>I majored in English
Should I kill myself or just study law and become an attorney?
Anyone else make this mistake?
I majored in English
Law or seminary. I would suggest other options if it wasn't for muh prereqs, muh extracurriculars, muh research experience.
What's done is done. Figure out how to make it work within the framework of your broader goals in life.
(Hint: it's your broader goal in life that is confusing you, not your degree choice or career options.
Other hint: if you are not seeking friendship with Jesus Christ, you may get very lost in this world.)
Become a philosopher
One does not simply become a philosopher.
Philosophy is stupid and pointless and there is no money in it.
exactly why are you on this board again?
To filter namefags and trips. So long
worked and seething
He is correct as it pertains to midwits like you and your overapplication of philosophy as a profession. He is wrong in respects to persons as myself (150 IQ + individuals).
and what position do you have
Join the military. I left boot this month and am currently on leave.
I was in the military. The GI bill is what paid for my degree.
Teach english to turd worlders.
Yes ur vertificate is useless
English is an S tier degree. You can go into business, law, or media.
Tell me more about going into business from English.
Could I do an MBA with an English degree?
>Should I kill myself or just study law and become an attorney?
If you don't get accepted by a T14 law school, consider the former.
You did go to a prestigious university and make connections right?
I majored in Film under the English department for screenwriting. Now I just drink all the time and write comic shorts but still am procrastinating my spec scripts.
Yes, 100%. Sales, marketing/advertisement, project management, HR work etc are all excellent paths forward with an English degree. You can easily translate it into a managerial career.
I have no profession. Philosophy is not a profession. Anyone who thinks it is winds up a hack like Stinker and Singer. Only suffering and experience leads to new philosophical development and that must be endured by bright minds who are rarely subject to the forces needed to bring about a philosopher, much less in and age of distraction and instant gratification. Begone, bugman. Go on your merry way to your professional philosophy career.