What philosophers / writers raise your testosterone levels?

What philosophers / writers raise your testosterone levels?

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Man you’re an idiot holy shit

Is that Mishima?


The Fault In Our Stars is literary HRT so look for the opposite of that...probably good sci-fi

Jack London

Jim Goad

7/10 almost got me
nice reversal there

Books are for nerds so they can’t, unless it’s erotica

Bukowski, Hemingway, McCarthy off the top of my mind. Marcus Aurelius, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Orwell, anything about/by Theodore Roosevelt. The list goes on but these should get you started.

I want HRT


His reincarnation. Being born as a girl cured him out of his homoerotic dysphoria

Come on man hormones are a spook.

Bronze Age Pervert

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Don't let your dreams be dreams
(Also, I call dibs on your boipucci)

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so Starship Troopers?

Tolstoy, he was so high t that it gave him a crisis

Chink Xianxia webnovels.
Full of unabashed PULL THEM OUT BY THE ROOTS test-raising clan-killing of people western writing would demand be "rehabilitated" because "muh reasons".
Also has far better villains on average, The Human Emperor has what are probably some of the best written universalist-liberals-as-villains.

thoreau, melville, and whitman