So this chick won the last 3 Hugo Awards in a row. Are her works good or it's just diversity shit ?

So this chick won the last 3 Hugo Awards in a row. Are her works good or it's just diversity shit ?

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33% the former and 67% the latter

you could always just read one of her books lol

Science fiction awards and criticisms are all pozzed

I'm afraid I don't like to waste my time. I don't have a lot of time for reading these days so I look for insight a little first.

Well it shouldn't take longer than a chapter or two for you to get the gist of her writing ability.

Why is she so fat bros?

Attached: 6969C014-A709-452F-AC64-F7D3B1CE3234.jpg (700x700, 173K)

the uh patriarchy
also soul food


Most projects niggers are raised eating McDonald's or its equivalent for every meal their lazy parents can afford to purchase for their annoying unruly shits.

No. Book awards are a joke, especially now. Most people on Yea Forums can probably write better prose than this person.

>Are her works good or it's just diversity shit ?


I'm a brainlet tho. I read like half of Crime and Punishment before I started liking it.

She ain't fat bruh!
>Just a little thick!

I just looked up the Hugo Awards results from the last couple of years. It's 95% literally who women and POC. Who takes this award seriously? The most popular awards ( non-scientific Nobel, Oscar, etc. ) are never about merit, but about virtue signalling, and knowing who to pay off. They've never have been about anything else.

just for diversity

*They've never been about anything else, sorry, I'm an ESL.

Science fiction fandom is in such a pathetic state right now.

Seriously. Gone are the days when the likes of Ellison just blazed with sincerity and creativity on paper. All we're left with is this big fucking mess of nothing.

A writer from my country used to say that we have more literary awards than good books, but the judges of those awards make everything worse with nepotism and corruption. There are many cases here of judges arranging their votes to make a friend win, not reading all the books nominated or simply voting for the most famous writer (a singer or actor) to bring some attention for the prize.
The only prizes I respect are the Cervantes, the Akutagawa and the Goncourt.
>but user, the Goncourt...
I know, but the winners are still good enough.


Redpill me.

Do you know the American films that are made to be in the Oscar? Imagine a literary award like this, you got the prix Goncourt. The only difference is that the books that win tend to be good.

no, they won't do that. Can't you see she's black AND woman?

>you can write and write and work yourself to death writing
>the prize, fame, and money will be given to the teacher's (judge's) pet regardless
when will some Yea Forums autist go on a shooting spree over this?

Diversity shit. Same, sadly, with the Hugos now.

The fact John C. Wright still hasn't won a Hugo award is all you need to know.

She probably eats too much and doesn't exercise enough.

have any of you read the broken earth series or are you all being triggered because she's black?
a friend recently recommended the series but i'm not into fantasy that much and he seemed to say this is a fantasy/sci-fi mix.

She won a Hugo within the last few decades so she's guaranteed to be bad.

This basically, mainstream Sci fi completely sucks now.

When did the Hugos die? Was it in 2005?

These things take time. The first real sign of rot was 1994, when Kim Stanley Robinson (a massive SJW and LGBTBBQ promoter) won. And then JK Rowling won in 2001, for sure a death blow.

Speaking of the books that did get the awards, the Broken Earth series, I think they are good.

Like any solid sci fi work, the fantastical/crazy tech stuff all fits thematically.

But in these books, she has her own particular style of writing, too that involves changing views including even the usage of second person.

Also I think people complaining about diversity shit are straight up racists because they refuse to see the merit of the work and only see race.

nice try JK

53% the former and 15% the latter

100% shit and she is genuinely dumb as fuck, watch her hugo acceptance speech


Glow harder much