Poorly describe a book. Others try to guess it. I'll start easy
>lazy aloholic becomes a pathologist so the vampires outside his house fuck off
Poorly describe a book. Others try to guess it. I'll start easy
>lazy aloholic becomes a pathologist so the vampires outside his house fuck off
Other urls found in this thread:
Van Helsing?
>cuck goes mad with anger and kills uncle, self
Kid gets invited to special college club makes rich friends and learns sick classical education while twacking in the woods and murdering people
>a retarded guy really like soft things and gets shot in the head
>I am Legend
borges burns down an abbey in the end
It’s just as you say
Yep! Ok heres another one
>retarded guy gets smart then dumb then buries a mouse
of mice and men
autist doesn't do anything at work
>sick guy kills neighbour grandma and falls in love with a whore
Fight Club
im going to go with a god level one:
some bloke started a war, now the entirety of germany is confused and everyone has civil wars all over europe. also university students are stupid faggots. that sums the entire book up so well its comical.
It has to be fiction
oh. sorry.
you didnt specify on that. but ok ill guess. to clear it up the book is called "die letzten 40 jahre" and it was written in 1863 about the aftermath of the napoleonic war
I would prefer not to solve this one
Crime and Punishment
>a Portuguese priest debates whether or not to become a weaboo
Flowers for Algernon!
autistic man kills guy for no reason, then complains about getting the death sentence
Love is the answer but by the way it’s ok to kill people.
Crime and punishment
Haha nice. would add *dies* as well
man is bug.
The stranger
the metamorphosis
Bartleby the Scrivener ?
Mormon murder mystery
A group of vagrants wander through Mexico hoping that their wig business will make them rich.
A man and a ghost go down until down becomes up
>a satyromaniac becomes obsessed with his hallucinatory excursion while avoiding giant phallic objects
>whore can't settle down so she decides to have an affair with some officer making the lives of everyone else miserable then jumps in front of a train
>beta has his life destroyed by everyone around him except one woman who loves him for some reason
War and Peace
Infinite Jest
no sir, i haven't read war and peace so it may technically be correct but that's not the book i was thinking of.
Damn, it kinda fits one storyline of War and Peace
Divine Comedy
Anna Karenina
A bunch of Mexicans move into a house, hijinks ensue.
>Anna Karenina
1. nihilistic man falls in love with childhood friend and his mom, achieves gnosis
2. crazy lady sets off a chain of events that culminates in the defacement of a blind man's life's work
3. man gets shot by his lover's husband's lover's husband, get's victim blamed
4. six people have a collective stroke over the death of a literal who
5. gay man who acts straight paints a portrait for a straight man who acts gay, sets of chain of events that kills five different people and ruins the life of several others, including the author himself
6. man and wife think they're hard, ruin their lives over a prophecy
>man gives up career to be step-dad and his step-son kills him
The Secret History?
#5 The Portrait of Dorian Grey?
>Dorian G(r)ay
Drives from place to place. Hops freight occasionally. Goes to Mexico, gets high and fucks prostitutes.
obv the stranger
Why wear a t-shirt on top of a shirt with sleeves, ameeicans explain this cultural aspect to me pls
A dude decides that this world is not a good place to live so he posts on the internets and dies in obscurity without any human achievement on any level whatsoever.
My diary desu?
Fuck warehousing bullshit, I just hide in the racks
Only ones I know here are Demian and Dorian
Sad English guy drinks in Mexico and detachedly watches his life fall apart
also yes, but already guessed
yes sir
Yea Forums
Invisibilty corrupts eventually, until put under all the heat
>some dipshit says "fuck all this civilization bullshit" and runs off into the arctic bush and then fucking starves alone
i havent read name of the rose yet but this sounds like something that would happen there
Something by Hemmingway.
Your life.
Few people actually do it. And those who do is, are pursuing fashion above functionality.
Star Wars
1) Flowers for Algernon
2) A Simpsons Episode
3) Ulysses
4) The Death of Ivan Illych
5) Pulp Fiction
6) War and Peace
Up, the movie
50 Shades of Grey
That one book by Kafka, I can't remember the title.
That one Japanese movie with Kylo Ren.
My side of the mountain.
Dude comig from Switzerland in Russia gets cucked over and over untill he gets a mental breakdown.
one million years gulag
4 sounds like the waves
Sounds like Lenin's life.
3 is gatsby
Man forced to confront fears through threat of starvation.
both are correct
only 2 and 6 left
Is 6 Harry Potter?
That's all I can think of.
Black man has shittiest life imaginable, culminating in him living in the sewers
thousand-page tome comprising 2% plot, 49% rambling discourses on philosophy and how god is a spook and 49% tedious descriptions of bizarre sex acts
confederacy of dunces?
no, but kek'd anyway
here's a hint: it's a play most people read in high school
A visit by a boy, prompts several children to run away to a strange place, and fight brigands.
Oh, shit,
Oedipus Rex?
Or Macbeth - probably a better fit.
I'll give a better hint.
The wig business makes them rich, but they blow it all in a night. So they decide to open a ferry service with some help from the local tribe.
Confederacy of dunces
no, but works just as well
only 2 left
no sir
1.joe rogan and friends rape and kill and spit everyone they met
2.a local who dies, so her family have a journey
3.monke gets worms aids
4. Five characters search for an exit in a machine
5.women goes to Mexico and finds out a porky pig cartoon,wackyness ensues
6.pig looking man goes to war
7.arab gets dabbed on
7 is the Stranger
Blood Meridian
Invisible man
2 is as I lay dying?
Man thinks he's above everything but then finds out he is not
Secret history yep
4. I have no mouth and I must scream
Crime and Punishment
On the road
Justine or Juliette or both
What's 1? Sounds interesting.
Arthur Gordon Pym?
How is that at all similar?
1. clockwork orange ?
Man travels the world, accidentally fucks his daughter
Lady wants to feed the poor in Chicago but underestimates capitalism
Kid kills a spoiled brat over forbidden gypsi love
Shy girl gets the D and kills a journalist
>Kid kills a spoiled brat over forbidden gypsi love
Hunchback of Notre Dame?
Of course I haven't read it, so I'm not sure.
>German edition
First is Homo Faber
Man travels the world, accidentally fucks his daughter
Homo Faber
French man grew up poor and overworked so now he's an asshole
Czechias most famous window cleaner fucks a different girl each day, his wife tries to do the same but gets raped &sextaped by the commies
You are right
Some preppy faggot has a journey of self discovery
Dude buys little girl and adopts her while on the run from the law. Also a failed revolution happens
Under the Volcano
Did the guy in Stranger even give a shit about the guillotine?
Into the wild
Guy gets the biggest oneitis, builds whole existence trying to get the girl but stupidly dies right before he's made it
Guy travels with philosopher who says everything is for the best. Adventure proves him wrong. The thot he falls in love with becomes hideous and he only marries her out of obligation
dude goes fishing
Ugly french fagot can't deal with wageslavery and inceldom, becomes bitter and resentful then depressed. Tries to walk innawoods but it doesn't get any better
The idiot
>dude gets lost in his own house and his wife leaves him for being a retard
>Italian peasant goes on a journey across Europe and ends up explaining gnosticism to a monstergirl
i have no idea what this is but the description cracked me up so i want to know
Some rich guy spends the whole book hiding under his car in the woods
1."a man told me to go fuck myself and so i did, again and again and again and [...]"
2.tweeker with momma issues becomes haunted by a furry
3."let's do some eightballs, smoke weed, and enough lsd to discredit p*nchon and alex jones for our gov masters"
4.catholic propaganda popular with pol hint:not the bible hint2:a video of his has family guy in it
5.shits fucked, regret your birth you earth destroying cunt kill others as well
6.Scrotie McBoogerballs, but written by a gay man
7.those damn immigrants are casting spells and rituals on the neighborhood
8.vampire nigga germs
9.you know what this magical world needs? a condesending know it all asshole
10.they knew about the aliens
11.lol dude why you poor when you deserve not to be?
12.the life and teachings of Joshua Graham
We already had Gatsby once.
Man goes up escalator
Shopping, chopping, pussy popping and pop music.
lmao american psycho
Harry Potter
5 is picture of Dorian Gray and 6 is oedipus
My diary desu
2 is heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe
Casanova's memoirs?
Flying around with a talking dog.
Some physicists who are not actually physicists and a physicist discuss how physicists should be responsible
Main character is in the friendzone, so he kills himself
People are on a boat and they play chess
Guy thinks he was abandoned by his family so he becomes a criminal
A man gets pushed past his breaking point after his friend group lost a physical fight. Is a sore looser and blames others for their loss. He devises ways to win the next big fight.
guy watches his whore-friend get buttfucked, then thinks about a punk song
hero defeats villain on social media, immediately after triumph uses moment to plug his links
Ready Player One?
Middle-aged pregnant woman mysteriously given thousands of dollars by man currently being tried for murder.
Girl put on trial, sentenced to the guillotine without being told what she is being tried for.
Woman cucks man repeatedly before killing herself.
probably something by Delany
>Main character is in the friendzone, so he kills himself
Young Werther / Iacopo Ortis memoirs
He complained about just about everything.
Confederacy of dunces obviously
I really enjoyed that book but I regularly find people who really hate it.
4 is Six Characters in Search of an Author
Little boy leads a minority uprising to take over the universe while his mom watches in horror
I'm guessing the first is On the Beach?
The second could be My Sweet Sickness and I think the third is called like The Chessman or something? I've definitely heard of it, it's some novella
no, but you're in the right category
Let me rewrite this now my smarmy wit centre has awoken.
I found it enjoyable light reading, but I've met a lot of people that found it unbearable.
>2 is heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe
You are correct
The second sounds exactly like Invitatio to a Beheading, but the protagonist of that is a dude.
The third is Anna Karenina.
Well if you have some trust issues it's a tough read
You're right on the third, not on the second.
1. Is the physicists
Old man yells at clouds and demoralises little girl
A plane crashed on a secluded island. The surviving boy students kills eachothers. Nobody survived.
is this how lord of the flies end? i never finished it
That would explain it, lots of them were going into/through/out of divorces.
No, that's not how it ends.
The Hunger
Cunicunde and Cacambo and shit, what was the book called again
Oddly enough my gf recommended me this book as it is one of her favorites but she has had a lot of trust issues because she was cheated on. Maybe it could be some kind of cope for some people?
My diary desu
300 pages to officialy scare pseuds and the rest is a persiflage on /pol/ but they don't understand it, they celebrate it
Post apocalypsic monks do fuck all
The bell curve
M Meursalt didn't give a shit about anything. He was happy that he could be done with a world he found himself alienated from.
Demian. It's okay. Probably better to read as a teenager.
That one book about the gore fetishist that shitposts on not4chan all day and is partially written in greentext.
Not what you were looking for, but that happens to a character in "Dread", a short story by Clive Barker. The antagonist tortures people with their worst fears or strongest aversions and one of his victims is a vegetarian that he locks in a room with nothing but a raw steak and she can't leave until she eats it. Eventually her hunger overcomes her morals, but by that time, the steak has gone rotten and is full of maggots.
Only two of Delany's books are close to being that long and Dhalgren doesn't cover religion and I don't think Through the Nest of the Spiders does either. It's probably de Sade.
Three gay Irishmen attempt to revitalize the homoerotic warrior spirit of Ancient Greeks, die horribly
Socialist propaganda pamphlet about food safety
Cincinnatus was being charged with “gnostical turpitude.”
The jungle
man goes partying with the devil, multiple people die
The TV show Lost 50 years before Lost existed
Pianist desperately tries to prepare for concert, fails
You got it. I wish the rest of the book was a tenth as good as the opening party scene.
House of Leaves
6. Hogg
Effete elitist nerd gets bullied into becoming an alpha ft. terrible romance subplot
Canticle of Leibowitz
my diary desu
A French cuck masturbates thinking about screwing his mother. His admirer makes American Indians kill each other by teaching them how to write.
Humans survive through the decay of global civilisations by mixing their dna with butterflies and fucking dogs
Alienated kid rapes his sister
Marketing is bullshit, early 20th century edition.
Inspired multiple school shootings before going out of print.
Stepmother-son /ss/ interspersed with discussions of classic paintings.
>everyone has a urine fetish and this one chick is fucked in the head
HoL, yep
Some nonsense about fake 20 dollar bills and some eggs
2 dudes draw some lines
Mason and Dixon
21 reasons 'Nam ruined my life
horrible things happen to this young woman who isn't a whore, so the moral of the story is you should probably just be a whore
The Things They Carried
A Study in Scarlet
Bunch of irs employees are bored and are boring
Scarlet Letter
The Pale King
No way. You have to remember that Hawthorne is a guy who wrote a story where an entire family gets killed for even once considering having aspirations beyond a pious, simple life.
1. woman likes spooky books. she is mocked for this.
2. humble man wants to be a priest, life then becomes a living hell.
>man decides to start bombing buildings because the pavement was too narrow for his liking, gets sucked off by a vacuum cleaner
>some wealthy inbred NEET stays at home playing his perfume keyboard and fucking his jewel-encrusted turtle
Snow Crash?
>inception but everyone is dead and everything is devolving
1. A perfect fusion of Frankenstein and The Tin Drum, but about a dog.
2. Idiot has life ruined, spends whole text oudoing Hamlet in circular arguments with his wife
3. "eye myghte beeee an retardd butt u bot fiss bok soon wat maketh tho u huh ;;;;;...,.;"
4. Sweet potatoes are racist, but navy beans aren't.
5.>tfw i still haven't stuck my three inches into the female reincarnation of my old best friend even though i bought a swimming pool and everything.
6. *Translator Note: The Greeks' "purple" is actually blood red.
7. Man tries to go to Heaven, realizes he has no clue where the fuck it is.
8. An F-List account with a completely degenerate character already made, but they never show up to play with you.
9. Local man redpills himself so hard he becomes a Roman.
10. Local man becomes deified, slaps the gods around, eats sacrificial smoke, and marries hot babe because of his newfound bird army.
2 is that King/Bachman book. Rage, I think.
Correct. Was confirmed to have been read by four out of the five shooters, while the remaining shooter was hypothesized to have done so but there was no evidence that he ever did.
Addendum: not only did one of the shooters read it, he wrote a book report about it for his English class then murdered his teacher because she gave him a C.
None of these are real books what the hell
I'm callin' you a liar
Someday, Anons will prove you wrong by guessing them.
100 years of solitude
((()))((()) )(( ()))(( ()) ) ((() ))((( ) ) )((())) but it's not /pol/
dh Lawrence
Moms kisses, French whores, weirdo parents friend actually a cuck and everyone knows. Time travel
Nigga snipes some birches and fucks their bodies
Guy walks around northern england thinking about silkworms and Algernon Charles Swinburne
Child of Dog
The Rings of Saturn
>Verbose neet sucks at selling hot dogs.
Fuckin great book that doesn't sound at all like it should be one
bullshit, he successfully sold some hot dogs, despite his condition
reminder that 2 is still up for grabs
hint: one poster after this one has posted it, and it's been correctly answered. the name of this book is in the thread
some animals in a farm don´t like how they´re treated
A Clockwork Orange?
Young Bond: SilverFin
>(some) animals in a farm (don´t like how they´re treated)
>animals (in a) farm
>animal(s) farm
>animal farm
5. Industrial Society and Its Future
11. Commie Manifesto
12. Book of Mormon
nope to all
>close, think more euro focus
>no, think more helping yourself to cash
>think of the setting Graham was in and his teachings
2 sounds like House of Leaves
A father and son carry some fire across America
you are correct
Police cheif must solve a murder while also never being late to read his son a bed time story
Peter Pan
This thread is for shitty synopses.
6 is Macbeth
Another Dorian gray?
confederacy of dunces
Story of the eye
Naked albino wreaks havoc
Why did you have to remind me ):
7. fictional autobiography of a man meticulously raised to have ADHD
8. two teenage vagrants have an extended shared hallucination, go on a road trip across America, kill another vagrant for looking at them funny, and die on a mountain, never revealing their full power levels to the rest of humanity
9. child uses the flyswatter a little too well, ends up becoming both the anonymous high priest and satanic figure of a new age space religion
10. group of idiots join a cult right before accidentally ending humanity
11. the Book of Mormon plus Dune
12. man cheats on wife with a teenage girl, tells everyone about it in court, they don't believe him and sentence him to execution
12. Crime and Punishment
The road
>1. A perfect fusion of Frankenstein and The Tin Drum, but about a dog.
So that's Heart of a Dog for a very broad def of "perfect"
I think I recognize a good chunk of the rest but I'm barely awake rn and I want others to have some fun.
>Autistic journalist gets foot-job and destroys the world
>the original NTR
sounds like all four Gospels to me
6. Iliad
Guy gives advice on how to make YUGE deals.
Bunch of people on mars get high together and play with Barbie and Ken dolls
Good point.
Mein kampf
Man shares a house with an anarchist alpha male who beats him up
Guy builds a concrete house in the snow, with other men. They eat and go to sleep. The end.
One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich
No to the both of you, but I hope the first fellow wakes up and gets some!
Im curious
Yes. Winner.
That's the point, isn't it?
>this preacher isn't blind, so I guess I'll just have to be
>ayy bro you heard of this band just called "X"?
>I'm a depressed uni professor, Islam takes over my country and throws vast sums of money at me to deal with it, I'm ok now!
>rappers can write books 2!!
>rappers can write books 2!!
The Autobiography of Gucci Mane?
That works, but I was thinking of when Logic wrote Supermarket and flooded this board for a day.
The Fault in our Stars?
De man die werk vond
Tbqh a lot of books fit this narrative desu
1. Man inherits property, hates everybody and everything except for Rome.
2. Big guys eat and shit.
3. Retards talk about leaving but never do.
3. Waiting for Godot?
À Rebours (Against Nature in english, I think?)
Is 9 The Aeneid?
No, that's a lot more clever than the real one, though.
Local man wrongly imprisoned becomes a source of grief for a few slimy bourgeois frogs.
>communism bad
can someone guess the 2nd one for me please
A homeless guy fucks everyones wives then decides to make art
Old man and the sea
what is 4
Art of the deal
Libido Dominandi I was a little to vague on it
moral of the story: disabled people are animals
perverted priest blames everything on the devil and "whores". ends up selling his soul.
The Monk
>Guy rambles to his buddy, then laughs about a drowning woman
correct. Everytime I think back to it Im surprised by how little of the novel is actually about the Monk.
asian farmer has good ideas and ends up losing in korea
1 is Blood Meridian
He was mostly there to fuck up and demonstrate a slippery slope of corruption.
Atlas Shrugged?
Bethesda makes a relgious rpg set in 1600s england
Guy has four men fuck him, preventing him from fucking his gf, and then fucks them back in the end
>dude crawls face down through the mud until encountering another man, pushes a tinopener into his asscheek and punches him in the head to make him sing
>night is just industrial pollution/fog that makes everyone sleepy due to asphyxiation and people turn into bicycles if they spend too much time on them
>I heard it through the grapevine that some weirdo on the outskirts of town shot his paraplegic wife in the back of the head. I also heard he was well into ASMR.
>romeo and juliet but with more incest
Salem's Lot
What the fuck are any of these
first one sounds familiar, but I can't remember the name
Poor student kills pawn shop owner with an axe and gets really anxious about it