literature on the nature of self? So far I've been thinking about looking into Stirner/egoism, Hindu philosophy, psychology/Jung.

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Guenon's first two books should get you started.

Ethics by Spinoza is a good book on determinism. A non conventional recommendation on soft determinism would be gurdjieff, ouspensky's in search of the miraculous is a good introduction to him.

You are talking about Introduction to Hindu doctrines and one on Theosophy?

How have you never thought about this? Are you fucking 14?

I just haven't. Anything you would recommend on this topic?

Denying and redirecting your sexual impulse is the beginning of free will.

Schopenhauer's essay. And read it till the end, so you don't misunderstand it.

God I fucking hate Schopenhauer

He's such a fuck who influenced so many fucking retards that go

If there was ever a philosopher that I would want to fucking curb stomp it's this fucking egghead

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Jung's atavistic self > Freuds experience only self

He's not wrong in principle but in practical function.

Dumb brainless optimist.

>due to our personalities being shaped by ouside events and experiences

How would this happen?

The mind is a myth - U.G. Krishnamurti

It wouldn't, biological determinism is an internal factor, not an external one.

Free will exists, just not to the extent that was once thought.

People don't just idly stand by in the world and let their drives or conditions take action for them. They choose to act within a world that is subject to the influence of external conditions and unconscious drives . If a person were to try and live as if everything was predetermined, wouldn't that be an enormous contradiction?

Seems like he struck a chord. You wouldn't happen to be a moralist and pragmatist, would you?

Growth of the Soil. The guy marrying a woman with a hairlip will really make you think about how present your ego is


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We obviously have free will in the scale of dealing with universal law, as matter is subordinate to spirit, and not the other way around. There is no first cause, and everything in our phenomenal world is constantly changing possibilities.

Biological determinism is a different manner, and most people still have free will, but most never use it. The acorn to tree analogy is useful. Most people never develop their willpower past the stage of an acorn, but if it is planted on good soil and watered, it could become a strong tree unmoved by the rest of the world.

>due to our personalities being shaped by ouside events and experiences, that we have no control over
Complete non-sequitur.
At every point you can either accept a lesson or don't.
The outside world shaping you is completely independent of the "free will" debate.

by accepting or rejecting this idea you already shown free will, no?