Why do I feel like I’ve learned more on Yea Forums then all of my years at school?

Why do I feel like I’ve learned more on Yea Forums then all of my years at school?

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looks like my ex

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Because you didn't pay attention in school, retard.

Because you didn't apply yourself to your education, retard.

There, there user, she probably was a thot, you're not missing much; plenty of fish in the sea, remember that

School is just surface level and politically correct knowledge. You can more from many places around the web than in public education.

Yeah, like /pol/ I guess.

thanks user

You clearly haven't learned enough then.

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>show uterus
>no sexual comments pls
why thots be like this?

Speak English

have sex!

that's English

have real sex

ebonics isn't English.
dont @ me, nig.

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Thots gun thot bruh

Skimming through Spengler threads here taught me infinitely more than I ever learned in school

you made cuz your women are all mine incel

2/10 larp

I agree with her desu

leaving shitty comments on ass photos on the internet is a sign of sexual insecurity

just appreciate the ass, rub one off if necessary and move the fuck on

I listened to enough friends make those comments about girls in real life, not one of them knows how to approach women

the girl's giving people nice advice, stop with it and then you might learn how to get some

rape women


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>the girl's giving people nice advice

why wont she give up the pussy if she’s advertising it?

>Literally I am with her

I masturbated a lot to her 4 years ago when I was like 14

You're currently acquiring niche knowledge on Yea Forums, and a major part of feeling that you have learned something is comparison: you know something that others do not, thus, the notion of learning is more tangible. When the system imparts a uniform body of knowledge to everyone, there's a whole lot less to compare. Also, good luck recalling a and putting into context a week from now whatever you think you learned in the threads that gave you a temporary feeling of enlightenment. Sure, you recognize plenty of concepts that you've superficially read about when you glance at the words on your screen, and that might give you the impression that you know a lot more than you in fact do. Recognizing a notion does not equal mastering it enough to be able to transmit with ease its gist to your average person and actually being able of applying it to other things. Most of what you read on here will forever only be stuck within this very specific context. Explain Deleuze to a family member, and do dumb it down if you feel like it. Let me know it goes

someone's probably already fucking her, posting your half naked pics on the internet doesn't mean you are open to everyone all the time

why is showing ass to the camera advertising?

its illegal retard

>politically correct
found the boomer

its a buyers market user

Based Montessori method trips



of all people lmao

I quickly glanced at her screen name and read it as “sperm my face.”

rape women

>I've learned more from books and documentaries than I did in school.

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no I don't want to infringe the law

I guess it's because you're american

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Because you're an idiot who doesn't know how to learn.

"If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to a library." --Frank Zappa

Because you went to a shitty school.

on the contrary, if you need school to learn, you're an idiot.

you probably unironically did. school is nothing but a daycare center for poorfaggot kids. i taught myself everything i know.
>8 years of spanish education throughout school
>2 semesters of german in high school
>2 courses of spanish in college
>cant' speak a word of spanish or german
>selftaught myself niprunes for a year and a half, already reading books in it and can read japanese bantz on /int/
school is a waste of taxpayer money. just corral all the neighborhood kids onto a playground for 8 hours a day and do away with the delusion that they may be receiving any type of education from an 85 IQ childhood education major catlady who buys all her clothing at walmart.

I masturbated less at that age. Teenage years didn't have all that much masturbation or sex in them to be honest, relative to early 20s.

I was masturbating 5 times a day as a teen. Now I only do it once or twice. speak for yourself, limpdick.

lol what

This except I would edge for 3+ hours every night to erotica when I was a teen.

>why is showing ass to the camera advertising?
Why is water wet

it looks like a joke to me, but it's a woman and women aren't funny so I don't know

>last year of college
>never got laid

I did. She gave me herpes

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she has a kid with a soi bugman btw

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>I was masturbating 5 times a day as a teen. Now I only do it once or twice. speak for yourself, limpdick.

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How does it feel to be bald in your 20s?

Because instead of just memorizing random shit and then spewing back out on paper for tests, you're actually engaged in things that interest you.

How do your mantitties feel testlet?

Wouldn't know, I don't have hyperprolactinemia.

Wtf? How?

life is weird but it's not like she's some goddess or something, though.

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Post tits we'll be the justge of that

Lmao he is obviously a fucking genius she has good taste.

She cucks him for sure though. He's probably into it though.

t. him

that kid looks Asian... I sense cuckoldry.

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I’m pretty sure she makes his eggs exactly how he wants them


it's not meant as a joke per se

balding is genetics

bro there is a chad hitting that. how stupid and disconnected from women are you? EVERY model you see, theres a guy behind

Can you not insult a man at the very least when his innocent little infant is in the picture with him? Thanks.

incels don't care about that, they just care about acting like terrible people.

Normies like camwhores. If she’s a super model her best chance is a Brad, like those football/soccer players. Chad’s go exclusively for nice girls who are wifey material.

What about gigachad?


>Can you not insult a man at the very least when his innocent little infant is in the picture with him? Thanks.

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merely a fantasy

I agree it's tasteless and not within my sense of aesthetics to do, but she is tasteless too. She is in no position to say anything about it when she is unabashedly using her sexuality to gain following and likely money. I wouldn't be surprised if she does private videos/pics for a fee. This is just a type of prostitution, especially when she likely has no hand in the costume nor photography. She's just there as a sexual object, nothing more. That's how she presents herself. Of course I don't know about that as I don't know who she is, but it's probable.

So every person who tries to be nice in this board is automatically a plebbitor?

No, but you are.

Wow. If I could attract a woman like that... I'd never complain about anything in life again (provided she doesn't cuck me). Alas, I am a late-20s lanklet KHHV. Such is life.

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Fix your personality and might attract one.


Should he rather take the "bee yourself" route, or should he "fake it till you make it"?

GigaChad is known for how many women he’s curbed. He has never once in his life worried about “scoring” cuz he is so knee deep in it. He is actually more into variety and differences than a particular type because all women flock to him, he the gigster

No, don’t be yourself, FIX yourself

How can I be or fix myself? I am myself. How am I not myself?

Start with a biology book.

Which did you start with vaginicles

if a man posts his manly kamina cosplay on instagram he just wants to presume his costume, but wouldnt want horny neckbeards lusting his ass. Is the same fucking thing, i bet girls love when chad tells them they are hot.

I mean I’m reading this ecology book Half-Earth by Edward O Willson and he’s talking about the insane amounts of creatures that live in and on our bodies. You are an ever changing mass of biological tissues. You are not yourself from day to day, less so from week to week. Of course you can improve upon yourself

So she is advertising it

Bzzz. Wrong.

never denied that, is pretty obvious.

I know what you mean. My little brother has been pinning test and tren for a month and gained 15lbs of muscle and an 8 pack. Scary

Dumb fatass
Send nude my love

if by school you mean high school, then it's because high school is garbage
if by school you mean college, it's because you majored in engineering or something dumb like that

Please post face or body so I can stop wanting to angerfuck you.

(Not anger really, more like mildirritationfuck, which would somehow be even more satisfying...)

And please make it a really unflattering picture, one that will just make me go "Nope".

wow what a fucking pussy

here you go.

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Wrong musical genius

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Can that thing even sing? I know bowie can't

Because the educational system is poorly designed for the type of people this website attracts who tend to do better with more spontaneity and self-directed learning.

literally me

This board actually makes you dumber, thanks for revealing your power level.

>Engineering is dumb
>English isn't

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Because people going into education are basically drop outs who can't cut it in academics or business. These are the people teaching children.