This scares the Marxist

This scares the Marxist.

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Did you really think this was a good thread when you typed it out, attached the image, and submitted?

THIS one does.

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>noo the differences in iq are do to environmental factors
>lead poisoning
>nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo iq not real

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Jamal could've been the next Einstein if he went to a better school!

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Minorities scare the marxist even more. As much as they posture about wanting more diversity, all they do is price them out of areas and take their food recipes. Marxists only hang around minorities in small amount that act white. They do not hsng around real minorities that share zero culture with them. In fact, they would probably insist that they walk over them.

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but not the NAZBOL!

>not understanding Marxism this much
Marx and Engels rejected equality as a social ideal. They were against social and political inequality.

>“As between one country, one province and even one place and another, living conditions will always evince a certain inequality which may be reduced to a minimum but never wholly eliminated. The living conditions of Alpine dwellers will always be different from those of the plainsmen. The concept of a socialist society as a realm of equality is a one-sided French concept deriving from the old “liberty, equality, fraternity,” a concept which was justified in that, in its own time and place, it signified a phase of development, but which, like all the one-sided ideas of earlier socialist schools, ought now to be superseded, since they produce nothing but mental confusion, and more accurate ways of presenting the matter have been discovered.” (Engels 1875)

>They do not hsng around real minorities that share zero culture with them
this is the case for 99% of all monolithic cultures, not simply the radical left. Arguably its the liberals that are plagued with hypocrisy in their faux-sympathy for minorities, a classical marxist would argue race relations are a product of capitalism and so race itself should be considered an economic category first and foremost.

Don't tell us, tell your professors and colleagues, because apparently the liberal establishment is confused.

Liberal =/= Marxist

I'm in STEM, so I doubt they'll listen

This is literally true though

Didn't they also say that race and sex differences were purely superficial?


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>New Yourk Times Bestseller
This book hasn't been peer reviewed, it actually was rejected. This book doesn't actually serve as evidence of anything.
I'm sorry, but i doubt this scares anybody.

Is this just being a tankie but (more?) Racist? If so kinda based ngl

It got a lot of academic review after it came out and the content in The Bell Curve reflects mainstream scientific consensus. It is the detractors who are the minority, much like climate change deniers, but it just so happens that the uninformed journalists and public share that same view.

>the detractors are the minority
>but also they're the majority and that's why nobody like book

The detractors are a minority in the actual scientific community among researchers, professors, and experts. The detractors are a majority of journalists and a lot of the public who are considerably less informed on the matter. It would be like if all mainstream news heavily pushed climate change denial while the whole scientific community agreed that actually climate change is real.

that's kinda (somewhat) the gist, yeah

NazBol/NazCom = essentially melding together both radically conservative socio-cultural policies with radically left-wing socio-economics

Which is also notably ridiculously stupid.

As in, there is a noticeable wide difference between the genders and races.

Yet we bridge these gaps on a daily basis, any suitable person does, to function in society.

Has nothing to do with IQ though, which is by far the lamest way to view human psychology in general. Lame and wrong. :3

>this is what non-reading rightwingers actually believe

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>vague insults instead of meaningfully trying to prove that iq differences aren't real

I'm more Nick Land but I've never seen a communist actually discredit race realism.

a lot of people here call the gaussian/normal distribution the "bell curve" and think it mainly refers to IQ distributions because of this book
talk about low iq people lmao

because race realism exists only in america and america doesn't have actual communists
the "racists" in europe barely care about race, they just want immigrants gone, be them black or white or yellow or whatever

Or Muslim, I think is the real issue there.

The book is one big shitpost and no one needs to debunk the cherrypicked disinformation therein
It wasn’t a vague insult either. I straight up accuse most posters of this dumb book of simply owning it not reading it.
No, of course I haven’t read it either, but look up who has read it and find out why its not any better than Black Athena

While an interesting idea that race is only an abstract product of economic and social conditioning, human beings can be organized by haplo groups. There is definitely a physical genetic component to race which agrees with one's first intuition about race. Most people i.e. the common man already have the intuition that race is genetic. Anyways I hope we can have a civil conversation and not devolve into shitposting. I would be interested in getting a response from a real marxists in regard to this issue.

marxists don't promote diversity, why do you dumb babies insist on pretending you know things on the internet

the muslim scare kinda went quiet here with all this refugee shit
when there were a lot of albanian house break in gangs, albanians were the most hated
surprisingly balkanic people were never hated because they were muslims here, probably because most people consider only MENA people to be muslim, while the closest we went to an isis attack was by kosovo immigrants

You marxists got lumped in with the faggot lefties. Sorry bud but anything resembling marxism is dead. The term has been co-opted. Stay mad, faggot.

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Why are there so many threads against Marxism/communism/"leftism" right now? Kind of odd. Being raided?

>Why are there so many threads against Marxism/communism/"leftism" right now? Kind of odd. Being raided?

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That wasn't my point. Just kind of funny to see a concerted effort here. There are quite a few threads on it which is more than normal.

I'm not mad, I'm a sad dad on the bad lad jihad

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by americans who are retards so

>its a politics AND iq thread

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You're talkin solely about evolutionary psichologists which are a marginal portion of the scientific comunity and have been once and again criticised and proven to be rotten to the core, right?

Yeah, exactly. As a real Marxist it pains me that people think we promote racial diversity. Racial diversity within a nation will result in even larger inequalities in society due to innumerable genetic differences; we need people to be of the same stock to maximally reduce inequality.

>within a nation
>real Marxist
Is this sarcasm?

>he doesn't know about Marxist nationalism

>he doesn't know about BULLSHIT

shut the fuck up you obfuscating retard

idgi whats the issue with saying there’s people probably just as smart as einstein in poverty right now, never able to reach their real potential?

I believe that capitalism will be the end of humanity and that we can just get rid of it on a small scale. I also believe that racism is natural, but different group of people can cooperate, specially if they share the same culture.
Where does this put me?


>Marxists exist

How could anyone be Marxist in 2019?

By looking at 2019

How could anyone be in 2019 and not be Marxist?


The core belief that keeps capitalism going in the face of certain destruction is the belief that an elite minority will be able to buy survival.

It is pure delusion, but at least it will kill them.