/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General

>Recommend short stories that you've read and liked.
>Tell us what you're currently reading.

Monthly Reading for July: The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins

Monthly Reading books: drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/s?k=schuyler hernstrom&ref=nb_sb_noss



Worth the Candle is actually good. I bounced off of it twice though when he first meets Amaryllis, thought it was going to be cringy harem shit.

>gimmick is that the protag can learn all skills
>5 chapters in and the stat menus are longer than a page


>first chapter opens with a barebones stat menu, no skills or anything
>turn the page once
>stat menues are 30 pages long

I read the whole Wandering Inn in like a month, now i can't enjoy other litrpg shit anymore.

>female protag

I think I tried reading that a while ago, but I couldn't stand the >female protag's incompetence

>"Those Israeli girls . . . that’s where Steiner was, with a kibbutzful of them, those hot, black-eyed, heavy-lipped, bigbreasted, sexy ones who got tanned working out in the fields in shorts and cotton shirts clinging to them, no bras, just those big solid breasts–you could actually see their nipples, because the damp fabric stuck to them."
What did Philip k Dick mean by this?

Dick fucking loved big tits
He features them in every single work of his that I've read

>female protag who isn't written as a man-hating Mary Sue

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>Discussing Litrpgs is punishable with death by virginity
I'm planning to kym because I just turned q lvl 30 wizard, and no witch wants to steal my mana.

I wonder if Lawrence Shindo's "A Dairy Cow's Life" (2014) was inspired by Piers Anthony's "In the Barn" (1972). Probably just a coincidence, but they really are similar.

>start writing story filled with dumb anime tropes for fun, like mecha, space politics, and scheming edgelord characters
>ripped off a ton of stuff like Gundam, LoGH, Eva, and other sci-fi anime
>always thought it was unpublishable so I started putting it up online on various sites

Should I try sending it to a publisher anyways? I'm almost done with the fourth ~24k word volume. Are there publishers who put stuff like this on the market?

Reposting for more opinions. I could also try and write something more marketable but I enjoy writing this story and don't want to drop it like I have everything else.

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publish it on amazon for a dollar or several

24,000 words at 500 words per page = 48 pages.
48*4= 192 pages. That's a novel.

You can self-publish it digitally. Avoid vanity publishers. You can even make a patreon or other donation based. If you are thinking physically publishing it, think again.

Difficult to say without a sample, but hey, if you sell it for $0.99 probably some randoms will buy it and be inattentive and buy 48 pages each for that much.

give me the first chapter

What are the chances of updating or adding some new charts?

Not him but is physical publishing in a bad state right now?

It is when you're trying to sell glorified fanfiction

If the chart is good enough, why not?
Pic related is trash and needs to be replaced, if you want to work on something knock yourself out.

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What's trash about this chart?

A man of culture and excellent taste as well.

Just putting the idea out there, seems like the charts have been the same for quite a while. Betting many people have read almost everything on the charts.
I've spent too much time reading fucking shit books trying to find some gold, the charts usually had decent stuff though.

Not that user, but any chart that recommends a Brent Weeks book is a shit chart.

>its a Ciri chapter

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>a Brent Weeks book
>Rent free
You still salty after all these years.

Do I have to be an americlap to publish myself on Amazon? I live in the arse end of the planet but write entirely in English, which is of course no way to get published here the traditional way.
I'm just looking for alternatives to get my stories read by people, I don't even want money for any of it.

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Who makes those norfs? They are obviously done with an artistic touch and are just hilarious

Can you fuck alita battle Angel?
Does she have a cunny chamber hidden between her robot legs?

Answer my question before I answer yours.

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Just read I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream, took me like 5 minutes. What was the purpose for all of it?

I don't know if you have to be a Klapistani to use Amazon publishing. I assume once you have a valid credit card, can pay their fee and have a legal way to accept American money (i.e. Your country isn't blacklisted from ecommerce with Americlap) you should be golden. Just read their terms and conditions, or their faq on how things work.

If all that fail post it on royalroad. A lot or people started on royalroad, went to kindle, then audible.

Now answer my cunny question.

user from last thread who called neil gaiman "a bitch ass limey faggot". Care to elaborate?
I heard that he holds the right to some older scifi authors books and refuses to publish them due to (((religious))) reasons. Has this got something to do with your opinion of him? Or do you simply think his writing sucks?
Im only really interested in how he writes. My reading has no time for personal vendettas.

I am working on it, I have been complaining about the charts in the sticky for a while now.

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I want some grounded medieval fantasy, but can't find anything decent.

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Anyone read this and it's sequel Throne of the Bastards? Any good?

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I showed yo my response answer me you cunt.

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You really want to put Samuel Degenerate-lany and Memories Ishiguro in that chart huh?

>just leaving all that metal on the battlefield
>doesn't melt them down and reuse them

any books that are like the pic in op?

Wizard of earthsea?

Guys I want to put my penis in a girl, really bad.
Books that deal with having sex?

my diary desu

Island Jumper by M. H. Ryan

>Island Jumper
Isn't that the shark harem shit novel?

Yes. It fits the criteria, doesn't it?

>having sex is like jumping islands inhabited by sharks
>having sex is also shit

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This flowchart is really bad

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Which ones do you think are good and which bad?

Fine. You can't have intercourse with her. She doesn't have.... the means. She has a machine body, thoroughly made for war.
You have been duped user

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who /too like the lightning/ here?
i feel like i don't understand exactly what's happening to carlyle foster but god damn is it hot

So wtf was that movie about? Were they going to have sex like in the demolition man? Hook up some neural networks and orgasms on queue?
I hate movies that shoehorn in romance. Sacrificing yourself for a cunny you can't even fuck.

>>Recommend short stories that you've read and liked.
Just read Exhalation: Stories and the shorter parts from it are pretty good.

insane dick sucking skills

I only put Ishiguro because an user was screeching about Buried Giant.
STFU about Delany though, I know that you are the same user.

The love was innocent young love that was left unsexualized, put into the movie for the sole purpose of taking it away later to give the main character a reason for action and later revenge. A cheap plot device that did not do any favors for the "story of the movie.
The movie was about cyborgs fighting and I enjoyed that part of it. But I found it to be quite a bit shallow and a little stupid, once you look past the choreography and the flashy effects. It seems that an intellectual like me has been spoiled by reading deep and thought-out cyberpunk Novels, such as Snow Crash.

Black plague trilogy by C. L. Werner
It's pretty grounded if you ignore the talking rats and undead.

>STFU about Delany though
So you're a literal faggot then.

The movie is comfy and undemanding. This is high praise coming from me. I generally dislike movies and the whole movie culture with a passion, but this one was one of the few that I unapologetically enjoyed.

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she has a mouth

Newfag for fantasy and sf (read stephen king when I was a teen and that's it). I'll start with Dune. Is it a good starting point or should I go for the books in the OP?

Dune is good but it's pretty long and dense for a first ever scifi book. I wouldn't take the OP books as dogma though (The Way of Shadows is in one of them for god's sake). I think the best recommendation for a first timer is to start with whatever you're actually interested in. Fantasy and scifi are fundamentally meant to be read for entertainment, which means you shouldn't have to follow a guide out of fear of doing something wrong.

>Recommend short stories that you've read and liked.

Some editing is involved. Doesn't include any collection/anthology/magazine/eyc where I didn't like anything in it, as well as removing dupe sources.

Really should have added more info as well, oh well.

Two sheets for seeing by author, haven't bothered to do an author sort column so it's by first name, and sorted by source.


It's not that bad,besides a few books like WoT and Abercrombie the chart is okay.

Poor since GOD FORBID you ever mention how the OP is a giant bloated monstrosity of redundancy. These are the same newfags that enforce only speaking about the same ~20 series' at all whatsoever

>The Way of Shadows is in one of them for god's sake
user you're pretending too hard now. It's time to stop.

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I don’t browse this general all that much so I hope this doesn’t come off as bait. But I was wondering if there are some good fantasy books with a female protagonist? I have tried to google my way to it but it just gives me “top ten strong femme fatale books you must read” kind of answers. Something like the Ciri chapters in Witcher

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Is this supposed to be a meme chart?

>so I hope this doesn’t come off as bait
Well you failed.

Read Mistborn

Go to goodreads, check the fantasy genre and half the books are written by women and of those 90% have a female protagonist. Have fun.

Needs cradle, the abshoren trilogy, curse of chalion, emperors blades, live ship traders, farseer trilogy (maybe), powdermage (maybe), book of amber, and deathgatecycle then this would be a decent list

Any list with Brent weeks is bad
>reading books for the smut element

Sabriel is actually good

>female protagonist
pick one

The Deed of Paksenarrion

Do I need to know anything about the lore to enjoy these books?

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Red Knight

>being you
>not committing suicide
Choose one

Personally, I think GRRM should have left out the magic and dragons and let it be much more "grounded".

>emperors blades,
Fuck you and fuck adare. You are probably one of those fuck chucks that praised that bitch adare on tor. Saying she a strong character. Neck yourself you adare loving bitch cunt.

Fantasy books but not real fantasy are boring as fuck. At that point you'd rather just read real history.
Let fantasy be all that it implies. Magic and evil guys and races and whatnot. Human x Human political fantasy is as boring as it could ever get without being downright a poorly written history schoolbook filled with dates and facts to memorize.

Plebs will disagree

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Just finished 'Return From the Stars' by Lem.

Amazing! The warmth of friendship and realisation of the lost ones during the expedition. And the ocean. Damn, why does majority considers 'Solaris' to be his best work? Solaris was just kind of meh-another-somewhat-good-scifi novel...
But this... Oh, this was just great!

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We did it bros!
Haven't read that one but most warhammer fantasy books don't require much background knowledge

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Oh boy, this is going to trigger that autist.

Merchant Princes (Stross), Empire Trilogy (Feist and Wurts), Feast of Souls (Friedman) The Rook and Deed of Paks (Moon) are all good off the top of my head.

Kill the Queen was my favourite fantasy book of last year but it leans girly and YA so I'm not gonna earnestly rec that here.

I just read pic related and enjoyed the characterization of Red Sonja. She's not a man-hating femibeast and not a Mary Sue that can wipe out entire armies with her YAS KWEEN SLAY. She's actually likable and isn't written as a man with tits.

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Just finished the first chapter, at 5476 words. I'm so happy that everything went so well, it was so smooth to write and piece together. I'm actually excited to start the second chapter after a quick reread.
I'm finishing Ringworld before, though. It gripped my interest.

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/sffg/ does anyone else here have a history of hypomanic episodes?

Why am I not surprised, Night Angel loving shit eater can't tell the difference between obvious satire and a real chart.

Yes, I go from suicidally depressed to manic pixie dream girl in the snap of a finger.

manic or hypomanic?

I got into a discussion with my family about it yesterday, and I realized that I don't consider my neutral state the real me, or at least, I dont want my neutral state to be the real me. I spent most of my highschool years in a persistent hypomanic state, and I think during that period I was at my intellectual and creative peak. I ran into a similar thing when I started my current job, and used that energy to write a whole novel and code an innovative rom hack.

Im currently between states now, and because of that I feel like my entire life is on hold until Im hypomanic again. Its frustrating as hell, and I just cant find a way to induce it

I know he is shitposting with that chart, it doesn't change the fact that you will be triggered every time you see it.

Why would a shitpost making fun of brainlets like you who recommend filth written by Rothfuss and Brent Weeks trigger me? How are you this stupid, it's a miracle you haven't offed yourself yet because you forgot to breathe.

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Is vol 6 good? 5 was awful.
Wandering Inn

I just used the word to describe my episodes. I'm all but officially diagnosed to be bipolar (I run from getting checked, I'd rather die than getting to know that yes, I'm indeed mentally ill)
I've noticed that, ironically, things that I hate induce that hypomanic state you're talking about. Specifically as I'm getting confirmation. It's more about being "right" about my misery. It's odd, I know, but I read somewhere about sages that used to display their lacks and misery and proudly as possible as a mark of their ascension, something like that. Basically the more miserable you are, the more you are shunned, the higher state you're in. To be wronged is to be owed, after all.

Does that make any sense?

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John Scalzi is literally one of the best sci-fi authors in history andf fuck you retards in this thread for shitting on him. Despite people saying not to buy his books, I did anyways. And you know what? THEY WERE AMAZIING. I have never read anything like them. Action. Politics. Intrigue. Romance. Mystery. He has it all. Sure, there are a few things that are questionable but the rest of the package makes up for it. I will no longer listen the RETARDS in this thread any longer on book/author recommendations. If anything, I will actively start reading the books that are spoken poorly of in this thread!
Fuck you!

Nice try, John.

This general hates anything popular. It's irrelevant if it's good.

it makes sense. Hypomania is supposed to be triggered by stress. I don't know the full details but I suspect its related to the phenomenon where your brain overclocks itself in a crisis to improve reaction time.

Like you Im effectively bipolar, but because my hypomania has never resulted in full-blown mania i dont qualify for a diagnosis.

Its funny, one of my Dad's friends wrote a book about the relationship between hypomania and success. It lines up so closely with my own experience that I see it as reaffirmation that I will never accomplish anything without it. as a result, my life revolves around it, because its only in that state that I feel im not squandering my existence

grumpy pants

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Scalzi isn't good though. He wrote one medicore-to-above-average book and then a bunch of garbage afterwards.

When did I say Rothfuss was good? Stop putting words in my mouth. Rothfuss is utter shit and will never release the third book. If he did it will be book 3:part one of four.

le trufan redshirt man
Worst dross i've come across in recent times.

6 is better except for the ryoka chapters

Congratulations you have shit taste. Enjoy your shit.

I really like the NPR flowchart. Its clean and kind of fun to read and keeps sci-fi and fantasy separate.
It also has the Title and author under each book unlike some of the other charts that just throw everything in to lumps.

Just popping in to say gormenghast is kino

What do you nerds think of the Wheel of Time series?

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Bloated shit.

Morgase was pretty hot

Mat is best boy and I'm sad we'll never get his spin off series.

May the curse of Allah be upon the one who recommended me Bakker. This shit is awful. Hundreds of pages in and no plot in sight. The names are really ugly, dropping like ugly bombs within every ugly chapter. They never refer to anything tangibly, they are just thrown around with zero context. The whole book is exposition. So far only the prologue was actually good. What do people see in this? Is it yet another meme series where you have to "read until book x" before it gets "good"?

Recommend me some kino based on pic related.

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>Is it yet another meme series where you have to "read until book x" before it gets "good"?
It is not. If anything it gets worse as far as boredom goes. In the second series there's a character who's motto is "The slog of slogs" and I have no idea if that was Bakker being self-aware enough to realize he was writing some boring shit consciously or subconsciously because that's exactly what it is: a fucking slog.

You have to get to the part where Akka's ex apprentice gets tossed off the tower before book one starts to pick up.

The first book is the worst book in the series imo..

I'm in the mood for traditional fantasy.
Any stories that start with like a farmboy protagonist who becomes a hero or something?


Sword in the Storm by David Gemmell. A lot of time is dedicated to his life in the village and his family though, but it is exactly what you're asking for. And if you want traditional fantasy then check out Lord Dunsany who's basically the grandfather of fantasy fiction and pretty much created Heroic Fantasy.

Yo, I’m back. Thanks for covering for me.

It's funny how this series is hated for its supposed sexism yet there's nothing in these books you wouldn't also find in a ton of romance novels.

Giftwish. Never read the follow up though (Catchfire), but I have it here and really shit try it

*really should try it

>Write two pages
>Read them
>They are shit
Every fucking time, also being bilingual fucking sucks when you wanna write, sometimes a sentece in another language just pops in your head because it really fits and it doesnt wanna fucking leave so you cant think of something else.

Red Sister

The Belgariad is intentionally the most generic fantasy story ever

I know that exact feel so I never bothered.

Unironically a lot of Forgotten Realms books/series. Brimstone Angels is underrated and City of the Dead is one of my favorites

The Grail Quest and The Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell

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Just did more pages, no idea where the fuck is this going to or if I wanna continue. Is it better to finish works or just write whatever to improve?


I actually liked Lightbringer

The other two not so much

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>cursing in fantasy
This really needs to stop. I've become so intolerable of this shit because in almost every instance it comes across as the writer trying too hard to make his story seem mature and edgy. You can write a mature and edgy story without resorting to characters cursing like 13 year olds.

Adults curse all the time you sheltered nerd.

They also shit and piss all the time and I don't need to read about that either, you fucking retard.

In other words you simply have a moral objection to the act of cursing itself, as you acknowledge it is a realistic aspect of adult speech. No one cares.

>moral objection
Did you not read my post at all, you stupid fuck? Cursing in fantasy usually comes across as the cringiest shit. There is nothing moral about it; it's just garbage writing. Now go be stupid somewhere else.

>Mommy he said a bad word! Make him stop!

I've been trying to read Gene Wolfe and I just can't deal with his writing style. It's too much trouble trying to decipher this shit. I can't do it bros...

lol for someone who says he doesn't care you sure can't stop replying can you?

At least he's having fun. Everyone else here seems to think, Reading Must Mean Suffering.

For reference I first read The Fifth Head of Cerberus, which was very difficult but I was able to follow it and understand the plot. I didn't really feel like I got anything out of the effort other than a neat story, though. Secondly I tried to read Peace, which was even worse and I had to give up after about 10 pages.

Reading Scalzi IS suffering.

What was the intention?

I have know plenty people in real life that (for some reason) have to cuss like every 5 words. They would be talking about their kid and teach or some crap and would be "fucking this" and "fucking that" and "bitch muddafucker" and the other cuss words my country uses.
Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. A lot of authors base characters on real life people.

Looking for fantasy (not urban fantasy) outside of the usual elves, dwarves, and dragons medieval setting. Pic related as an example of a unique world with unique creatures.

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Have there been any books which take place entirely on a ship/colony ship lost in space?


Are there any readers of The Witcher series here? I'm halfway through Sword of Destiny and only one of the stories have been okay. Compared to The Last Wish it's pretty underwhelming.

Once I'm finished Titus Alone do I read Prince of Nothing or Worm Ouroboros next?

Recommendation: Fifth Head of Cerberus or Forlesen both by Gene Wolfe

Currently reading: Red Mars, I don't like it. I like the explanations of scientific principles but the plot is not compelling and the POV characters suck. Most of the characters and dialogue is just not that compelling. The rest of the series is going to be a slog and this book has slowed down the great momentum I had built up in the Spring.

Those just look like komodo dragon wizards.

There we go with the shitty fantasy, AGAIN.

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Instead of making worthless posts instead why don't you recommend some things not fantasy that we should be reading.

A novella called Agents of Dreamland. Holy fuck it was brilliant. My only knock, too short!

Consider the following: A wasp has the same mentality as the average xianxia protagonist.

I ended everything that was out from the series like 3-4 years ago and I actually pretty much dont remember anything from it beside Ciris wild sex adventures with her gang and the infantry joke (the polish version I dont know how they translated it if they even did it).

most of those are shit tier.

So has anyone here actually read the fourth Gormenghast book? Seems like not a lot of fans like it but I'm curious about it.

Rip out your wings by their roots or I will slaughter your nest.

>having ever liked litrpg
Disgusting fucking pleb

>throne of bastards
>sequel is king of bastards
Lemme guess the third book will be emperor of bastards? Is it as edgy as the work it steals from?

I agree user. Just having magic and shit, even when it's not shown, ala most of the Conan stories, ups the game and gives a really nice mouth feel

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What are some good grimdark fantasy books?
I read the broken empire, and I'm thinking about trying 40k novels but they seem pretty childish desu and there are so many, that i probably can't find good ones from the trash

The reason I'm interested in it is because it's been described as Conan-tier Sword & Sorcery, but I'm sure it's probably pointlessly edgy.

The Grim Company
The Steel Remains

dark but not Broken Empire dark
The red knight
Words of radiance
The black Company
The first Law
Raven's Shadow

There aren't any.

>The Steel Remains
Couldn't even finish this shit.

Are you homophobic or something

where is the litRPG at? I need dungeon books recommendations

Gays? In my fantasy?
Surely it's heroic brotherly romanticism and not edgelord sexual romance?

What's it about, bro? I mostly read fantasy, but I might give it a try
>I'm not triggered
>Is obviously triggered
Tfw you finally realize there are only five of us here
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn basically defined the subgenre, I would start there.
That's not how you spell Logain..

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no one wants to read about faggots but actual faggots

Yes. Honestly though I knew the protag was a fag before reading the book, but the fag sex scenes were too cringe. Then I found out later the author specifically made those scenes cringe because he wanted to be edgy and that was when I first started hating grimderp: the pointless edginess.

Its more like "immortal elf touched my pee pee and i liked it "

This sounds like one of my japanese doujins!

>read The Night Land
>get serious Oneitis

everyone is praising Eisenhorn so you should try that one.

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If the homosex got your jimmis so rustled it wasnt pointless

Orphans of the Sky
NonStop by Brian Aldiss

Interesting, thank you. It's interesting to see my planned setting similar to each of those but with a few key differences

Never ever read author comments/interviews. They don't matter unless you tell yourself they do. I'm the kind of person that pretends books aren't written by a real human, but just exist, so I never need to be affected by any bias.

I also don't read the backs of books or summaries because I don't want any preconceptions about what type of story it is. I have thousands of books downloaded and I pick them at random. If I'm not enjoying them, I stop.

It's fun going into everything blind, I highly recommend it. You form your own image of the author and the time period it was written, and sometimes the genre isn't apparent until a quarter of the way through the text. Books like Tarnsmen of Gor and The Girl Next Door can be a real adventure, coming into them knowing nothing.

recs for good mil sci fi? Already read the pillars of the genre and want more.


Yeah can't believe people use female protagonists. Disgusting

Are you retarded?

no, why would you think that?

While I understand your thinking, I don't think I could disagree with you more. Take a guy like Roger Zelazny for instance: his work, even his short fiction, is EXTREMELY layered. I wouldn't have even known to look for it if I hadn't read his interviews, but having done so and having re-read some of his stories, it's like a punch to the face. Most writers are complete trash, so you're not missing anything by ignoring them, but there are real masters of the craft out there.
Tldr; go read The Doors of his Face, the Lamps of his Mouth and realize that the fisherman isn't the fisherman or the bait, he's the fish. The fish? THAT'S the bait. The woman? SHE'S the fisherman. Also, it's a pretty damn good story at face value

Its enjoyable, the author does like to overly describe the appearance of characters and it becomes really annoying after awhile. Also he gives Robert Jordan a run for his money in writing subpar female characters.

I do agree with you, especially with stories like Book of the New Sun and Lord of the Rings, which I was really interested in after reading and then broke my rules and researched the authors so I could learn hopefully learn more. But those cases are very rare imo and not worth changing habits for.

I read Way of Shadows when I was younger and it had just come out. I had fond memories and so last year I picked up up Black Prism. Good Lord, either he declined as a writer, or my tastes has ascended this trash

I'm not particularly fond of western fantasy tropes, do you still think I'd like The Book of the New Sun? Does it transcend the genre? If not, what does?

I'm liking 6 so far but its only half done so who knows.

>one side character (female) hates another side character (male) because he, a virgin at the time, accidentally buggered her, another virgin, during a magic ritual she was paid to participate in
only in chinkshit

Sarah is finally dethroned nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/how-sharing-her-muslim-identity-helped-hafsah-faizal-write-her-n994681

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Are science-fiction and fantasy stagnated?

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Stagnant you mean

This is unfortunately true. All the greats are dead and the next generation are where they are more through politics than skill. Hell, even the edgy grimdark guys are sucking the social justice peen (Abercrombie and his stronk lesbo Fritz Lieber ripoffs, Mark Lawrence and his girl power Harry Potter shit) I'm running out of shit to read and I'm not gonna touch trash like pic related or fall for the xianxia meme.

On a related note: what are some of you guys favorite short story collections/authors? I've read through most of the pulp classics and the big names, but I'm sure there are still some undiscovered (by me) gems out there. Bonus points for nice prose ala Vance, Wolfe, Clark Ashton Smith, Zelazny etc.

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Yes. Thanks.

I liked Driftglass quite a lot. It's by a gay black man, though.

To answer your question they were born stagnant

lol I swear to Crom; all you need to do to get media attention as a writer is claim you're some "oppressed" minority.

Mostly yes. They were much more creative decades ago and there wasn't that retarded division between the two genres we have now.

What do you guys think about Neal Asher?
Just finished the Transformation series and am aching for more, any other authors with a similar style?

>On a related note: what are some of you guys favorite short story collections/authors? I've read through most of the pulp classics and the big names, but I'm sure there are still some undiscovered (by me) gems out there. Bonus points for nice prose ala Vance, Wolfe, Clark Ashton Smith, Zelazny etc.
If you like Vance then you need to check out Schuyler Hernstrom. He's my favorite modern short story writer and the heir apparent to the Vancian throne.

Ty user. Never heard of him and all I could find was Thunes Vision. Checking it out now

40k is childish, utterly over the top, tacky, and ridiculous. For me, that is its appeal.
It is the drag show of sci fi.

Eisenhorn is a fine read, though.

Blindsight any good lads?

Honestly thought you ran away forever monthly user...

Has great aliens and overall is pretty fun.

It is indeed any good, lad.

>I shall stay and tell my tale, hope that it may serve some purpose, that eyes shall see it and learn, that the future will not repeat the mistakes of the past.
I hate writing like this. Not only olden people didn't talk like this, tales are heard, not seen.

it is the Ferris Buellers Day Off of Sci Fi literature in our generation

amazon.com/s?k=schuyler hernstrom&ref=nb_sb_noss

So I started 6..
>Cringed at the vampire bullshit but was slightly disappointed Ryoka didn't make out with that vampire chick.
>Also, Aids vampires wut. Maybe it's a good thing she didn't make out with her..
>Hated Erin's emo bullshit.
>Starting to get mad about all the new kids dropping in from Earth, please god stop with that nonsense already. I'll also be very upset if as a result of so many people coming over guns are introduced and the whole thing turns into some flintlock fiesta.

Only on the 5th chapter but so far it's kind of meh, mostly because I hate the new characters. Honestly was expecting Genevas pov when I saw the D in chapter names. Oh well, at least there are no Emperor chapters in this volume so far, hate that blind faggot.

>Miles 'mommy no!' Cameron
No thanks.
Already read them.

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>posts a fantasy character

I was waiting to see how long it would take you to show up after Miles Cameron was mentioned.

ok then..

It's Ciri from the Witcher you dumb cunt

I liked the australians adventurers and yeah no emperor this time (for now)

>motorbikes can't be in fantasy
Oh user.

Not every female that has white hair is Ciri you shit eating fucking mongoloid.

Also forgot to mention..
>All the Indian girl characters introduced are maids
kek'ed at that one.

Oh my nigga, I would if I could.
Unfortunately I am burnt out on technical documentation, hunting down shit on the interbutts and trying to hammer out working code.
Coming here is my way of funposting and getting informed on the latest and greatest in all of literature. I am living vicariously through you guys, with the balls and the energy to go through the shittiest novels Amazon can offer.
But that does not mean that I will read about modern fantasy, the refuge of the worst the America can offer. Standards must be kept after all.

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Fulgrim is literally this

>Hell, even the edgy grimdark guys are sucking the social justice peen (Abercrombie and his stronk lesbo Fritz Lieber ripoffs, Mark Lawrence and his girl power Harry Potter shit)

Sounds like you should try reading Bakker.

A fantasy character in a cyberpunk setting.
It's cannon.

That is Ciri.

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Never seen that film so have no idea what you're saying

It's some boring boomer shit.
Might as well be complete fiction in this day and age.

>you guys favorite short story collections/authors
Embrace the Dick.

I don't know what I did but ever since a few months back (when firefox switched shit around so that most addons and extensions didn't work and my favorite adblock kind of shit the bed) I only get gay shit as sponsored links on amazon in every single search, please tell me I am not the only one.

gay as in actual gay romance and hardcore fiction

>Embrace the Dick
Why did I look that up?

The AWS knows user.

>I only get gay shit

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Stop jerking off to traps and trannies, user.

You probably just need to reinstall an adblocker. The sponsored ads an amazon I get are always romance, half of them being gay romance. They're just the best sellers, install your adblocker and they'll disappear again.

Because it sounds like a title since I capitalized Dick's last name.

Something must be wrong with the algo.

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>decided to give author another go after not liking his other series
>entire fucking book is just a drawn out first act
never mind then

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Recommend a fantasy novel that's also a page-turner. And by page turner I don't just mean something mildly interesting, I mean like pic related, where there's a new plot twist every chapter.

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dumb cunt

Library of heavens path

harry potter
hunger games
hardy boys
nancy drew
captain underpants

You forgot Night Angel.

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Almost all of these are unreadable t b h

I always recommend Neal Asher and Bv Larson together.

You know there are two different anons, right?
The no mommy no user, and the gri not approved user.

After he shit up and didn't put bookbinder as the main protagonist, you know he is a shit author.

>this salty

Dungeon books are hard to find. I even read scifi dungeon cores... Wait you want dungeon diving or dungeon cores?

Loving Thunes Vision so far. Giving me those good old school feels. Ty again for the rec, user

XD upvoted

edit: thanks for the gold!

Are any decent tho?

cradle, trysmoon and the sort of dark mage are decent. The rest depends on how comfortable you are with some smut.


Here's all the stories he's written so far except for a new one that just came out I haven't saved yet. You need a CBR reader to read them though.

I can tell from the titles that most are Western gookshit, so I'm a bit reticent. Will give the ones you mentioned a try tho. Smut doesn't faze me.
Much appreciated. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

That's Delany right? I thought he was a white biker dude for some reason

Yeah, Samuel R. Delany. He's African-American but actually looks pretty white. Still gay, though.

>Much appreciated. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Now you get to spread the word of Schuyler Hernstrom.

Bushrangers chapters were based

>Check out Wandering Inn after I see it mentioned here
>literally 4 MILLION WORDS LONG and still on going

What are some good fantasy books with an almost ethereal feel about them?
Something that genuinely feels magical, but the magic isn't just a common household thing that mages use because they're too lazy to light a fire the normal way.

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The Broken Sword

>Western gookshit
Is trymoon chink?

I meant the other ones on the list, not the ones user mentioned like "Godkings Legacy" and "Cultivating Chaos". I'd be surprised if those aren't western chinkshit

Just read Gateway - what a read. Favourite sci-fi I've read this year.

Anyone know if the sequels are worth reading?

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I remember hearing a recommendation from an old friend I had about a scifi book or series and I want to know if anyone recognizes it, because I can't remember the name
>something to do with FTL gateways or some other method of FTL
>it's all controlled by AIs
>various AIs are in conflict about whether they should do their jobs and help move people around or whether they should just kill humanity

Cold war era tech with the addition of inexpensive solar space travel and a global peace project to shoot a colony ship at the closest neighboring star

Ship gets lost in space due to sabotage, has to wait years to recharge for a jump. Second jump gets ship more lost, is 500 years until Third Jump home(?) which second book takes place 20 years before that jump, third book after that jump

Would you read this

I wouldn't. There is an abundance of stories about generational ships plus that premise was never really my cup of tea.
I think Zero Hull Three was the last one I read.

One of the differences between my plans and the examples I've looked at so far is the ship wouldn't be designed as a generation ship necessarily as they would have an ability to 'jump', so their peril would be more immediately recognized.

How did you enjoy Zero Hull Three? What were some elements you liked despite the overall premise not being one you prefer

cbr is just a rar file renamed
Can just extract if wanted

Modern fantasy needs more of pic related instead of edgy LOTR rip offs.

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By jump, do you mean some sort of FTL drive?
When you mentioned Cold War era technology, my impression was something along the lines of Orion propulsion system. As for the inexpensive solar space travel, it's not that efficient and is basically useless pass the inner Solar system.
If your vessel was not built as a generational ship (with all the redundancies that implies) how will it remain functional for hundreds of years? You either take everything needed with you or you incorporate systems for extraction of materials and manufacture.

>Zero Hull Three
Eh, it was okay. The addition of the Catalog was a nice twist. Those guys were not going to take no for an answer. The ending was a bit weird. Hundreds, maybe thousands of Catalog constructs (including people), completely unaware of the mission were killed as some sort of penance for the sins of the original builders. These people were completely innocent, just trust into the grinder, while being watched by some avenging angel with the power to stop all of it. Instead said angel just watched the killings going on for years (decades?). That's downright evil.
I am not sure if it's a comment on how alien their mindset is, or just bad writing.

Just finished Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon and La Horde du Contrevent by Alain Damasio.

Last and First Men was a letdown. Granted it's an old book by scifi standards, but it doesn't excuse its globally bad writing, repetition, and lack of scope about what makes a nation/specie. Still, good ideas for its time, and I can see how it stimulated the mind of others.

La Horde du Contrevent was good. Well written, very original in its universe and writing. What I could blame on it is that the ending was very disappointing, and for a part, predictable. Another thing is that you clearly see which characters are exependables and which are importants. It remains a good read if you can read french. I think it was only translated in italian, and it's a very arduous job to do it, if it's possible at all.

Any subs worth visiting that are not the typical hugbox and circlejerk with stupid censorship

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your statement is contradictory.
a sub is based on those things.

Book of the New Sun

Wasn't that the whole first half of Tigana?

What's the genre that's basically fantasy but is happening in space/planets and has science fiction elements?
Space opera?

Anyway I'm writing space opera because the one thing that I like more than balls to the wall fantasy is space travel and the effects of space upon the psyche. Nothing compares to the vastness of space, you can write all the good ol' northern frozen wastes, but you can't compare the wilderness with the sheer otherness of the space.
Besides, it's easier to explain weird ass sentient creatures than just "yeah these totally technologically superior not-elves just kinda evolved on the same continent as humans, for some reason"
Besides, I like to treat other planets almost as separate dimensions. They could just as well be.

Also, it's far more enjoyable and grounded to write technologies than magic. Wanna kill someone from a distance? Use a damn gun, not a fireball.

Also say I find a way to post it somewhere online and start shilling it, would you guys read it? It's unapologetic and I have as inspiration the good old 70s science fiction and fantasy novels.

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I like long series, so I just started reading Reality Dysfunction. I'm on page 150 and this is the most dry and overly descriptive babble I've sat through.
Has anyone made it through the Nights Dawn series? Does it pick up at all?

Neal Asher polity series.

sword and planet?

Thanks boys, I'll check them out

What do you all think of The Chronicles of Amber?

Your loss

Great series

It's among the best out there. Prose-wise probably the best.

>By jump, do you mean some sort of FTL drive?
Correct, it would be cold war era tech as a base with a few additions to make travel within the solar system less time consuming and expensive than the normal history. The discovery of FTL was more of an accident/surprise breakthrough

>If your vessel was not built as a generational ship (with all the redundancies that implies) how will it remain functional for hundreds of years?
It would be built with some redundancies that would enable a portion of the original population to survive which was added for the case where they got lost in space for longer than their original mission. However similar to the life-boats on the Titanic it would not be enough to save everyone as the ship is supposed to be 'unsinkable'

>a dangerous world where magic is real and people can level up and gain classes
OH NO NO NO NO NO Pffffffffttt!!!

/sffg/, my characters fit a wizard of oz motif to a tee, but im attached to their names and only one of them fits. Do any of these compromises work or do they feel unrealistic

>Character named Leona goes by Kat because the former is a mouthful and Leo is a boy's name
>Character named Will awkwardly lies that his name is Stan (lit. tin) Woods to avoid people calling him Willy. It fails immediately
>character is constantly compared to a kamikaze pilot (kamikaze and dorothy gale both translate to divine wind) because every injury she has a habit of crashing into things on missions

agreed. im sick to death of generic fantasy

What fantasy books with that feel tho?
Conan? Where should I start with Conan?

Is Amber chronicles actually good? I started reading it but stopped after he went to meet the guy with the army. Should I continue reading it?

Pic related

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Is the Dune series science fiction?


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Reading in bed is bad because it associated your brain with reading in bead instead of sleeping so sleeping makes it harder while your actually in the bed

Also try Michael Moorecock

Lies of Locke Lamora
Wayward Pines Trilogy (more Sci Fi than fantasy)

Don't post in the next thread, ESL.

God that's cringy. Polar opposition to the real world.

Try Tim Powers. Anubis Gates, Drawing of the Dark (red pilled about Islam), On Stranger Tides

It's a fantasy masterpiece. One of my all time fav series

Oh noes, fantasy AGAIN.

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How much planning do you do before starting to write?

I want to start writing one short story every week or month or something. I need some good examples. Anything good is fine.
Also, I've never read a cyberpunk or dysutopian book based off of tech being the big bad. I'd prefer something modern, like after 2000 modern in this case.
If you guys could give some reccomends I'd be super appreciative.
Pic related is my general writing as it stands right now (not cyberpunk duh because I'm not familiar enough with it yet.) I'm certian it could use some improvement, hence the asking for reccomends.

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So much planning. When I was 14, I wrote a 600 page book without an outline. It was YA garbage, but the main hole in my boat was the fact that the plot just sort drifted to whatever I thought of next, not an end goal clear. It was a mess. And unsellable.
So now I don't do jack shit until I have my full outline begining to end.

Anyone confirm to me if this is good or not? People talk about it like it's a must-read of weird fiction, and say it has a great setting, but the writing itself looks really boring (based on what I read flipping through it at the library/bookstore). Do the other aspects make up for it, or what?

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It’s woeth reading so you can understand the world enough to read the Scar, which is far and away the best book in that world.

Sword & Planet or Planetary Romance
It's Kino

Do you think the left would attack me if I wrote my book to not ever confirm the race of someone, just make their birthplace and circumstance ambiguous enough to self insert, or is that whitewashing by default

10/10, too bad the sequel series sucked. I would kill for some more of it.

yea yea go fuck yourself