define fascism
Define fascism
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anything that makes it even slightly more difficult for jews to be dominant in your country's academia, high finance, entertainment media, journalism industry, publishing industry, intelligentsia, politics, public policy, etc.
I don't really think a multiple-paged manifesto counts as a "definition".
It's the official one.
It's the friends we made along the way.
Dictatorial conservatism.
Capitalist interests leveraging the power of the state to exert control over the population
Suffering. - the eternal struggle.
The antithesis of materialism.
Anything commies don't like.
This is the true power of american education
Weren't Jews pretty heavily involved in business?
Name one (1) non-conservative and/or non-dictatorial fascist regime.
Name one (1) non-fascist conservative dictatorship.
Didn't Hitler cut deals with American Jews that ran GM and Coca Cola?
>nazi germany
>francoist spain
that Yea Forums janny who cant play drums and banned me for posting a joke about Idles and then rage sperged posting pretending to be me while I was banned and then went and deleted all the posts by me he could find and then wouldn't unban me even thou I haven't violated any rules.
>non conservative
>nazi germany
>Hitler was a socialist!
>Franco was a monarchist!
How exactly is a revolutionary movement, that seeks to completely remake society, conserving, anything?
I never said either of those. Hitler was a Nazi, a specific brand of fascism. Franco was a ultraconservative nationalist.
They literally had human breeding programs
>Franco was a ultraconservative nationalist.
And he was not a fascist because?
>Hitler was a Nazi, a specific brand of fascism.
And he was not conservative because? Please keep in mind that conservatives do not want to "conserve" the society, they seek social change, just like every other political ideology.
>non-fascist conservative dictatorship
*cries in Singaporean*
Revolution, from the latin word revolvere, which means “to roll back”. The Weimar republic in the 1920s was no less progressive than current American culture today, and in 1930 with the Nazi rise to power, there was a cultural revolution back towards previous norms and Tradition. The Nazis prioritized the family unit as the integrity of the state, and that with degeneracy comes a weakening of that unit, thereby the Nazis were indeed a conservative movement.
The US has injected foreign populations with STD’s for science
>The Weimar republic
The ruling social democrats of the Weimar Republic worked with aristocratic capitalist interests to fund Hitler and the blackshirts to beat down communists in the streets out of fear of a revolution.
Am I supposed to feel sorry for the gommies?
lol Pervitin
the dumb cunt did meth.
>roll back
that's cherry picking
A lot of his policies were too revolutionary to be considered conservative. He had more in common with Roosevelt or Stalin than Edmund Burke. It's worth noting that Hitler was considered a progressive and a reformer in his own time.
Those gommies were Germans that sought healthcare and labor rights to provide for their families. Your comparison to modern day America is insipid.
>pic related
Fuck off commie scum
Fascism is a synthesis of ultranationalism, palingenesis and totalitarianism.
Conservatism is a philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization.
God you Americans are retarded, I don't think you could find a single serious scholar on fascism who Francoist Spain was fascists. The Falange, the actual Spanish fascists were actively persecuted under Franco.
It doesn't matter if they had good intentions.
>A lot of his policies were too revolutionary
Policies are means to an end.
Wehrmacht weaponary and tactics were quite advanced, but its aim was not "progressive" at all - just good old colonial empire.
This post is embarrassing in the extreme. Fascism is a tool for capitalists to deal with crises, not a “social movement”.
Anyone more conservative than John McCain= fascist
yup, history and facts are bait.
>Fascism is a synthesis of ultranationalism, palingenesis
Holy buzzwords Batman!
Every single European regime at the time was "ultranationalist", and totalitarianism and totalitarianism is just a form of dictatorship.
Yeah, I'm sure that all these Nazi workers and businessman were really into Shopenhauer lol.
A good old colonialist would oppress and exploit the natives, not wipe them out completely. None of the old colonial powers went that far, because it wouldn't have made any sense. Dead people can't work in a rubber plantation.
>A good old colonialist would oppress and exploit the natives, not wipe them out completely.
Hitler did not planned to completely wipe out the Slavs.
>None of the old colonial powers went that far, because it wouldn't have made any sense.
Dude, look up Leopold II or Herero and Namaqua genocide. Or look up "Australia". Or "USA". Or "Canada".
Why are leftists always so pedantic? You just keep re-stating the same arguments over and over again.
Perpetual war, pureness of the Volk, liquidation of the dead weight and subjugation of the simple and weak to their masters
OK, so Franco, Salazar and Pinochent weren't fascists? Good to know.
No one deserves either of those things. Getting rid of slave labor was one of the US's biggest mistakes.
They have (((elections))) and everything.
literal retard
Hitler planned to wipe out 90% of the Slavs and all the Jews. Australia, the United States, and Canada all still have native populations. They were never systematically exterminated. Do you really think that if we had wanted to kill them all, there would be any left? Do you really think that white people are that inept at killing? We made it into an art and a science. The reason why there aren't that many natives still living in countries like Canada is because there were never that many of them to begin with. They were primitives, and simply did not have the economic surplus necessary to support a large population. Europeans definitely killed some, but most died of disease, something that was completely accidental and unplanned. There were still plenty of Africans left after the Congo after the Belgians were through with it. They didn't even get close to killing 90% of the population. Africa literally has an overpopulation problem, let that sink in for a moment. If the plan was to wipe out 90% of Africans, then something went seriously wrong somewhere along the line.
>Holy buzzwords Batman!
Those aren't buzzwords, those are terms used by one of the leading scholars on fascism to describe it.
>Every single European regime at the time was "ultranationalist"
No, they weren't.
>Yeah, I'm sure that all these Nazi workers and businessman were really into Shopenhauer lol.
First of all that's not even how you spell Schopenhauer, second, Schopenhauer was one of Hitler's favourite philosophers, third, Schopenhauer has nothing to fucking do with palingenisis.
>Hitler planned to wipe out 90% of the Slavs
[citations needed]
>all the Jews
Classic European move.
>Australia, the United States, and Canada all still have native populations.
Dude, they literally live in the reservations. It was their land and now its not.
>They were never systematically exterminated.
>An 1867 New York Times article reported that "settlers in a small town in Colorado Territory had recently subscribed $5,000 to a fund ‘for the purpose of buying Indian scalps (with $25 each to be paid for scalps with the ears on)’ and that the market for Indian scalps ‘is **not affected by age or sex**’." The article noted this behavior was "sanctioned" by the U.S. federal government, and was modeled on patterns the U.S. had begun a century earlier in the "American East".
Nibba, where do you think these horror stories about skin lamps originated from?
Don't downplay the Native American genocide. The way they were treated was horrible
>No, they weren't.
Nibba, they were.
>those are terms used by one of the leading scholars on fascism
Of course "scholars on fascism" pretend that fascism is, like, totally unique and not liek other girls.
>Schopenhauer was one of Hitler's favourite philosophers
Hitler also really liked YA fiction about cowboys. So what?
We tried to wipe them all out but they kept coming. Eventually we realized we can enslave them.
Fashionable men
More like power interests powering the power of the state over the overpowered.
Yeah, it was horribly inefficient that there are any left.
You do realize that almost every developed nation have negative eugenic programs (prenatal screening + abortion), right?
practical socialism
That would be religion
Nazi Germany was quite liberal for its time.
Anything that falls in-between Anarcho-Capitalism and Marxism-Leninism.
Dwarfed by the impact of dysgenic programs (welfare, immigration without consideration of genetics, encouraging intelligent women to pursue careers instead of large families). There's no eugenic inertia in most developed nations -- quite the opposite.
the real question is, are the jews more intelligent or is it all just nepotism?
Dictatorial nationalism combined with the exclusion of foreign influence (economic and/or cultural).
Natsoc Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan and modern China are all examples of fascist states.
Why not both? Jews won something like 20% of all Nobel prizes and have very high incomes. We can clearly see that they're very clever. Obviously, they exploit nepotism just as 'the rich' do at a bare minimum. There was some study that showed that Jewish diamond merchants were better able to trust eachother because of shared Jewishness, so their religion helps too.
This desu. Episcopalians have a higher average IQ than even Jews, something around 120, but they lack the semi-permanent othering from the host population that Judaism provides so their achievements are counted among those of the broader population rather than group specific.
national syndicalism
Revolutionary means to reactionary ends. Right-wing millenarianism.
Damn viruses and bacteria! Really insensitive of them. Didnt they know the indians had super weak immune systems?!
>modern China
>exclusion of foreign influence (economic and/or cultural)
>Fascist Italy
>exclusion of foreign influence
>Imperial Japan
>exclusion of foreign influence
Dude, they were literally autistically emulating Britain from naval uniform to genocidal colonialism.
>Those gommies were Germans
Jewish agitators, and Soviet ones at that after the first Spartacists had died off.
anything that really opposes liberalism
Italian nationalism.
A right-wing solution to the problem of modernity and mass politics, based on the reciprocal relationship of foreign conquest to domestic reform. Or something like that.
Why don't YOU give us a definition, Adolf? It would certainly clear a lot of things up.
British Union of Fascist had feminist, pro abortion and militant suffragettes in their rank. It's not exactly a conservative movement
>militant suffragettes
A country not run by Jews.
A syncretic third position that is revolutionary, authoritarian, nationalist and (theoretically at least) syndicalist.
They weren't. Franco was a national-conservative who unified Carlists and national-syndicalists for expediency. The closest thing to fascism in Spain was the statism of Ramiro Ledesma, but both he and Primo de Rivera jr. were executed before they could turn their national-syndicalist project into a reality. Franco then suppressed the ambitions of the Carlists who desired restoration and a corporate economic order structured around a return to the guild system. Everyone on the authoritarian right who came out on top held some ambivalence and outright hostility towards fascism.
Situation was the same in Portugal where Salazar suppressed the nat-syndie blue shirts. Pinochet was a literal chicago capitalist. A whiff of authoritarianism is not sufficient to make you a fascist.
Occupational Enfranchisement should include motherhood
>universal healthcare
>government car purchasing program
>state capitalism
>what is the Iron Guard
Based Roger Griffin poster
It's being a cuck as an ideology. You want the big strong man to take over your life and fuck your wife.
Why does leftists always project some sexual problem on their opponents?
Fascism is the opposite of Jewish Capitalism
Am I wrong?
The real fascists were the friends we made along the way.
Anything I don't like.
Read Ur-Fascism by Roberto Eco
Good post.
so pussy is fascist?
>You do realize that almost every developed nation
Yep, which is not conservative and modernist.
Fascism: Based
based mkultra chad