What's on his bookshelf?

What's on his bookshelf?

Attached: I spit on capitalism like my xerfriend's bull spits on me.jpg (875x1199, 164K)

Good books

is that what's left of Darren Aronofsky?

what's on his bookshelf?

Attached: 1563237520150.png (519x818, 301K)

Ewww yuck

I can make out Hunter S Thompson up on the right shelf

Yeah I see it now, top right

Blood Meridian top right

Chapos guide to revolution.

Just that.

virgin carnal materialist ()
chad chaste metaphysicist (pic related)

Attached: chad.png (713x662, 512K)

threadly reminder many of Hitler’s closest friends in the nazi high command were homosexual and fascism itself is something spiritual and aesthetic homosexuality

>threadly reminder many of Hitler’s closest friends in the nazi high command were homosexual
It was only one and Hitler had him killed.

homosexuality is an abomination and insult to purity, and insult against nature and is practiced by the likes of pic related.

Attached: homosexua.jpg (436x478, 57K)


1 and was executed for it, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

For sure, which is why the final destruction neolib globohomo has been, in one form or another, the main project of the international left since saint peter spoke to the galatians, corinthians, etc. Belden might have turned into a fag now he’s back in Berkeley. He’s still a based assadist tho

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>insult against nature
You should know that gay shit is pretty common in the animal kingdom.

>he doesn’t know

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lex naturalis

Attached: Plato laws.jpg (960x720, 231K)

>many of Hitler’s closest friends in the nazi high command were homosexual and fascism itself is something spiritual and aesthetic homosexuality
imagine this level of cope

Imagine not reading Evola, Spengler, De Maistre, Mishima, Wyndham Lewis, BAP, or any of the countless other fascist writers who will tell you so themselves

>deferring to a book without making an argument
You not only proved you're a Marxist trying to setup a dialectical counter to lead him in the direction of the left, but you are an absolute retard.

threadly reminder that homosexuality is acceptable or even encouraged only under fascism.

Attached: fuherfedora.jpg (700x609, 163K)

>got blown off in the other replies
>has to reply to himself

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>“Eradicate the homosexual and fascism will disappear.” -Maxim Gorki

Attached: image-1361800-860_poster_16x9-pihq-1361800.jpg (860x484, 79K)

Hitler himself purged all the homos Gorki was referring to, though.

Oh wow a communist jew. Yea I'm sure there's no bias there lol

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