Where are the most Yea Forumscountries/cities to visit in Europe? I plan on traveling to Europe this winter...

Where are the most Yea Forumscountries/cities to visit in Europe? I plan on traveling to Europe this winter, staying in Paris for around a week, and the next week I am undecided as to where to go. In Paris, a lot of the inspiration is from my favorite French New Wave directors and the existentialist scene that was active in the cafes of Paris. What other countries/cities have notable history in relation to literature? Preferably somewhere on the safer side, as I will be traveling alone.

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Also, I plan on bringing a book with me as I perambulate the streets of Paris. How does one carry a book around without having to carry a backpack?

>Preferably somewhere on the safer side, as I will be traveling alone.
Paris is the least safe place you will go to.

You’re welcome in the Netherlands!

Lol I'll have to give up my safety for this one though.
Yes, I have been considering the Netherlands. Where are some parts that you'd recommend?

Go to Prague and Berlin

Don't go to Netherlands. I've been there and they all smell like weed. At first I thought it was mostly a meme. It's not.

As I am a pathetic virgin, I'm partly curious of what the Amsterdam red light prostitution might offer. Is it worth trying lol

German sausage is fucking nice.

Lol Amsterdam is a hot spot for potheads and people interested in psychedelics

you're gonna be really fucking disappointed if you think paris looks like it did in those movies lmao

I've been once so I know it's a lot less romantic as it once was.


Rich people aren't allowed here.

There's better prostitution in Germany unironically.
All the major cities are the same shit though. It's like they were shat out of one global mold and my god is it dreary. Doesn't help that you can walk around in them all and hardly ever see anyone native to the country.

You misunderstand the nature of power (wealth is a relevant form of power). Short of intractable political situations (and even many of these can be bought off, of course), rich people and their money are allowed to go wherever they please, by dint of their money itself. It isn't that the rich are disallowed from your location; rather, they simply do not choose to go there. You tell yourself otherwise to spare your ego.

Budapest hands down.

I've been saving up for three years lol.

Do you want to see north africa with crumbling christian architecture? If yes then come to west eu, if not then either choose soviet aesthetics of east europoor or dont go to europe at all.

check out vienna and the alps if you can afford it, then swing through southern France/Spain. they’ll leave a better impression than the rest of continental Europe, which is basically the same climate, architecture and layout as the southern English countryside and much flatter

The Alps looks like a great place to write. Beautiful scenery.

Best city to write in?

then go check it out to see if you agree.

based karinaposter

new york is rad, dude



She's stunning in Pierrot le Fou

are u homohpobia or racist?

Just did a circuit of Prague->Budapest->Vienna. Prague is pure Gothic kino and also really walkable. Budapest is much more spread out but has the best public transit of any city I've been to tbqh. It's the more "foreign" feeling place you can go to that still feels "western"; the language and culture is v idiosyncratic. It also has the best food of the three but I'm a shill for spicy food so ymmv. Vienna has the best museums of the three and is the city you THINK Paris is.

Would recommend any of them but it's possible to see all three in a week if you're willing to take night trains and do a lot of walking. If you're really only there for the Yea Forums stuff skip Budapest bc unfortunately Hungarian writers aren't as well known in the West. Prague is the best for the type of Yea Forums you seem interested in; you can go visit Kakfa's house

Thanks for the info, user. I've only read the metamorphosis, but the idea of visiting Prague is making me want to finally pick up the trial and the castle.

I'm autistic so I dont get this, whats the point in traveling?

as Stoker says, Buda-Pesth is where East meets West. Shit starts getting strange out there.

reading about something doesn't mean you've lived it. that's about the gist of it.

She's stunning in everything fren

she, andersson, and vitti are my holy trinity of arthouse goddesses

It's a shame how badly Godard treated her, contributing to her suicide attempt. Great director, possibly my favorite (yes, he can be pretentious), but to mistreat such a goddess is unforgivable.

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>It's a shame how badly Godard treated her, contributing to her suicide attempt.


(Waifuposting, m-mommyposting, all that gay thirsty shit, makes me retch, but yes, when it comes to Karina: she's a goddess.)

I'm doing something similar in September-November. Starting in London and Portsmouth, then across to Chartres, Paris, then a TBD train route to Sarajevo, then three weeks in Dubrovnik before returning to London. Gonna finish my two novels.

Godard used to "go out for cigarettes" and disappear for three weeks. The two fought a lot on set as their relationship worsened. He also abandoned her for weeks after she had a miscarriage. She overdosed after a fight with Godard.

Sounds like it'll be a great experience, user. I will also be writing during my trip, hopefully finishing my short story submission. Hope your writing goes well.

Poor girl. Whatever, only Godard movie I could stand was My Life to Live anyways.

Godard was pretty autistic with everyone. He was very impulsive and cut off a lot of close friends.

It's funny because I was going to watch that film this Saturday. A lot of people shit on Godard's Brechtian elements and intentionally dissonant style, but I have to confess that I really like his films; mainly Vivre Sa Vie and A Woman is a Woman which I found cartoonishly hilarious.


Vienna is definitely a god tier literary city. A lot of great authors like Schnitzler, Doderer, Stifter, Freud, Bernhard, handke..

Based Joyce stan

Whatever you do AVOID LONDON.

Only cities in the UK worse are Birmingham and Leicester. (Also they are white minority cities fyi)


Is Yorkshire/lit/ at all?

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Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Lisbon, Porto.

I'm from Sheffield and it's very comfy.

York is great and Yea Forums too and of course Whitby is a must see for any Dracula fan

Not OP, but I'll be travelling through England and staying for four nights on my way to Northern Scotland where I'm going to hike.
I was a bit hesitant about spending those 4 nights in London, and am open to other suggestions. Have you got any?

Which country you are talking about in your second paragraph?

>whats the point in traveling?

Ignore, London is a great city. Unmatchable museums that happen to be fucking free - you don't get that anywhere else in Europe. Endless quality restaurants. good architecture and tons of history. People are friendlier than in most major cities.
As for crime, that is there, but only takes place in 10- boroughs, none of which will be visited by you if you go, and only rival black gang members are targeted

Most of the British Isles is worth visiting, though, so take your pick.
> North Wales
>the Cornish/Devon seaside (like New England but no bugs and prettier)
>Scottish Highlands
>Lake District
>Rural West Country (comfy)

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Fuck cities go out in the countrysides

I was there to get a visa couple weeks ago and if I didn't know better, I'd think that the entire city was gay and their history was, too. Literally everything there was towing the line for (((=3pride month8=D)) and niggers. Within a day I already got in a fight with a monkey on the metro. In St. Petersburg, the superior lit city, that shit would never happen

yes and yes.
now fuck off faggot

Not him, but it's clear that he was referring to Germany. However, his observation applies to pretty much every major city in Europe these days, they're becoming increasingly homogenous and Americanised.

Based Vargtard


>people itt asking which places are Yea Forums
Any place as long as you write and read there. All the Yea Forums places became Yea Forums because some writefag wrote a book about them, there is no magic to it.

Also visit small old European country, like Assisi were Saint Francis was born. Some of them are not so small and have centuries old universities with them, the others are just nice to see.

You can pretty safely ignore the people who say London or Paris or whatever are 100% Muslim ghettos. I go to both of these places about once a year and I’ve never had any problems. Although if you think seeing an Arab guy on the street means the city basically got nuked you might have some problems

Seconding Vienna, probably the most interesting city I was in while traveling Europe. Cologne is cool in the indie college kid type of way, Berlin is also nice but can be very try-hard, and Turin was a surprisingly nice city. Lyon sucked(I was there for the World Cup), Barcelona is overrated by dumb Americans, Sevilla has a nice charm, and all of Portugal is great.