Looking for a new fantasy series. friend recommended pic related. is it any good?

looking for a new fantasy series. friend recommended pic related. is it any good?

Attached: 23we.jpg (1400x2257, 371K)

it's shit

why do you say that?

Don't listen to this retard. It's excellent. Erikson's writing ability transcends base genre fiction.

it's as broad as an ocean, but as deep as a paddling pool.

malazan is a testament to how boring it is to read something entirely purposeless.

lmao this is a joke, particularly in regards to GOTM. some of the worst prose I've ever dragged myself through. don't even get me started on the character names, re'tard

you're both being quite vague in your analysis so I'll just read it and decide for myself. I have heard that the books feel somewhat purposeless until one gets toward the latter half of the saga. apparently the first 5 or so are largely self-contained stories. in that case, I'll treat it like an anthology during that part of the read and exercise patience.

>quite vague

that's because the author himself is deliberately vague. it's hard to pinpoint what's "wrong" with malazan, when the entire problem is that it's written in a deliberately obfuscated way in order to cover up how hollow the world building is - essentially boring old D&D. it has absolutely no substance. none of the characters are interesting, you've seen all the of the locations before, all of the plot points are trite. but WOW it's like taking place in a HUGE world, so it must be good!

I'll be honest, user, it's hard to take your word for it when you're trying to sell its lack of substance to aggressively. It may just be that it didn't resonate with you, and that's okay. There are people who don't like Tolstoy or Proust or Faulkner or Hesse. The fact is, Erikson seems to be highly respected in fantasy circles by his peers and readers alike, so I don't have a problem with giving him a go.

I appreciate you throwing in your 2 cents and I'll certainly look out for the issues you mentioned, but it's possible that I interpret in a better light those things which you call shortcomings. It's all good either way.

Thanks for weighing in. I hope your readings are fruitful. :)

I take such a hardline anti-Malazan stance because the series was pushed down my throat until I finally gave in and slogged through the awful 800 or so pages of the first book. truly, one of the worst reading experiences I've ever had.

It's okay to drop it 200 pages in, it doesn't get better.

haha I'll keep that in mind.

Dude that's not the only problem. Just read the prologue. The books are written like movies, and I'm not making this up. Author literally pitched the series as a movie script. When no one would do it, he made it into a series of novels. Cringe oozes out of every line in just the introduction. You'd be hard pressed to find a shittier book. It's atrocious.

Attached: uh no sweetie.png (1673x191, 34K)

He also head hops like crazy. Huge difference between writing omni and switching between each character's perspective like a bad Harlequin novel.

Glen cook is also shit tier.

the standards within the fantasy genre are so fucking low

OP here. So what's worth reading other than ASOIAF and LOTR? I'm open to suggestions. Thomas Covenant? Earthsea? Wheel of Time? Dark Tower? China Mieville's stuff?

the Trojan trilogy by Homer (completed posthumously by Virgil)

I've read Odyssey and Iliad, of course, user. That, along with the Bible and Shakespeare's works are essential for one to gain a full understanding of basically all great fiction that's followed.

Believe it or not yes these are the only two genre books worth reading. WOT in particular is absolute shit.

Wheel of Time is OK.
The Blade Trilogy
Titus Groan/Gormenghast
Dark Tower is okay but book five was terrible.
Name of the Wind was not bad but the sequel was absolute shite.
Michael Moorecook
Roger Zelazny Chronicles of Amber
Piers Anthony Xanth
Charles de Lint
Guy Gavriel Kay
Tad Williams
Garth Nix
Philip Pullman
Spirit War/Legend of Eli Monpress

I hear Dune is excellent.
I'll look into these. Thanks.

holy fucking based

+1 Chronicles of Amber