Why do women have such shit taste in literature? Seriously... They only enjoy thrash fiction and nothing more...

Why do women have such shit taste in literature? Seriously... They only enjoy thrash fiction and nothing more, everything else is too difficult to them or they do not want to go through the trouble of reading difficult texts.

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They have shit taste in every art form.

I know plenty of girls with absolutely great taste in literature and can kick my ass in certain philosophical discussion
Maybe stop hanging out with dummys

They are way behind evolving mentally. Men had to think and be clever in order to provide and succeed in life. Women didnt. They are just naturally stupider

>thrash fiction

Idk man sounds like women have pretty good taste from that alone.

Yeah I don't think the dudes making these threads are hanging out with women at all, even dumb ones.

Women are absolute pseuds in everything. They ruined visual arts too. Women are trash. Pure unadulterated trash.

Women are mediocre in general. You're probably cherrypicking or you're just dumber than them idk.

Ever read Houellebecq?

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Maybe if you keep saying she’s badass shell sleep with you!! (Not)

>Men had to think and be clever in order to provide and succeed in life. Women didnt. They are just naturally stupider

This, my gf is one of these. How did I meet her? I was a TA and she came to office hours, never saw her around campus much before bc she was studying all the time, same with most of the quality people I met at uni.


Ill take “things that never happened for 1000 Alex”

*laughs in great sex*

Its a subjective opinion, if they enjoy trash fiction they probably dont think its trash, more importantly why do you care what other people want or like? What difference does it make to you what some random woman reads or doesnt read?

How’s your book coming along LMAO

women are shit

it's like I'm really on /pol/!

Anyway when I read these kind of threads I'm always genuinely sorry for american people.


This is why I don’t go to clubs
Imagine meeting people who think reading books is some kind of hobby

>They only enjoy thrash fiction
Take a look to the sky just before you die
It is the last time you will

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It's really only them that are this stupid it's kind of sad

Kierk is Brazilian

ikr, euro women are so based

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Accusations of white knighting (when he really wasn't) make you look like a pathetic virgin.

Have sex

Same here, she's an aspie though (diagnosed) but you can't tell. She works hard, reads and writes, travels and enjoys life a lot more than I do. This girl will change my life.

I have never met a woman who could intellectually challenge me. I attend a pretty decent university, and still nothing. I would be very excited to meet a woman that could break this tradition. Impregnation time.

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Stop spending on e-hoes.

What a sad fucking picture. Also loving that guy, I know that feeling.

>thrash fiction
Fucking Slayer

They take reality as presented. Thus the only options are entertainment: self-insert escapism that simulate romance, or sweet, thrilling tales that simulate traveling the world.

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