Books where a love triangle is solved by having both women be with the man?
Books where a love triangle is solved by having both women be with the man?
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cringe and cumbrained
Why do you hate love?
I love this :3
I hate when women are gay but if they want to love me at the same time I have no problem.
I love it when women are gay.
Lust is not love.
Good thing I asked about a love triangle not a lust triangle, retard.
>he thinks two women loving a man and a man’s loving two women is purely about lust
Maybe it could be love too, dip. :3
The man doesn’t even need to be a chad. You have a distorted view of how the world is.
Your picture suggests otherwise, retard.
Cope. You just wanted to post your picture, didn't even read the text.
Cope. You just wanted to bait with your picture, didn't care for the side-effects of jezebel posting.
cringe and cumbrained
Cope. You care nothing for art or love, you are an angry little reformed porn addict (which explains why you care nothing for art or love) whose new addiction is posting homosexual memes, an endeavour equally as barren as jacking off in to a tissue. The realm of the sublime is permanently closed to you.
This ezoteric thing, from the POV of a woman
You seem upset.
Highly. Only the numb and world weary wouldn't be.
Thank you!
>you can't be in love with attractive people
>never been in love
It seems to me there should be more love stories about the complications of a love triangle evolving into a happy ending. The same sex partners need to be bisexual in order for it to work though. Harem polygamy is just gross, no matter who the boss is in the relationship. Untapped story potentials (no pun intended) that needs to be liberated from the porno genre
My diary desu.
how about you, me and some rug-mucher that you know write our own story IRL about that if you know what I mean?
Re Zero; starting life in another world
i'm the one on the left
you're really pretty!
You’d have to be a woman, user.
cringe and onions-pilled
Ironic considering sois watch porn the most. Projection.
do not post in my thread, faggot
Wrong. Low libido people watch less porn and whack off less. High T men engage in frequent fapsturms.
High T men would find it more of a distraction and would desire to be free from it.
Low T could look at it without issue and frequency would be much less.
From what I gather that's basically impossible to pull off. Man with 2 wives polygamy is a thousand times more successful than love triangle polygamy. In a triangle relationship you basically have one man managing three relationships and when the girls fight they'll both want him to take their side. That's a fucking nightmare. The 2 wives is at least only two and the girls will fight less if they're not romantically involved with one another so as long as the two girls are both medium-low maintenance it can work.
Dude I've fucked my gf 3 times and masturbated afterward.
Umm, exactly? Thanks for proving my point, cumbrain.
is she really that ugly?
this happened in my catgirl anime where in the last episode the protagonist was having trouble choosing which girl to go with and the catgirl was momentarily confused about what he was saying, before she said:
>oh, well on the cat planet, it makes no difference to us if we have multiple mates
then they all lived happily ever after as polygamists
Why would they fight more if they're romantically involved? It seems to me they'd fight and compete more if they weren't. Both of them would want to be number one even if they accept the harem situation.
Which is obviously fucking bullshit. I’m sure everyone on here remembers when you masturbated to me :3
Three women instead of two, but Wheel of Time. Not that id suggest reading it for the harem ending... or at all desu. 14 books is way to long for what the story was.
And I am now, shitlord.
If you can’t synchronize to me, it’s a no go.
Springfield is my wife. Get your hands off her
anything by gene wolfe
but how do i stop?
>I hate when women are gay
Cringe and /cm/pilled.
>I love it when women are gay.
Based and /u/pilled.
I hate this twitter shortcut culture. Men are gay, women are lesbian
gay has meant just "homosexual" for a lot longer than twitter.
also: no, men are fags and women are dykes
There is a terrible lack of good /u/ books
>Men are gay, women are lesbian
No, men are degenerates and should be hanged, women are degenerates and should be hanged.
See, not so hard.
Great post user you really showed them
No, jackasses are fags and cold ass asexuals are dykes. These are insults. Gay has always and from its inception referred to the jolly faced homosexual man. I have no idea why someone would apply it to tomboys and butches who have been known as lesbians since before Christcuckoldry. A recent phenomenon that I wish would go away
Why I read Inseparable here. Pretty good rundown of titles
Why so afraid, shivering one?
Noted, I'll check it out.
You're quite mistaken. For you see, women are whores.
Capitalism makes us all whores.
You're so fucking stupid you think you just wrote something profound and worth posting
Fuck off already
No that’s communism. Capitalism gives you a choice. That’s is- if you started with the Greeks.
I wrote something obvious, but still a truth hidden from most. Its a fucking shame you defend it so much.
As a wage slave under capitalism you must work to “make a living” or live a short life on the streets. That’s your choice under capitalism.
Actual communism isn’t the Soviet Union btw.
>The Greeks
Read this book before, user? It’s quite good
>Actual communism isn’t the Soviet Union btw.
So it doesn't exist, so what's the fucking point.
Your Utopia isn't real, get over it, you will have to work or accept living on gibs,but that you going like a child to some utopian idea is fucking laughable, grow up, nobody above the age of 12 can believe that.
no alpha male has ever heard of nofap. it is a cope for betacucks, hence why it originated on reddit. pic very related
Your ideological possession compels you to continue tired cliches as nauseam.
There isn't a single original thought you contribute here.
Ypu don't have to be a capitalist to see how thoroughly misinformed and naive you are.
>As a wage slave under capitalism you must work to “make a living” or live a short life on the streets. That’s your choice under capitalism.
No. That wasn’t true even when it was somewhat true. Wage labor is for idiots, and entrepreneurs are glad to have them in batches.
>this book is good
No. What irritated me most in his reading is that Finley seemed to me to have no sympathy for his subject, who is fictional btw, and that he stuns and chills the reader with a cold and bitter irony that almost always falls badly. More than once I have jumped like a devil from his box reading this or that prejudiced assault with aplomb. It looks like one of those Romans whom jealousy has led to lambasting with acrimonious sarcasm as gratuitous as unjust those pesky graeculi who imposed their culture on their winner. Also, I much prefer the delicate finesse of a Buffière, the enthusiastic alacrity of a Vidal-Naquet, the industrious and open curiosity of a Jouanno, or the active and imaginative erudition of a Victor Bérard to the boring and unpleasant report of a piss-froid. A little disappointed, therefore, by this book that has not really managed to excite me.
hunter-gatherers are the biggest whores. they will fuck for a pretty shell. communism is just paypigging for every male involved
>it doesn’t exist
Yu, we live in a capitalist world, bby
>what’s the fucking point.
To *not* have a capitalist world of doom and complete destruction. It’s a good goal to strive for.
>get over it
“We’re crashing this planet into the sun and there ain’t anything you can do about it!”
>we used shells as currency in de olde days
Haha. Very funny
>Real communism argument.
Honey pie, stop thinking so much. Women are meant to be seen, not heard.
You can't manage a single coherent argument. The whole board is laughing at you and your pathetic display of pseudo-intellectualism.
Il Piacere of Gabriele D'Annunzio
>inley seemed to me to have no sympathy for his subject
>hurt feelings for a fictional character
Really odd spurged review, user. I’ll bey you hate Thomas Paine and Max Stirner. He doesn’t come off as a Roman to me, as he subtly pointed me the way of the origins of the tyrant kings, something the Romans seem to have continued to worship
i didn't say anything about currency you imbecile. women like to collect garbage and get their holes filled its just a fact.
I gave no argument. I don’t care what you call it, we need to do Not-capitalism-statism now.
Based. Don’t let people tell you otherwise, for they are merely coping with being hedonistic failures.
ok we'll switch to warbands and breeding thralls
>this projection
You are so sad and stupid and you have nothing worthwhile to say or think.
Semen retention dates back to 500 BC. Chads have always practiced it. Nofap is cope because they want to replace hand with a pussy. Still flesh slaves.
you are not a chad, you are a coping incel. have sex urgently
>user says Start with the Greeks
>commie tranny posts picture of a book by guy who was deported for pleaded the 5th so that he wouldn’t have to admit he was a communist
When you don’t start with Greeks, you didn’t start with the greeks
Didn’t know he stood up to the McCarthyists. Unironically based.
I continue to read the Greeks. What’s your problem?
>what is confirmation bias
Don't lie on the internet you dumb bitch
You don't read anything you don't already agree with
no wonder old mono-nut shot himself like a coward. he lived his entire life as a low test nofapper
I didn’t know McCarthy witch-hunted the guy when I read it. The book has nothing to do with communism.
And there we have it. Be out of touch with nature and fall victim to delusions and go insane. Sick sad world. Find balance, Anonymous.
Say that to Saint Augustine. He had it all with women yet gave them all up. He found greater peace and freedom with abstinence. I have too.
Based as hell. He would have done nothing with his life if he wasted it on carnal pursuits. Trifles.
>Killings and war destruction, suicide
>Successful life
Better be a troll
based and anticumbrainpilled
He amounted to leader of a country. That's more impressive than being a cumbrain.
Not even a n*zi or European for that matter but God what an incredibly based and elevated man.
name it
>from a decorated war hero in ww1 to a nobody art school reject
>despite having nothing he climbed the steps of power starting with petty gang fighting earning his stripes on the street and rallying more and more people towards his cause a desensitized, bitter man was able to instill hope in himself. In his friends. And then into his followers. Through years of hard work and personal hardship, finally. He did it. He became the most powerful man in the entire German nation. He rallied tens of millions for his cause, for a greater ideal...For a greater GERMANY. The man was so powerful that the entire fate of Europe rested on his shoulders. He could decide it's fate. After examining the situation he made his decision. Through all his perceived injustices against him and his country he decided that WAR is the only solution. A failure does not start the most important war in human history. That is not a failure. And yes, in the end he lost the war, he failed in that aspect indeed. But before stepping out of this earth, when it was time for him to meet his maker he could say that he was a true man. He could have ended his life after being kicked out of university. He could have cried and moaned about how unfair the world was and jump off a bridge. But instead of doing that, he carved out his path of destiny. He lived on his own terms. And he died on his own terms as well. He died standing.
Adolf Hitler was a lot of things.
Failure is not one of them.
>I am impressed with death a destruction, even when it ends in failure. The bloodthirsty ride was worth it.
This is your brain on abstinence. These are the people who argue against Epicureanism. Keeping in mind Epicurus gave up sex when he was ready to. (Probably said something favorable about simple moderate masturbation, but who knows)
Hitler was married.
The tranny can do nothing else except post reaction images. That's what happens when he knows i'm right, but wishes i weren't.
I’ve already explained why I see war and suicide as failure. Give me one more iteration of the “success” of Hitlers life and a reaction is all you get. He was a stooge. Used by the elites to start a profitable war. They were the successful, not yer pent up failed artist boy
I'm not even going to get into the elite babble, you damned dilating abomination.
Shoe polish tongue
The tripfag's highest pursuit in life is carnal pleasure and being a thoughtless consumerist. Pay no heed to them.
>a thoughtless consumerist
Such slander!
Mistress Butterfly may I be so privileged as to polish your leather boots with my tongue?
Do some self reflection, Jesus fuck.
>Shitty response from a Shitty movie by a Shitty Trip Fag
Not suprised
>Not even addressing her
like a fucking boss user
You bring down the intelligence of women by addressing this thing as anything resembling a human being
wat do bubs feel like
Bags of sand
tell me more
>nazis still bitching and high-fiving each other
Hug your momma. No groping.
absolutely shit tier post
hunter-gatherer society is chadocracy. All the women have sex with the chads, while the incels all work/hunt to support his children. To prevent revolt, the roasties occasionally sleep with the betas, who then act as white knights who kill or drive off incels who get too uppity. But Chad reigns and will always reign.
Forget beautiful women. The truest redpill is the realization that Chad is the rarest currency in humanity. Women spend literally billions of man-hours prettying their faces, applying cosmetic, and meticulously dressing up, all in the hope that Chad will notice and favor them over their sisters. They spend literally all of their disposable income to make themselves marginally more attractive in the hope that Chad will bless them with their seed. Realize this - the entire human race revolves and has always revolved around Chad. Chad is the god of man.
It was about to his rise to power and being head of state, rather than what was done during it, brainlet cumbrain. To go from nobody to leading a country is impressive. To recognize this need not be an endorsement of his ideological beliefs either.
Who commissioned that for you?
But both can be homosexual. Easier to stick to the scientific term.