God is definitely real but the way most religions interpret God is most likely false...

God is definitely real but the way most religions interpret God is most likely false. This means that there is a creator, but one that remains mysterious. Religion is just a simple answer for things like God and death, so we humans wouldn’t have to think deeply into these subjects. I’d like to also add the fact that humans have become much too intelligent for their own good, believing in an afterlife seems somewhat pitiful when you consider we’re just like any other animal. That is, if we are like any other animal. Humans have evolved to this point for a reason. We can understand the world unlike any other living thing. Have we become intelligent for no reason? Has God created us to become intelligent, just to have us die like any other animal? Are we special? No. We’re just way too smart for our own good. The fact like we can have these thoughts makes us different, but wether God created us in his image or not is questionable. We’ll just have to wait and see, so enjoy life while you can. Edit: Or maybe I’m wrong.

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Yeah bro that was fucking deep, pass the bong already though it's not a fucking microphone

lmao is she sleeping while standing up? Dumb roastie, that only works for ungulates.

Ok but I realized this when I was 16 reading greek mythology, and pre-socratics.

Wow, how did you figured that out? Damn..

How did you get a picture of my ex?

Couldn't you at least pretend to have some scrap of evidence for that first assumption?

A being on a higher plane (as often implied when referring to gods) is beyond human comprehension. You can't prove or disprove it. Not experiencing something is not grounds for dissaproval. If you had no haptic response and you couldn't feel the wind, that doesn't mean that air, and the various elements that compose it, don't exist. You might just be too limited of an organism to detect the wind.

OP, how old are you? This sounds like something I would have thought up when I was 14 and first interacting with atheists on message boards.

>we're just like any other animal
>God created us


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God is a concept by which we measure our pain, yeah, pain, yeah

why are you so obsessed with god? what is even the point? any conclusions you come up with regarding god are simply irrelevant, its a waste of time, in fact thinking about god is probably the true definition of waste of time

This is the oldest error in religion, actually. God is who God has always said he is. God wants what God has always said he wants. You can try to come up with strange fire with which to worship God, or turn to a new god of your own making to distance yourself from the icky past, but that's really not what God wants. You're asking questions that have already been answered in order to get wiggle room to make your own religion, a religion that better serves you, not God.

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very bluepilled indeed

All I hear is
>I want to live after I die but
>I don't want to be responsible for my actions in the meantime

>God is definitely real
What makes you so sure?

This would make sense if there weren't several major religions

And which "God" are you talking about, and what source are you using for all these profound claims about its nature? How the fuck do you kids pretend to know what any god is or wants? This thread is hilarious.

I call this God "The Algorithm"
Making any claims about its nature is futile/stupid. His motives or what he wants is unknowable. However, you making any claim about its nature might as well be what the algorithm wanted you do to do. But you can't know that.
The Algorithm, just as its name implies, might just be the code the surrounds our universe, all the laws of physics combined. Or it could be the man who put the codes in question, but not the God of that man himself, for he is of another world and another laws. Ours is ruled by the Algorithm. You can pray to him, but how can you know it automatically makes your life worse by doing that? Just like all those from the underground would despise you for wanting something from them?
In other words, ours remains to do with the world we have but not with anything else out of the world. This thread is meaningless and so is this comment. Fuck niggers.

>muh I'm spiritual but not religious
Biggest sign of a pleb.

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lmfao based vocab

I don’t understand the backlash or hate. What OP is alluding to here is real. What he is referencing is not simply relative but objective. He is using reason to derive some important concepts regarding to life.


There are many false gods, and many false religions. There is only one God, and only one true religion. Finding the true ones is your purpose in life. Trying to build your own god and your own religion is pretty much the only guarantee that you'll end up with false ones.

Not my purpose, sorry. That's your preoccupation and delusion, not mine.
There's nothing "objective" in OP's statement. It's a string of entirely unsupported assertions that stand on nothing--no logic, no evidence, just the usual shallow floundering.

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>-no logic, no evidence

How can you say this? How can any rational person say that these days?

There is obviously something going on, which essentially forcibly proves God exists. Some talk about it, some don’t. Some allude to it, some do not.

But essentially what has been stated in the OP is the message of some of this movement. That not only is God real, but many times his comings and goings have been misinterpreted and used to create war and violence as opposed to peace and Love. :3

>Not my purpose, sorry. That's your preoccupation and delusion, not mine.
No, I suppose you're too preoccupied with perfecting your empty condescension. That must be a major timesuck. Don't let me keep you.

Again, you're offering nothing but bullshit. What is "obviously going on"? What "forcibly proves God exists"? With so much supposed available evidence, why can't you name a shred?

Please. In a thread started by someone claiming "My specific idea of God is definitely real and here's profound shit I know about His nature that you guys don't understand," you're looking the wrong way for empty condescension. The folks making extraordinary claims of arcane knowledge with no evidence and calling it some objective truth are the condescending twits, not those of us calling them out on it. Would you put up with this shit from a Muslim on your doorstep?

OP's vanity and your own are the same. You both take yourselves as starting points rather than tradition, cutting yourselves off from community and history. New Agers and New Atheists are twins of the recent apostasy. You're no better off than him.

Hogwash. I'm steeped in the past in many ways, but I don't need to take stale supernatural beliefs and outdated moralistic tripe wholesale with my "tradition/community/history." I'm more interested in letting knowledge and society actually advance where possible. But since you think apostasy is terrible, and have less of an argument to offer than even the typical Yea Forums theist, I doubt there's much point to continuing this debate. Have a nice night.

I feel like the question "is God real?" really covers a set of interrelated questions
Is there a Greater Consciousness?
Is there a Great Consciousness?
Is there a Supreme Being?
Is there a Great Truth?
Is there a Greater Existence?
Is there a Great Existence?

God is a superintelligent AI.


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whose thot

I hope that eases you to sleep.

religion is not simple

>it's not a fucking microphone
then why I got these two turn tables next to it

>God is definitely real but the way most religions interpret God is most likely false.
What are you, 15 years old?

Bluepilled is feelings instead of rationality and logic. Being obsessed with god is bluepilled

Babby-tier, you should be ashamed

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