Argentina is an intersting country
what are some good books on Argentine history?
It can be modern history or independence period, or the civil wars, or whatever you want
Argentina is an intersting country
what are some good books on Argentine history?
It can be modern history or independence period, or the civil wars, or whatever you want
Is that the tranny flag
Peron destroyed my country and i want to kill myself for living in this shithole economy. Wish i wasn't born in this shitty shitty country
Have any books on it?
haven't read this yet but I'd imagine it'd be a good one to read
La fiesta del monstruo
That's an epic, not a history book.
Is this book actually good?
Argentina had barely even existed by the time it was written right? So what does it even talk about?
It's an attempt to explain and conceptualize the country's political organization at the time. Many of the issues it talks about are still constitutive to the country.
Borges wrote a tale where Martin Fierro is killed by the brother of one of his victims.
It's cool bro you can move to Brazil and live the tropical lifestyle
mah nigga
best way to learn history of any country is to read biographies
If you read Spanish, get Breve historia de la Argentina, by José Luis Romero
What do Yea Forums Latinamericabros even read? What do they believe? What is the political situation in their respective countries like? As an American, I'm entitled to know. Should I read Bolano or something?
Depends. To you consider Brazil to be "Latin America"?
That's a pretty broad question dont you think
How exactly did right-wing socialism destroy your country?
In many ways
no me digas que sos macrista boludo
imagine going going from the richest nation on earth to an economic basket case after just a decade of populism.
>richest nation
>primary sector is the only thing turning profit
ok bucko
It seems you have not read any of the books in this thread bud
los dos lados son mas corruptos que la mierda, a donde va a parar este país
Read Fradkin's and Garavaglia's book.
Hace 80 años que estamos así
El país va a salir adelande, como pueda. Seguramente no vamos a estar "bien" pero vamos a salir adelante, igual que siempre.
Juan Manuel de Rosas was based as fuck
Fuck off, we have asado, mate, good wine and the best women. All cheap. Why would anyone need anything else?
Because it's impossible to save money and unless you were born rich you are deemed to wageslave for life.
All you've said it's true though, but I'm leaving for that reason. Maybe someday I'll return if I become rich.
Nota aparte: la ciudad de buenos aires y los porteños me desagradan profundamente, otra razón por la que me voy aunque menos importante.
he built such a huge cult of personality that since the dictatorship ended literally ALL of political discourse spins around his name
el objetivo no es solo existir. Países como Pakistan, Nepal, Thimpu, etc existen. El objetivo es vivir.
No digo que sea algo bueno, pero así es el país.
No debería sorprender que ambos lados sean una mierda esta elección, y la proxima seguramente también lo van a ser
Ya estamos acostumbrados a vivir de crisis en crisis, no va a terminarse la Argentina en 2020
How is that history
And its Jorge Luis Borges not José Luis Borges
And yet populism is still growing in popularity in Europe and the US. Idiots.
I dont know if what is growing in the US and Europe is really "populism" or if there's something else growing, and populist movements are just taking advantage of it
Either way, in the first world, hopefully they'll just try it for a couple decades, get burnt, and stop doing it
They can still be right wing, left wing, center, or whatever, but in a non-retarded way
Horrible fiscal policies
Political Violence
Syndicalist gangs
Social Justice
the entirety of argentinian culture and politics center around destroying honest hardworking people, to benefit the wicked and lazy
peronism is the biggest exponent of this
Economically he nationalized the country's federal reserve, started printing money and pissing it all away. He gave overbearing power to union leaders through fascist union laws. Plus stupid protectionist laws, and I mean stupid. That is now the trademark move for any argie government ever since. That's why we been living in an inflationary hell ever since. But you can always fix the economy if the people are willing. But that's the problem: Perón, instead of fixing the marxist problem back in the 60s like many did, he used them because he got exiled by the time his second term was destroying everything (before going on his money printing shenanigans he dilapidated the gold reserves accumulated in WWI and WWII). Anyways he got coup'd and sent to Spain. While in Spain he helped both right wing unions and marxists to revoke his exile. It all ended in a bloody dictatorship. Long story short through guilt tripping the population and resource burning strategies crypto commies run the country and it's been in shambles since I can remember.
Domingo cavallo's book on Argentina economic history explains this and goes further into the 01 crisis. Anyone who talks trash about this man is probably one of the leftists I've talked about.
Y espert me puede chupar bien la pija, tiene una lista de legisladores lista para hacer la de borocotto
Should've started the comment with "Perón," but you get my point
This one?
Yes, he originally wrote it in English and then in Spanish. Great book.
Son 4 años más de Macri a cambio de una eternidad sin Kirchner. Pensalo.
iktf, fren
a few days ago i saw in the news this 19 year old kid that didn't finished highschool and was elected as a mayor in some town of Córdoba; he was high as fuck during the whole interview and he admited that he was going to install fortinite in the computer of the town hall
i just want to leave this shithole, America is cursed
>Argentinan "wine"
Menem and boliguayos ruined Argentina. This we are Latin Americans midset fucked every social class.
Macri es la misma mierda que cristina, los problemas de argentina no se pueden resolver con un partido político porque radican mas en la propia gente que fue durante décadas mal educada por instituciones estatales que solo le preocupan defender el estatus quo político. El problema no es el estado en si, sino que el estado argentino radica para el beneficio corporativo de alianzas políticas como Kichner- lazaro baez o corporaciones que hacen tratos con el estado como las de Franco Macri, ahora esto no se puede resolver porque las instituciones educativas estatales argentinas se concentran el atacar cualquier doctrina que aparezca para denunciar el carácter totalitario y patológico del estado argentino
And how would a sane State and society be, oh enlighted user?
I would ignore the reddit passive agressive attitude because is not good for the board.
So it really depends on the history, race and people who live under that state.
So that you won't assume that im rightwing or leftwing, i would give you both examples; for the current liberal left (multicultural and free market) a good state can be found in singapore which concetrates in a multicultural market capitalist with totalitarian tendencies, but its totalitarianism isn't pathological like the one in china because it doesn't exhibit paranoia by excessive control of the population, and a right one can be found in Poland where the state applies more conservative and white oriented policies to serve the population.
I personally think a state isn't pathological when it serves the well being of the common man, which the argentinian state clearly doesn't. But im mostly a guy who simpatizes with thinkers like Emerson, Stirner or Hayek so my way to see the state is a neccesary devil for today society and its rapid technological and population changes
Reminder that this is a thread about Argentine history books, not current politics
>Argentinos no dándose cuenta que ellos son los verdaderos boliguayos
Callate pelotudo. Volvete a leddit.
basado el culiado
I can't believe I was born in this shithole. It feels surreal.